HOMEWORK#2: due on 4th April, 2009

HOMEWORK#2: due on 4th April, 2009
1. Make a summary of all TAGs taught in the web pages design class. You need to
describe the functions and its attributes of each tag.
2. Design a HTML code to produce the following form shown in figure 1(1.jpg).
Note that you need to write three options in the SELECT tag.
3. Design a clock which shows the instant time dynamically.
4. Design a curriculum choice network system which you can select the favorite
courses you like to study. Then calculate and show the total credits of all courses
chosen. Note that you need to show the warning message if you don’t input
student name. The format is shown as in figure 2(2.gif): Note also that the number
in the parenthesis denotes the credit of the course.
南台科技大學 資訊管理系