Mrs. Murray E-mail: French 1 Course Outline Rio Americano High School COURSE DESCRIPTION French 1 is a college preparation class in which we use the Discovering French Bleu text and its corresponding workbook to cover units 1 -6. This course meets district foreign language standards to develop speaking, listening, reading and writing skills in French. Throughout the year we will also develop a cultural appreciation for the art, music, geography, customs, and cuisine of the French-speaking world. ACADEMIC GRADE Grades will be based on a percentage of the total number of points and are weighted as follows: Daily language use* 10% Homework / Class work 30% Quizzes 20% Exams / Projects 30% Finals 10% * Students must make every effort to use French when communicating with the instructor and classmates. They must also be active participants in class discussions and activities. Cheating will result in a zero for that assignment, quiz or test, without possibility of makeup, as well as other consequences noted in the school integrity policy. CITIZENSHIP GRADE AND EXPECTED BEHAVIOR Students are expected to be prompt (in their seat by the time the tardy bell rings), on task, and prepared with the necessary materials. Students will also show respect for the teacher, each other, and our classroom. Behavior that disrupts the learning environment will not be tolerated. Food, gum and drinks are not allowed (except for water bottles). All other Rio Americano rules will be enforced. Failure to follow proper classroom behavior can result in parent contact, detention, referral, and / or a lowering of the citizenship grade. ATTENDANCE Cuts Attendance is mandatory. Cutting the class will result in an “F” in citizenship. Tardies The following tardy policy applies per 6-week grading period. 1st tardy – warning 2nd tardy – 1 detention Each tardy thereafter receives 1 lowered citizenship grade and detention. The school tardy policy is posted in the classroom and applies as well. TESTS AND HOMEWORK Homework will be assigned nightly. No late work will be accepted unless previously discussed with the instructor. If you have an excused absence you have as many days to make up work as were missed. It is your responsibility to ask for any missed work. There will be both written and oral exams. There are no re-takes of quizzes or exams because of low grades. All missed quizzes or tests due to an excused absence can be made up during lunch in room B6 the Tuesday or Thursday following the absence. You must show up within the first 10 minutes of lunch. If you fail to show up, you miss your chance for a make up test. REQUIRED SUPPLIES A 1- inch 3 ring binder with 5 dividers for French only Your binder must have the following labeled index dividers in this order: • • • • • PRATIQUES DEVOIRS GRAMMAIRE VOCABULAIRE CULTURE / HISTOIRE PARENTS •Check your student’s blue homework sheet as often as possible. Students are required to write down homework daily. If they receive a stamp on their homework sheet they have received full credit for an assignment. An “inc” means half credit, and a line through the credit box means they received a zero. •Grades are posted on Zangle and are updated every few weeks. •Please e-mail me at if you have any questions or concerns. •Check out my website for homework, quizzes and other updates posted weekly. •Students are encouraged to get extra help from the teacher or a tutor in the library after school if they are having difficulty. •I also strongly recommend students visit the textbook company’s on-line site at to review grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation skills. This website also enables students access to their on-line book.