Which average ? o o o o o Split the class up into two groups. Hand out a copy of the Atlanta Braves Salaries for 1994 to each group. Group one must convince Group two to sign with the Atlanta Braves instead of another team. Group two must convince Group one that they are underpaid and need a raise. Groups can only use the concept of average to make their claim. Teacher Input o o Let students present their claims. Point out which average they used and ask why? 1994 Braves Salaries: The Data Library 4,750,000; 4,000,000; 3,750,000; 3,750,000; 3,250,000; 3,200,000; 3,200,000; 2,916,667; 2,800,000; 1,400,000; 1,225,000; 1,100,000; 800,000; 750,000; 700,000; 575,000; 550,000; 500,000; 245,000; 180,000; 158,000; 150,000; 111,500; 111,500; 111,500; 109,000; 109,000 mean - 1,500,080 median - 750,000 mode - 111,500 standard deviation - 1,528,796