Uploaded by Jacques da Rosa

Logic Problems Worksheet

Finished Problems
1.2ex I 1
Because Sam has attended each class up until today and since she is here today, it follows that she
has perfect attendance.
She is here today.
Sam has attended each class up until today.
She has perfect attendance.
1.2ex I 2
Sports teams like the Atlanta Braves and the Washington Redskins should change their names. This
change should be made because the use of native American names for a sports team is degrading.
The use of native American names for a sports team is degrading.
Sports teams like the Atlanta Braves and the Washington Redskins should change their names.
1.1ex I 3
I was born on a poor tobacco farm in Southern Virginia just after the turn of the century. Indoor
plumbing didn't come to our coummunity until I was in my teens. By then, we had more serious
affairs of war to be worried about.
Not an argument.