Germany welcomes the opportunity to participate in the e-consultation-process of... elaboration of the Global Strategic Framework GSF. We took note... “Global Strategic Framework“ (GSF) of CFS Comment on the 1

Comment on the 1st Draft of the “Global Strategic Framework“ (GSF) of CFS
Germany welcomes the opportunity to participate in the e-consultation-process of the
elaboration of the Global Strategic Framework GSF. We took note that our comments regarding
the Zero Draft of the GSF were not taken on.
General Comments about the Purpose and the Goal of the GSF:
1. The GSF is meant to be a living document, summarizing the topics on which currently
consensus does exist (Chapter I. – IV. H.). It is explicitly stated that it is not the purpose
of the document to discuss topics, where consensus could not be reached yet. Hence, it
is misleading to expect a document, which provides completely new incentives or policy
advice to eradicate hunger and ensure food security and nutrition for all human beings.
2. The value added of the GSF is, that it can be regarded as single global reference for
policies on food security and nutrition that can ensure more coherence and integration
among regional strategies and frameworks.
3. Nevertheless, the current version does not meet the aspiration “to chart a new course …
by prioritizing key principles, policies and actions”, as specific priorities are barely named
within the policy recommendations.
Overall policy coherence to FAO strategy should be kept in mind.
The 4 Key Questions:
(1) Are key issues represented on which there is consensus?
 General comment: Although CFS decisions have been taken on all of the topics listed
under Part IV. A-H, this does not imply that full consensus has been reached (for
example: although price volatility has been discussed in the CFS, certain aspects related
to price volatility (such as regulation and supervision of agricultural derivative markets)
remain areas for further discussion). The same accounts for the topic smallholdersensitive investments.
 Missing aspects under Part VI Policy, Programme and other Recommendations in
this regard are:
Under (i): reference to the principle of participation (could be included between
Step Three and Four
Under (iv): reference to discrimination and structural violence against women
Under (vi): reference to role of primary and higher education
Under (viii): reference to the Voluntary Guidelines Land Tenure
 Missing aspects under V. Uniting and Organizing to fight Hunger are:
Reference to the Scaling Up Nutrition (SUN)- process (for more details please
consider Annex 1)
Under (iii): reference to nutrition education
Under (v): reference to a global monitoring-mechanism as envisioned in the CFS
reform-document of 2009
(2) Does the list of areas where gaps in policy convergence exist need to be amended?
(Chapter IV. I. Major existing gaps in consensus on policy issues)
 General comment: It would be good to specify the purpose of the list of gaps in policy
coherence – to possibly list priorities and objectives, and indicate how they will feed
into the CFS work plan.
 Missing aspects are:
the conflict between the demand of water for agricultural production and other
 Since a definition of the green economy-concept is part of the Rio+20 negotiations, it
should be refrained from mentioning it explicitly in the GSF
 possible additional topics:
Improving practical linkages of short-term and long-term measures.
Cross-border cooperation (infrastructure, ecosystems/resource use, markets;
programming by donors)
Climate change (likely to be considered at the next CFS session)
(3) Sufficient practical regional and country level relevance?
The practical relevance for the regional and country level of the document is rather limited.
However, specific documents and strategies for the practical use at country and regional
level already exist (such as CAADP or also the UCFA). So it is questionable, whether a
globally negotiated document like the GSF needs incorporate such a practical relevance.
(4) Possible linkages to regional and national food security and nutrition frameworks and
 The linkages to national and regional strategies as well as monitoring systems is
not clearly obvious.
ANNEX 1: recommendation for the inclusion of a SUN-reference in the document
It is recommended to include a reference to the Scaling Up Nutrition Movement into part V
Uniting and Organizing to fight Hunger.
As new paragraphs 77a. the following is suggested:
77a. The Scaling Up Nutrition Movement (SUN) was initiated in September 2010 to encourage
increased political commitment to accelerate reductions in global hunger and under-nutrition,
within the context of the right to adequate food security for all. The Movement is advancing
rapidly: governments from 27 countries with high levels of under-nutrition have committed to
scale up nutrition. They are supported by a broad range of domestic stakeholders from multiple
sectors and global networks of donors, civil society, businesses, research bodies and the United
Nations system.
Governments, and their partners in the Movement are increasing resources for nutrition and
better aligning their financial and technical support with these national priorities. They are
helping countries implement their specific nutrition interventions and their nutrition-sensitive
development strategies. They are working with SUN countries in a whole of Government
approach that seeks to ensure improved nutrition outcomes across multiple sectors such as
agriculture, health, social welfare, education or environment. Those in the Movement are
working together to reduce fragmentation at the national, regional and global levels, stimulate
coherence and alignment around food security and nutrition policies, and support the realization
of results