(A) 直接問句和間接問句的區別: 一、 直接問句 (1) 直接問句就是問句,句尾一定加問號。 (2) 直接問句是主要子句,可以單獨存在。

(A) 直接問句和間接問句的區別:
一、 直接問句
(1) 直接問句就是問句,句尾一定加問號。
(2) 直接問句是主要子句,可以單獨存在。
Are you in my class?
Do you get up at six every day?
Does he drive to work?
Did you miss the first train?
Will you lend him some money?
(1) 間接問句是平述句,句尾的標點符號要由主要子句來決定。
(2) 間接問句只能當從属子句,必須加在一個主要子句之後,不能單獨存在。
例:Please tell me when he bought the car.
I don’t know if he came back home.
Would you please tell me what he told you about?
Do you happen to know when the next train will arrive?
(1) 沒有疑問詞時:解釋為是不是、有沒有,其答句一定是 Yes 或者 No
Is he your brother? Yes, he is.
Does the house belong to him? No, it doesn’t.
Will you go to the movie with him? Yes, I will.
(2) 有疑問詞時:稱為 wh 的疑問句,因為有很多疑問詞都是 wh 開頭,其
What time did he come to the class this morning? At 8:00.
Where did you pick up the purse? In front of the police station. .
How did he communicate with you? By cell phone.
四、 直接問句變成間接問句的要訣:
A. 沒有疑問詞的問句要先加一個連接詞 if,然後整個疑問句的句型改為
A1. 如果是現在式、過去式以及現在進行和過去進行的 be 動詞 (am、is、
are、was 和 were) 的疑問句,就是把主詞和 be 動詞前後顛倒,然後
直接問句:Are you a student?
間接問句(畫線部份):I don’t know if you are a student.
間接問句(畫線部份):Does he know if you are a student?
(因為主要子句 Does he know 式疑問句,所以句尾要加問號。)
1. Was he late this morning?
a. Do you know ___________________________________________
b. I don’t know ___________________________________________
2. Was I here before?
Do you know ____________________________________________
You don’t know __________________________________________
Answer: 1. a. if he was late this morning? b. if he was late this morning.
2. a. if I was here before?
b. if I was here before.
A2. 如是一般動詞的現在式以及過去式,也就是有加助動詞 Do、Does、和
Did 的疑問句,則除了加連接詞 if 之外,要先把 Do、Does、和 Did 去
稱單數現在式時(原本的疑問句是以 Does 開頭),動詞要加 s 或 es 或
去掉 y 再加 ies,如果是過去式(原本的疑問句是以 Did 開頭)
1. 直接問句:Do you go to school by bus every day?
間接問句(畫線部份):I don’t know if you go to school by bus every day.
(因為主要子句 I don’t know 是平述句,所以句尾要加句點。)
間接問句(畫線部份):Does he know if you go to school by bus every day?
(因為主要子句 Does he know 是疑問句,所以句尾要加問號。)
2. Does he study English every day?
間接問句(畫線部份):Please tell me if he studies English every day.
(因為主要子句 Please tell me 是平述句,所以句尾要加句點。)
間接問句(畫線部份):Don’t you know if he studies English every day?
(因為主要子句 Don’t you know 是疑問句,所以句尾要加問號。)
3. 直接問句: Did he leave here this morning?
間接問句(畫線部份):I don’t know if he left here this morning.
間接問句(畫線部份):Do you know if he left here this morning?
(因為主要子句 Do you know 是疑問句,所以句尾要加問號。)
1. Do you watch TV every night?
a. I don’t know ________________________________________________
b. Does you father know _________________________________________
2. Does he watch TV every night?
a. I don’t know ________________________________________________
b. Do you know _______________________________________________
3. Did he go to Taipei yesterday?
a. Please let me know _________________________________________
b. Do you know ______________________________________________
1. a. if you watch TV every day. b. if you watch TV every day?
2. a. if he watches TV every night. b. if he watches TV every nigh?
3. a. if he went to Taipei yesterday. b. if he went to Taipei yesterday?
A3. 不管 be 動詞或一般動詞,如果直接問句的句首有其它助動詞 Will(Would)
Shall(Should)、Can(Could)、May (Might)、Must、以及現在完成式
的助動詞 Have、Has 以及過去完成式的助動詞 Had,在改為間接問句時,
1. 直接問句:Will you be here in ten minutes?
間接問句(畫線部份):I don’t know if you will be here in ten minutes.
(因為主要子句 I don’t know 是平述句,所以句尾要加句點。)
間接問句(畫線部份):Does he know if you will be here in ten minutes?
(因為主要子句 Does he know 是疑問句,所以句尾要加問號。)
2. 直接問句: Has he ever been to Australia?
間接問句(畫線部份):I don’t know if he has been to Australia.
間接問句(畫線部份):Do you know if he has been to Australia?
3. 直接問句:Must he finish his work as soon as possible?
間接問句(畫線部份):Please tell me if he must finish his work as soon as
間接問句(畫線部份):Do you know if he must finish his work as soon as
1. Should I tell him the truth?
a. I don’t know ______________________________________________________
b. Doesn’t he know ___________________________________________________
2. Have they gone to Taipei?
a. He doesn’t know ___________________________________________________
b. Do you know _____________________________________________________
3. Will you be able to give the money back to me?
a. I don’t know _______________________________________________
d. Does he know ___________________________________________________
1. a. if I should tell him the truth.
b. if I should tell him the truth?
2. a. if they have gone to Taipei.
b. if they have gone to Taipei?
3. a. if you will be able to give the money back to me.
b. if you will be able to give the money back to me?
B. 有疑問詞的直接問句,在改為間接問句時,只要把疑問詞拿來當連接詞即可,
不需要再加 if,其餘的改法就跟前述一樣。
B1. 如果是現在式、過去式以及現在進行和過去進行的 be 動詞 (am、is、are、
was 和 were) 的疑問句,就是把主詞和 be 動詞前後顛倒,然後其餘的部份
1.直接問句:How old are you?
間接問句(畫線部份):I know how old you are.
間接問句(畫線部份):Would you please tell me how old you are ?
2. 直接問句:Who is the man next to Mary?
間接問句(畫線部份):I don’t know who the man next to Mary is.
(這個句子的主詞很長,包括 the man next to Mary)
間接問句(畫線部份):Do you know who the man next to Mary is?
3. 直接問句:What was he doing in the living room then?
間接問句(畫線部份):Please let me know what he was doing in the
living room then.
間接問句(畫線部份):Do you know what he was doing in the living
room then?
1. Who is the girl in the red dress?
a. I know ___________________________________________________________
b. Do you know _____________________________________________________
2. How tall is John?
a. I don’t know ____________________________________________________
b. Do you know ____________________________________________________
3. Whom are you waiting for?
a. Please tell me _____________________________________________________
b. Does he know ____________________________________________________
1. a. who the girl in the red dress is.
b. who the girl in the red dress is?
2. a. how tall John is.
b. how tall John is?
3. a. whom you are waiting for.
b. whom you are waiting for?
B2. 如是一般動詞的現在式以及過去式,就是有加助動詞 Do、Does、和 Did 的
疑問句,要先把在疑問詞後面的 Do、Does、和 Did 去掉,再寫主詞,再寫
的疑問句是以 Does 開頭)
,動詞要加 s 或 es 或去掉 y 再加 ies,如果是過去
式(原本的疑問句是以 Did 開頭),則動詞要改為過去式,然後其餘的部份
1. 直接問句:Where does he live?
間接問句(畫線部份):I don’t know where he lives.
間接問句(畫線部份):Do you know where he lives?
2. 直接問句:How often does he go to a movie?
間接問句(畫線部份): I know how often he goes to a movie.
: Would you please tell me how often he goes to a movie?
3. 直接問句:When did he come back last night?
間接問句(畫線部份):You know when he came back last night.
間接問句(畫線部份):Do you know when he came back last night?
1. How long did you stay there?
a. I don’t know _____________________________________________
b. Does he know ___________________________________________
2. How much money did the book cost you?
a. Please tell me _____________________________________________
b. Does he know ____________________________________________
3. At what stop does he get on the bus?
a. I don’t know _____________________________________________
b. Do you know _____________________________________________
4. Where do you jog every morning?
a. I don’t know______________________________________________
b. Does your mother know_____________________________________
1. a. how long you stayed there.
b. how long you stayed there?
2. a. how much money the book cost you.
b. how much money the book cost you?
3. a. at what stop he gets on the bus.
b. at what stop he gets on the bus?
4. a. where you jog every morning.
b. where you jog every morning?
B3. 不管 be 動詞或一般動詞,如果直接問句的疑問詞後有其它助動詞 Will
、May (Might)、Must、以及現
在完成式的助動詞 Have、Has 以及過去完成式的助動詞 Had 時,在改為間
1. 直接問句:When will he be back?
間接問句(畫線部份):I don’t know when he will be back.
間接問句(畫線部份):Do you know when he will be back >
2. 直接問句:Why can you say such rude words?
間接問句(畫線部份):I don’t know why you can say such rude words.
間接問句(畫線部份):Doesn’t he know why you can say such rude words?
3. 直接問句:How long have you known him?
間接問句(畫線部份):I don’t know how long you have known him.
間接問句(畫線部份):Does anyone know how long you have known him ?
1. When must you hand in your paper?
a. Please tell me ________________________________________________
b. Does he know ________________________________________________
2. When will he repair my car?
a. I don’t know _________________________________________________
d. Do you know _________________________________________________
3. What should I do?
a. Please tell me ________________________________________________
d. Can anyone of you tell me ______________________________________
4. How many times has he been to the U.S.A.?
a. Please let me know ____________________________________________
d. Do you know ________________________________________________
1. a. when you must hand in your paper.
b. when you must hand in your paper?
2. a. when he will repair my car.
b. when he will repair my car?
3. a. what I should do.
b. what I should do?
4. a. how many times he has been to the U.S.A..
b. how many times he has been to the U.S.A.?