應英二丙 陳冠臻 4A0C0060 The Moon Festival

應英二丙 陳冠臻 4A0C0060
The Moon Festival
Except the Chinese New Year, my family and I could not get together. Because
all of us have many things to do during the year. For instance, some children have to
study in other cities, parents and relatives have to work and earn money, etc.
Therefore, the Moon Festival is the second important holiday in my family because
my family and I will try our best to make it at home that day. Every year the Moon
Festival comes, I always try my best to meet my family that day. I have to adjust my
schedule and reserve tickets to go back home. We have a barbecue with many
relatives every time. We prepare two grills: one is for seafood and the other is for
other foods. Then, my parents, uncles, and aunts chat with each other. The children,
including me, eat a lot of delicious food and drink beverages. Sometimes for one thing,
we will play some video games or watch TV and for another thing, we also chat
together after we feel full. We treasure this day very much because we can talk about
something interesting, have a barbecue, and play video games together. We can not
only get together but also contact each other. Therefore, we all feel very happy and
joyful during each Moon Festival.