Is My School Board Effective? Robin Steely, DDS Chairman, Battle Creek Academy

Is My School Board
Robin Steely, DDS
Chairman, Battle Creek Academy
Board of Trustees
August 7, 2006
What is it?
What does it do?
What is my role?
What is the boards relationship to
the faculty and administration?
What does an excellent board look
What is it?
The ability to participate with other
individuals for the good of the group,
subordinating their own needs for
the needs of the institution.
Working towards a common cause
staying on a governance plane, not
Fulfilling a common vision.
Boardmanship requires:
• Attendance
• Preparation
• Participation
• Confidentiality
• Understands the vision
Vision contains the power to reach
the extraordinary.
It organizes the actions.
Puts focus on the values.
Allows you to clearly see what is
relevant in your current reality.
Always done with the board, listening
to the various stakeholders.
Helps to see what is possible.
Board and administrator need to be
the artist – creating what they want,
not limited to what they believe is
Must clearly understand current
reality, both and hard and soft data.
Look at it objectively.
Accept good or bad news
It is just “What is”.
Vision to Constitution
Once the vision is clear, a
constitution is developed.
Constitution – a general statement
about our school, what it is, what it
does, etc.
How do we operate it?
Constitution and By-Laws
Must be voted by the constituency
Constituency is the only body that
can amend these documents.
Serve as the basis for the entire
operation of a school.
Like America’s constitution, it gives
direction to the values that we hold
closest to our hearts.
Leads to the development of Bylaws.
By-laws are the “rules” that we
follow to operate by.
They include:
• # of meetings
• Numbers of members
• What is the make-up of members from
the representative churches
• What is the profile of the board member
that is sought.
• Officers and duties
• How they are elected
• Committees – standing and ad hoc
• Roles of the committees
• Relationship and role of the constituency
• Financial support of the school
Board members should have the
• Should believe in the mission of school.
• Support for the SDA education system
• Has access to financial resources
• Has a demonstrated philanthropic
• Able to commit the necessary time
• Have professional expertise and talents
that could be useful in the schools
• Depth of Christian commitment
• Understand the policy making role of
the board
• Willingness to be a team player
Respect for the confidentiality of
Board meetings (leaves
communications to Board
Looks for long range impact of short
term decisions.
Makes sure the Board stays in the
governance and planning role.
What it does
The proper role of the board is five
Policy making
Strategic planning
Major gift development (with director)
Strategic financial planning
Property and facilities
The board has only one employee
Policy making
Within the framework of the vision,
constitution, and by-laws, and the
strategic plan, policies are developed
to fulfill that vision.
The vision is set by the constituency,
board, administration, and faculty.
It answers the question “What is it
that we are trying to create”, “Why
are we here?”
Policies are for specific items
Be careful to make them clear
without being restrictive.
Develop policies that the Board
Operations policies are developed by
administration and staff and
approved by Board.
Stay in your area of expertise
Some examples:
• Financial operations
• Physical plant operations
• Security
• Personnel
Should be compiled in working
Strategic Planning
Must be based on the vision
Should be looked at as an ongoing
Should be in the areas of:
• Finances
• Staffing
• Programs
• Capital improvements and development
What is my role?
What is my Role?
You must be in harmony with the
vision of the school.
You must understand and work
within the policies – local,
conference, union, and division
Attendance – you must be present to
have a voice and be clear about
current reality
You must have a working knowledge
of the Constitution and By-laws
• All operations take place within that
Obtain the necessary documents – policy
manual, constitution, by-laws, vision
Should receive meeting packet 1 week
prior to the meeting.
Board minutes
Committee minutes
Financial statement
Review packet
Contact committee chairs for
clarification or further information
Be ready to discuss and vote on any
You represent the church that
elected you
Attend committee meetings as
Give appropriate input
Ideal board members respect the
board meeting.
• Communications should be left to the
Board spokesperson.
• Public discussion of “in-process” board
issues is damaging and is
extraordinarily counterproductive. It
makes sound decisions impossible.
What is the Boards role to the
Faculty and Administration?
Board has only 1 employee.
Head administrator is that employee.
He / She must be allowed to do their
job within the guidelines of the
vision, constitution, by-laws, and
Deals with faculty only as parent of
child – Board business goes through
the administrator
Board / Administrator Relationship
Head administrator submits goals
and objectives (G & O) for the year
at the beginning of the year
G & O is approved by the Board
Evaluation of the administrator is
done at the end of the year based on
the G & O
Boards primary role
To make plans and set policies which
will ensure the survival of the
Academy’s mission in service to the
current students’ children … and
their children.
The Board is a TASK FORCE of people
who are committed to the unborn
children of the schools future.
It perpetuates and organizes itself to
serve them, and them only
What does an Effective
Board look like?
Board make-up
1 representative / (X) # church
Should consist of <18 members
Pastoral representation (1 vote)
Conference representation (1 vote)
Union representation (1 vote)
May want church treasurers or
finance committee chairs
Chairman must have experience on
the Board
Must be a lay person – not connected
to the church financially
Has a specific relationship to the
administrator as mentor, coach,
consultant, friend, partner
Speaks for the Board
Should have vice chair(s)
Serve in the absence of the chair.
Secretary / Treasurer – should be
school administrator
• He / She is responsible for the finances
of the school.
• May delegate to school financial officer
• Can work with Boards finance
committee chair
Effective meetings
Committees meet regularly for
specific issues.
• Finance - monthly
• Building and Grounds – as needed
• Scholarship – early in the fiscal year
• Personnel – during the hiring season
• Executive – in the absence of regular
board meeting
Each committee is composed of
different board members and nonmember “consultants” selected for
their expertise and experience.
Dictated by the Constitution and Bylaws.
Effective meetings
Packet is received by board members
1 week prior to meeting
• Agenda
• Committee minutes
• Most current financial statement
• Any other pertinent information
Effective meetings
• Done by Board chairman and head
• Includes item, presenter, and time
• Includes committee reports
• Includes short time of informal
discussion – allows board members to
voice issues that they feel are
Effective meetings
Should begin on time
Should last 60 -70 minutes
Respect individuals time
Effective Boards
Have a clear vision
Abide by constitution and by-laws
Deal with policy issues
Have one employee
Respect individuals time
Speak as one voice
Do not micromanage
Thank you for the opportunity to share
with you the ways that we operate in
Battle Creek. We believe that our
school’s success depends on our
administration, faculty, students,
parents, churches, board and
community relationships.