Lymphatic System and Non-Specific Defense  The Lymphatic System •

Lymphatic System and Non-Specific Defense
 The Lymphatic System
• Anatomy of the Lymphatic System
• Lymphatic Vessels and Flow
• Lymph Nodes
• Other Lymphoid Organs
The Lymphatic System
 Consists of two semi-independent parts
• Lymphatic vessels
• Lymphoid tissues and organs
 Lymphatic system functions
• Transport fluids back to the blood
• Play essential roles in body defense and
resistance to disease
Parts of the Lymphatic System
Lymphatic vessel or duct
• One way system toward the heart
• No pump
• One-way valves restrict flow
• Made of overlapping endothelial
cells; very permeable
• Lymph moves toward the heart
through milking action of skeletal
muscle and rhythmic contraction
of smooth muscle in vessel walls
Lymphatic Vessels
 Lymph Capillaries
• Walls overlap to form flap-like mini-valves
• Fluid leaks into lymph capillaries
• Capillaries are anchored to connective tissue by filaments
• Higher pressure on the inside closes mini-valves
Lymphatic Vessels
 Lymphatic collecting vessels
Collects lymph from lymph capillaries
Carries lymph to and away from lymph
Returns fluid to circulatory veins near
the heart
Thinner walls ,more valves
Lymphatic ducts
•Right lymphatic duct
•Thoracic duct
Return to venous circulation
Lymph Fluid
 Materials returned to the blood
• Water
• Blood cells
• Proteins
 Harmful materials that enter lymph vessels
• Bacteria
• Viruses
• Cancer cells
• Cell debris
Lymph Nodes: Where Are They?
Figure 12.3
Lymph Nodes: Function, Structure, & Flow
 Filtering of lymph before it is returned to
the blood
 Structure
Mostly kidney shaped, < 1 inch long
Outer Cortex contains follicles – collections
of lymphocytes that respond to antigens,
intense B cell reproduction centers
Inner Medulla contains phagocytic
macrophages that engulf and destroy foreign
 Lymph Flow
Lymph enters the convex side through
afferent lymphatic vessels
Lymph flows through a number of
sinuses inside the node
Lymph exits through efferent
lymphatic vessels
Fewer efferent than afferent vessels
causes flow to be slowed
Other Lymphoid Organs
 Spleen: Filtering and removal of
old red blood cells; blood reservoir.
Site of lymphocyte proliferation
and immune surveillance and
 Thymus: Hormone production
(thymosin) and maturation and
"education" of T lymphocytes.
 Tonsils: Trap and remove bacteria
and particulate matter; tonsilitis is
bacterial inflammation (Part of
 Peyer’s patches: Capture and
destroy bacteria in intestine,
preventing them from breaching the
intestinal wall (Part of MALT).
Generates “memory” lymphocytes
* MALT: Mucosa-Associated
Lymphatic Tissue
Figure 12.5
Cells of the Lymph: Lymphocytes
 Types of Lymphocytes
• T cells (cell-mediated and cytotoxic immunity)
o Manage the immune response
o Attack and destroy foreign cells
• B cells (blood based or humoral immunity)
o Produce plasma cells, which secrete antibodies
 Functions of Lymphocytes
• T cells and B cells protect against antigens
o Anything the body perceives as foreign
 Bacteria and their toxins; viruses
 Mismatched RBCs or cancer cells
Other Lymphoid Cells
 Macrophages phagocytize foreign substances
and help activate T cells
 Dendritic cells capture antigens and deliver
them to lymph nodes
 Reticular cells produce stroma that supports
other cells in lymphoid organs