Good Questions For Quiz 2 Bio 241 Tissues

Good Questions For Quiz 2 Bio 241
1. What are the four general types of tissue?
2. How is epithelial tissue categorized? Name two features used in categorizing
3. Name four functions of epithelial tissue.
4. Where in the body is epithelial tissue found? – name at least four places.
5. What are the features of all epithelial tissue, where it lies in place?
6. Be able to recognize a microscope view or cartoon (from the book) of each
type of epithelial tissue, state where in the body this tissue can be found, and
what its function is in that location. You don’t need to know stratified
columnar or stratified cuboidal.
7. How do exocrine or endocrine glands differ? Name an example of each.
8. How do unicellular and multicellular exocrine glands differ. Give an example
of each.
9. How do merocrine and holocrine glands differ from each other?
10.Name at least three functions of connective tissue.
11.Name and describe at least two features of all connective tissue.
12.What is the composition of generic connective tissue (e.g. alveolar tissue) with
regards to ground substance: proteins, mucopolysaccharides, etc. and fibers?
13.Name the different kinds of loose connective tissue(blood, alveolar, adipose,
reticular) and tough connective tissue (three types of cartilage, bone, dense
regular and dense irregular), their functions, and where in the body they can
be located .
14.What are the three kinds of muscle tissue and how do they differ with regards
to nuclei, striations, voluntary/involuntary control, intercalated disks,
branching, and location/function of each. This makes a good “complete the
table” question.
15.Where is nervous tissue found?
16.What types of tissue regenerate and what types don’t? What are the factors
that help/hinder regeneration?
17.What are the three steps of tissue repair, and what happens in each step?
18.What are the three germ layers and what parts of the body arise from each
layer type? What is mesenchyme and from what germ layer does it arise?
19.What are some of the symptoms of aging tissue, especially skin? Why do
these changes occur?
Integumentary System
1. What are mucous membranes and serosae and how do they differ? Where are
they found? What differentiates parietal serosae from visceral serosae?
2. Name and describe six functions of the integumentary system.
3. What are the two layers of skin? What does each layer contain?
4. Be able to name the sequence of strata in the epidermis from bottom to top,
or top to bottom. How are cells in the different layers different from each
5. Define the role that melanocytes, keratinocytes, Merkel cells, and dendritic
cells have in the dermis.
6. Describe the origins of skin color and the effects of UV radiation on the skin.
Explain why there is so much variation in human skin color.
7. What are some (temporary) conditions that cause unusual skin coloring?
8. Understand the functions of the accessory structures of the skin: hair, hair
follicles, nails, sweat glands (apocrine and merocrine) sebaceous glands and
follicles, and ceruminous glands.
9. Understand the specific dangers that burn victims are likely to suffer from.
Differentiate between first, second and third degree burns. What is the rule of
nines and how is it used?
10.What are some abnormal and normal conditions of the skin that appear at
different times in a human’s life?
11.What is the ABCD Rule? Which type of cancer is it designed to warn about?
What is the nature of this type of cancer? Differentiate basal cell carcinoma,
squamous cell carcinoma and melanoma.