Tissues and Integumentary System

Tissues and Integumentary System
Textbook (chapter 4) and Laboratory Book (chapter 8)
Tissues/Integument will only be covered in laboratory. Use your
laboratory book and/or your textbook.
A. Define the following terms:
1. Tissues
2. Histology
B. Name and describe the four basic tissue types.
C. Compare and contrast epithelial and connective tissue.
D. Epithelial tissue:
1. Describe the structural and functional characteristics of epithelial
2. Describe the different epithelial cell types.
3. Describe the different epithelial membranes.
a. Compare cutaneous and mucous membranes.
b. Describe serous membranes.
4. Differentiate between exocrine and endocrine glands.
a. Describe the mode of secretion for each of the following
types of exocrine glands: merocrine, holocrine, and
apocrine glands.
b. Which of these glands would have the greatest rate of cell
c. What are goblet cells?
5. Be able to identify the following types of epithelial tissue. Give
examples of where you would find them in the body:
a. simple squamous
b. stratified squamous
c. simple columnar
d. pseudostratified, ciliated, columnar, epithelium
e. simple cuboidal
f. transitional
6. Differentiate between the three types of intercellular junctions:
gap, desmosomes, and tight.
E. Connective tissue:
1. Describe the common characteristics of all connective tissues.
2. Describe the major functions of connective tissue.
3. List the structural components of connective tissue.
4. Describe:
a. Ground substance – protein
b. Fiber types – elastic, collagen, and reticulin protein fibers.
5. Describe the different cell types associated with connective
6. Describe the four classes of connective tissue. Explain their
a. connective tissue proper
1. loose connective tissue – areolar, adipose, reticular
2. dense connective tissue
b. cartilage – hyaline, elastic, fibrocartilage
c. bone – haversian system components
d. blood
7. Be able to identify the connective tissue listed in #6 from slides
shown to you in laboratory.
Muscle types:
Identify the following muscle types from slides shown to you in
1. skeletal
2. smooth
3. cardiac
Nervous tissue
Identify the following structures associated with a neuron: cell body,
axon, and dendrite.
Tissue repair (textbook – pages 138-141):
1. Tissue repair is stimulated by growth factors (would hormones)
released by injured cells.
2. Explain regeneration and fibrosis (scar tissue)
3. Steps associated with tissue repair:
a. inflammation (macrophage, mast cells, etc.)
b. organization and restoration of blood supply
c. regeneration and fibrosis
4. Explain surgical adhesions:
Cancer – A closer look (pages 142-143)
Integumentary system:
1. Be able to identify the various regions of the skin (text: pages 150-153)
(lab book: pages 197-202).