Please answer as honestly as you can. Do not put... Self-Assessment of Communication in a Multicultural Environment

Self-Assessment of Communication in a Multicultural Environment
Please answer as honestly as you can. Do not put your name on this paper but choose a code so you can compare
your answers today with those at the end of the quarter.
Only in school
2. I think I make judgments about others
based upon their appearance, speech
accent or ideas expressed.
3. I am able to listen to others without
interrupting .
4. When I am listening to others I am thinking
about what I will say next.
5. I am easily annoyed if people do
not understand me.
6. I identify with a particular culture.
7. I am aware that my beliefs are different
from other culture’s beliefs.
1. I associate with people from cultures
that are different from my culture.
Communication in a Multicultural Environment 1/2010
Only in school
8. I have a curiosity about other cultures.
9. I would like to learn more about and
from other cultures.
10. I feel I have adjusted my attitudes and
beliefs as a result of working with and
learning from diverse cultures.
Reflection: What did you learn about yourself from this initial assessment? What learning goals might you
make for yourself because of what you learned? How do you see this class – our interactions with each other,
the texts that we read, our seminar groups – might help you in achieving your goal/s?
Communication in a Multicultural Environment 1/2010