Quiz on Simple and Compound Sentences __________________________________________________ Do this first

Name ___________________________
Date ______________
Quiz on Simple and Compound Sentences
Do this first: Before you do #1 – 14, list the 7 conjunctions that
can be used in creating a compound sentence: FANBOYS
Underline the subject once and the verb(s) twice in the sentences.
Ann has the measles.
Joe and Mary jump up and down for joy.
Ed tied his shoe and ran around the track.
Life is just one thing after another.
Tell if the sentence is Simple or Compound. Mark (S) or (C).
5. __ Melanie loves spaghetti, yet she hasn't touched her dinner.
6. __ I wrote a letter and sent it in the mail.
7. __ Pasta has many calories, but it sure tastes great.
8. __ I'll mow the lawn today, and you trim the bushes tomorrow.
9. __ We should hurry, for Bob may have already arrived.
10.__You could go to the movies, or you could stay home.
Write two simple sentences:
11. ________________________________________________
12. ________________________________________________
Write two compound sentences:
13. ________________________________________________
14. ________________________________________________
Name ___________________________
Date ______________
Compound and Complex Sentence Quiz #2
-Identify what type of sentence it is: complex, compound, or compound-complex.
-Put brackets [ ] around the independent clause. (Main clause)
-Put parentheses ( ) around the dependent (subordinate) clause (cannot stand alone with
1. While she slept snug in her bed, the cold wind blew outside.
2. Susie wanted to learn about keyboarding, but the counselor signed
her up for an art class. ___________________________
3. While she was staring out her bedroom window, car lights appeared in the
driveway and her dog barked wildly. _________________________
4. Don’t run; you might fall. ___________________________________
5. Two creatures, a doe and a fawn, moved hesitantly down the slope
as I quietly grabbed my camera for a photo. _______________________
6. Create one complex sentence:
8. Create one compound-complex sentence:
9. Write a compound sentence.