Geology 115/History 150 Name:

Geology 115/History 150
Geology Prep Assignment 7: Hotspots and plate tectonics
Due Tuesday, May 17
The parks for this week are Haleakala NP (1961) and the National Park of
American Samoa (1988)
1. Is Haleakala volcano considered active? Give arguments both for and against.
2. How does the language of industrialization creep into “A Fiery Birth
Beneath the Sea” section of the Haleakala geology site?
3. How are “pillow lavas” formed? What rock are they made of (be as specific as
you can)?
4. Are the volcanoes at National Park of American Samoa younger or older
than Haleakala volcano? Or does this question even make sense? Explain your
answer, however you answer it.
5. What is the ultimate fate of all of the volcanoes mentioned this week?