North Seattle Community College Business, Engineering, & Information Technologies Division Summer 2010 ACC 120.D1: Introduction to Accounting/Bookkeeping II Instructor: David Chu Orientation meeting on June 28 in Room LB 3234 from 7 to 7:50 pm COURSE DESCRIPTION: COURSE OBJECTIVES: ACC 120 is a five-credit continuation course in accounting and bookkeeping which covers accounting issues in receivables, payables, inventory, bonds, fixed assets, partnership and corporate related transactions. The student will be expected to achieve the following: 1. Identify and apply the concepts, conventions, and generally accepted accounting principles which underlie financial accounting and reporting. 2. Familiarize with transactions related to receivables, payables, inventory, bonds, and fixed assets. 3. Understand basic transactions related to partnerships and corporations. 4. Understand and be able to prepare and analyze financial statements including Statement of Cash Flow for a business. 5. Work and communicate effectively in groups. NSCC GENERAL Outcome 1: Use quantitative reasoning processes to understand, analyze, interpret and solve quantitative accounting problems. EDUCATION OUTCOMES: TEXT: College Accounting, 12E (Chapters 1 – 30), Price Haddock Farina, McGraw-Hill, 2009. OFFICE HOURS: By appointment. Office: Room IB 2417D in the Business Division Email: Accounting Tutor: Monday thru Friday 1 to 5 pm Email: ATTENDANCE: The study of accounting is incremental. It is important that you follow the specified schedule of the class. All exams and assignments will have specified start date and due date. You will receive examinations through email(Angel). All assignments and exams must be submitted to the instructor through email (Angel) by their due date. The turn-around time for any email communication is between 24 to 36 hours. I usually check my emails at 7 pm every night. METHODS OF ASSESSMENT/ EVALUATION: Start each assignment by the specified start date. After each assignment is completed and submitted for grading through email(Angel), you will get the assignment score and solution after the due date. No make-up is allowed. There will be a mid-term and a final exam. They will be emailed(Angel) to you on start date and must be submitted to the instructor for grading before or on the due date. You will receive the score and solution after the due date. No make-up is allowed. Both the mid-term and the final are mandatory. Points will be deducted for late assignments at a rate of 5% per day. Usually, broken computer is not a valid excuse for late assignments or exams. Computers are available at the accounting lab in IB 3303. Everybody is expected to devote 13-15 hours per week on this course. FINAL: The final exam will be emailed on Aug 18 and the due date is Aug 20. GRADING: Work will be weighted as follows: Homework assignments Mid-term and final 2 Mini-practice sets Online discussion 40% 40% 10% 10% 100% If you have missed more than 2 assignments but have not officially withdrawn, you will receive a 0.0 for the course. GRADING SCHEDULE: 4.0 – 3.9 3.8 – 3.5 3.4 – 3.2 3.1 – 2.9 2.8 – 2.5 2.4 – 2.2 A AB+ B BC+ 100 – 94 93 – 90 89 – 87 86 – 84 83 – 80 79 – 77 2.1 – 1.9 1.8 – 1.5 1.4 – 1.2 1.1 – 0.9 0.8 – 0.7 0.0 C CD+ D DF 76 – 74 73 – 70 69 – 67 66 – 64 63 – 60 59 – 0 SPECIAL NEEDS: Students who need special accommodations must contact the Services for Students with Disabilities Office before discussing with the instructor. Please bring all the necessary paperwork (obtained from the Disabilities Office) with you during the orientation meeting and discuss the situation with the instructor to arrange for your special needs. DIVERSITY: Respect for diversity is a core value of NSCC. Our college community fosters an optimal learning climate and an environment of mutual respect. We, the college community, recognize individual differences; therefore, we are responsible for the content and tone of our statement and should strive to be empathetic speakers and listeners. For online courses, we are also responsible for our written communications. CONTACT NUMBERS: The following phone numbers may be helpful: College switchboard – 206-527-3600 Business Division – 206-527-3730 Campus security – 206-527-3636 Distance Learning Center – 206-527-3738 Computer open lab ( IB 3303) - 206-527-3630 Instructor email: COURSE SCHEDULE Assignment 1 (CH 14 and 15) Assignment 2 (CH 16 and 17 ) Assignment 3 (CH 18 and 19) Mid-term (Chapters 14 to 18) (Mid-night) Assignment 4 (CH 20, 21, 22) Mini-practice Set 3 (page 795) Assignment 5 (CH 23, 24) Mini-practice Set 4 (page 876) Final exam 20(mid-night) (Chapter 19 to 24) START DATE DUE DATE June 28 July 5 July 12 July 4 July 11 July 18 July 20 July July 23 Aug 3 Aug 6 Aug 14 Aug 18 Aug 2 Aug 5 Aug 13 Aug 16 Aug 22 Assignments for ACC120 Chapter 14 Ex 14.2, Ex 14.5 Chapter 15 Ex 15.2, Ex 15.4, Ex 15.6, Ex 15.8, P15.1A Chapter 16 Ex 16.4, Ex 16.6, Ex 16.8, P16.2A Chapter 17 Ex 17.2, Ex 17.4, P17.2A Chapter 18 Ex 18.1, Ex 18.5, Ex 18.6, Ex 18.8, P18.2A Chapter 19 Ex 19.2, Ex 19.4, Ex 19.6, Ex 19.10, P19.2A Chapter 20 Ex 20.3, Ex 20.4, Ex 20.8, Ex 20.10, P20.2A Chapter 21 Ex 21.2, Ex 21.6, Ex 21.8, Ex 21.11, P21.1A Chapter 22 Ex 22.4, Ex 22.5, Ex 22.7, Ex 22.9, P22.2A Chapter 23 Ex 23.6, Ex 23.8, Ex 23.11, Ex 23.12, P23.2A Chapter 24 Ex 24.2, Ex 24.6, Ex 24.8, P24.2A ONLINE INSTRUCTIONS 1. 2. 3. Log on to: Click ‘Log in to Angel’ Put in your login ID and password UserID=all 9 digits of your student ID number Password = all 9 digits of your student ID number 4. You need to get familiar with “Angel” in order to use it properly