OSA Assembly Agenda II. Roll Call -

OSA Assembly Agenda
April 4, 2016 at 4:00 PM
Reeve Memorial Union, Room 307, The Theatre
Call to Order – at 4:00 PM
Roll Call Organizations with Voting Rights:
April 4, 2016
Advertising club
Alpha Xi Delta
Alta Resources Collegiate Entrepreneur's Organization
American Red Cross Club
Anthropology Club
APICS UW Oshkosh Student Chapter
Asian Student Association
Aviation Club
Be the Match
Beta Theta Pi
Biology & Microbiology Club
Campus for Awareness and Relationship Education (CARE/MenCARE)
Chemistry Club
Chi Sigma Iota
Chinese Culture Club
Circle K International
Club Nippon
College Democrats
College Republicans
Colleges Against Cancer
Communication Club
Converge - A Chi Alpha Campus Ministry
Criminal Justice Association
Delta Sigma Phi
Donster Community Government
Dr. Julie Henderson Chapter of PRSSA at the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh
Economics Student Association
Evans Hall Government
Future Business Leaders of America
Gamma Phi Beta
Geography Club
Graduate Student Association
Great Lakes Chapter of the American Assembly for Men in Nursing
Gruenhagen Remarkable Events & Activities Team
His House Christian Fellowship
History Club
Horizon Hall
Hmong Student Union
Human Services Leadership Student Organization
Illinois Student Organization
Information Systems Club
Interfraternity Council
International Business Club
International Student Association
Inter-Tribal Student Organization
InterVarsity Christian Fellowship
Kappa Delta Pi
Model United Nations
Multicultural Education Coalition
National Society of Leadership and Success
North Scott Hall Activities Council
Omega Delta Phi
Order of Omega-Omicron Kappa Chapter
Oshkosh Collegiate Music Teachers Association
Oshkosh Gaming Society
Oshkosh League of Legends Club
Oshkosh One
Oshkosh Physical Education Club
Oshkosh Student Association
Oshkosh Student Nurses Association
Pagan Student Alliance
Panhellenic Council
Pre-Dental Society
Pre-Med Society
Pre-Optometry Society
Psychology Club
Rainbow Alliance for H.O.P.E. (Helping Others Perceive Equality)
Reeve Union Board
Residents Engaged in Activities and Leadership
Sigma Pi Fraternity
Sigma Sigma Sigma
Social Justice Club
Society of Physics Students
Spanish Club
Stewart Activities Team
Student Council for Exceptional Children
Student Environmental Action Coalition
Student Organization of Latinos
Student Social Work Association
Student Wisconsin Education Association
Students and Teachers Against the Not-quite Dead
Students For Concealed Carry
Students for Music
Students Organized for Art
Swing Dance Club
Taylor Hall Government
The Comedy Club
The Delta Chi Fraternity
The English Club
The Sisterhood
Theatre Arts Board
Titan Catholics (Formally known as Newman Center)
Titan Cheer and Stunt
Titan TV
Ultimate Frisbee Club
United Students in Residence Halls
University Honors Student Association
University of Wisconsin Oshkosh Society for Human Resource Management
UW Oshkosh Student Veterans Association
UW Oshkosh Women's Lacrosse
UWO Cycling Club
UWO Optimist Club
UW-Oshkosh ROTC
Wildlife Conservation Club
Wisconsin Review
Women's Advocacy Council
Young Americans for Liberty
Zeta Tau Alpha
Gamma Iota Sigma
Natural Remedies Club
UWO Officials association
Humane Society Club
Undergraduate Research and Creative Activities Club
Pre-Law Society
Open Forum - none
Approval of the Agenda – approved
Approval of the Minutes – approved
Club/Org Recognition – none
Guest Speakers –
a. Cameron, J.J. Keller –J.J. Keller interviews for sales internship, selling different
ways trucking different ways to comply with the law. You are given two weeks at
least two full-time pay during the program inside training and paid for that time.
Regulations OSHA, give them the current info, self-driven, office meetings with
your supervisor not cold calling you are a regular, this is what I want and this is
what I am looking for and promote, this is an internship that we want you to stay
with the company, going to graduate the start program at JJ Keller different facets
if plan on internship or full time positions of the company.
b. Aaron Wojciechowski – city seat and represent UWO go to other clubs and go out
into the community and ask what is going on living in and hopefully representing,
go out and vote and make a change. Jordan: Touch upon some of the stances that
you are focusing on. The community, elementary school education majors and
voice concerns that they see in the community, infrastructure and mental health of
the campus not good state, opioids and heroin concerns in the area
c. Johnny Brewer – Winneabago supervisor, appointed in 2014 by Chairman
Albright. Heroin number one thing Winnebago country effected maybe worse
than other counties, several deaths, Sherriff dept has done a good job and focus on
that during my re-election move dept from court house and formally the Oshkosh
B Gosh oversight to make it successful as an appointee cannot be on committees
until you are reelected and phone number on website
Officer Reports –
OSA Directors and Ambassadors – Friday an email was sent out to all of you
about university budget and he has accepted the model that the committee
suggested will have an effect academic program as Dean’s trying to find review,
over spring break approached by students that are concerned about the library
hours on Friday a little earlier and Saturday open later and see if the times can be
adjusted. Current libraries OSA surveys about 10 years ago students survey.
College Republicans: Will they toss out another survey? questions for Jordan
short term fixed and we can do a survey if need by. Titan Catholics a lot of
people would benefit from extending the hours, I know some will have to work
but can’t use the library at all but Saturday can be a good day to use the library.
OSA Office Manager – (Rae Ann - wetzelr@uwosh.edu ) – SLS Housing Fair on
April 7 from 11 am to 1 pm.
OSA Advisor – (Petra – roterp@uwosh.edu) – Student org insured at
organization and which ones will boxing club, missed martial club, beginning of
the school year will not be made at an administrative level. Limitations as it
relates to pub crawl, not all lots, we will review that if we need to change that for
the future
Speaker Pro-Tempore – (Maria – osaspeakerpt@uwosh.edu ) – no report
Speaker of the Assembly – (Austyn – osaspeaker@uwosh.edu) – Rae Ann will
update assembly bylaws on OSA website sometime tomorrow
Vice President Pro-Tempore – (Zachary - osavppt@uwosh.edu) – no report
Vice President – (Graham – (osavp@uwosh.edu) – no report
President – (Jordan – osavpres@uwosh.edu) - UW River Falls sustainability all
day Saturday and later that night did veto 15-100 not the intent but the facts and
the structure where so far off told the officer that it should of being addressed,
structurally sound. You will receive email lengthy discussed the rules for parking
last fall for pub crawl for the parking rules anyone can park there a few lots closed
7:00 PM Friday to 3:00 AM on Sunday the intent of the police dept, limit the
amount of people that attend pub crawl not allowing it to happen, not a lot of
parking around the campus on the weekends, must have a permit that you are part
of our campus community if you want to park that, has issues and revisit the
impact the main reason they are doing this is safety for the residents of the city
and concerns that happened at previous pub crawl do a better job to ask us to be
more responsible for the event, use the best judgment . Fraternity formal a lot of
parents up for those, some exceptions for special events temporary parking
permits. Jordan: Pub crawl happens on main street not trying to punish us issues
as students not. Work with all facets of it and make sure our students get home
safety not punish limit the amount of negative experience. Roter: they begin
drinking at 8:00 AM and take an advantage of it wait to go to pub crawl pre-party
working with the landlords and address through housing. Communication Club:
first will school officials walking around with the police is this funding and we
volunteer our staff as time goes on we went with and walk rounds with police and
new Chancellor and New Police Chief and they want us to go there. Assist VC
pub crawl in general what is the purposed the guest weekend during that weekend.
CARE: If you are directed to underage also affect you if 21 if you are over just if
you are underage police chief stance does not want anyone to go to it, there is no
law from stopping you unless you are not doing issues. It does not say to the
entire campus committee, guest parking permits for formals if you bring to
parking pass there are some groups that Special Olympics, Athletics, the music
fund raiser do you have a specific lot most formals get bused to point A to Point
Presidential Appointments –
OSA 15-104
BE IT RESOLVED: That the OSA Senate and Assembly approved the following Presidential
Appointments and/or recommendations:
1. William Wasielewski, Student Tchnology Committee
Sponsored by: Jordan Schettle, OSA President
Motion to move to floor College Republicans, 2nd by OGS
Vote, passed placard vote, no objections, no abstentions (04/04/16)
X. Unfinished Business –
New Business –
OSA 15-105
WHEREAS: The University of Wisconsin Oshkosh (UWO) has recently completed a Campus
Climate Survey, which was aimed at measuring the campus environment as it relates to
interpersonal, academic and professional interactions; and
WHEREAS: Results from the survey can help UWO evaluate the current campus climate to
examine the behaviors, beliefs and experiences of students and employees concerning the level
of respect and value for individual differences; and
WHEREAS: Results can also help University leadership develop programs and initiatives to
create a more inclusive campus community and enhance UWO’s Inclusive Excellence Plan; and
WHEREAS: The recently completed Campus Climate Survey was the first of its kind since
2008; and
WHEREAS: The Oshkosh Student Association believes that all students should be able to
express their opinions related to UWO’s campus climate; and
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: OSA supports a plan to issue a Campus Climate Survey on a
consistent two-year basis; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: The Campus Climate Survey be updated to include data
retrieved from previous surveys; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: The results from the surveys, including the recently completed
survey, will be publically published on a multitude of mediums in a timely fashion; and
BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED: Upon passage of OSA, a copy of this resolution shall be sent to
the following individuals: Dr. Andrew Leavitt, Chancellor of UWO; Dr. Petra Roter, ViceChancellor of Student Affairs; Dr. Sylvia Carey-Butler, Assistant Vice Chancellor for Academic
Support of Inclusive Excellence; Dr. Stephanie de Montigny, Professor and Chair of the
Anthropology Department; and Dr. Liz Cannon, Director of the LGBTQ Resource Center.
Sponsored by: Jordan Schettle, OSA President; Austyn Boothe, Speaker of OSA Assembly;
Lynnette Garduno, MEC Ambassador; Maria Berge, Speaker Pro Tempore of OSA Assembly;
Grayson Bourke, Legislative Affairs Ambassador; Goodwill Obieze, OSA Senator; Ann
Mittelstadt, USP Ambassador.
Motion to move to floor College Republicans, 2nd by OGS
Discussion every two years. College republicans: how does administrative feels: Lots of
time on the staff’s part lots of the questions were based on the last climate student very
similar questions to bench mark from year to year
Look at the data over the 10-year period. College republicans: the way there were
phrased is there a way they can tweak? Answer: yes
OSA 15-106
WHEREAS, The University of Wisconsin Oshkosh (UWO) is committed to creating an inclusive
learning environment that prepares our graduates to meet the challenges of an increasingly global
society; and
WHEREAS, The Center for Academic Support of Inclusive Excellence is dedicated to creating a
strong campus infrastructure for Inclusive Excellence to serve as a catalyst that transforms how
diversity is advanced, achieved and experienced at UW Oshkosh; and
WHEREAS, When searching UWO’s homepage as well as other search engines for the Center of
Equity and Diversity the first link listed is a facilities management page; and
WHEREAS, This page does not offer any click through links with information to resources; and
WHEREAS, The Center for Equity and Diversity holds the Women’s Center, the LGBTQ+
Resource center, and the Division of Academic Support; and
WHEREAS, The Oshkosh Student Association (OSA) believes that these resources are
beneficial to students; and
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That OSA supports a plan to update the Center for Equity
and Diversity’s website; and
THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, The Center for Equity and Diversity’s website
be updated to include links and contact information for all resources housed there; and
THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the updated website be added as a resource
on UWO’s homepage; and
THEREFORE, BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, Upon passage by OSA a copy of this resolution
shall be sent to the following individuals: Dr. Andrew Leavitt, Chancellor of UWO; Dr. Petra
Roter, Vice-Chancellor of Student Affairs; Dr. Sylvia Carey-Butler, Assistant Vice Chancellor
for Academic Support of Inclusive Excellence; Anne Milkovich, Chief Information Officer;
Laura Knaapen, Director of User Services; Mark Clements, Director of Information Services;
Victor Alatoree, Director of Infrastructure Services
Sponsored by: Austyn Boothe, Speaker of OSA Assembly; Lynnette Garduño, MEC
Ambassador; Maria Berge, Speaker Pro-Tempore of OSA Assembly; and Reginald Parson, OSA
Chief of Staff.
Motion to move to floor, College Republicans, 2nd by OGS
Discussion: the website talks about it but does not give an actual website but this
resolution asks for specific for their site and not facilities management
Committee Reports - none
Discussion –
a. OSA Speaker and OSA Speaker Pro Tempore nominations for academic year
2016-17 self-nominate someone or can nominate yourself
1. Samantha Schwartz nominated as Pre-Law Society rep
2. Travis Eickstedt, nominated as College Republicans rep
3. Devin Matznick,nominated as STAND rep
Speaker PT – Emily Colon, nominated as Gamma Alpha Omega Sorority, Inc., rep
b. 2016 spring election & presidential preference will be good for November
election, campus has a form, titan web update the address if your state ID you will
have to vote somewhere else in the city, second form utility bill. Titan Catholics:
Will a lease work? Answer: Vote ID enrollment form along with lease.
Announcements – PRSSA event April 18 6:30 to 9:30 glow in the dark kick ball
making UWO PRSSA. Reminder Friday deadline for SLIC leadership most improved
org for example, Thursday night music night and Friday reveal by gosh headliner both
will be announced at 7 in the Titan Underground
Adjourn – Motion to adjourn at 5:06 College Republicans, 2nd by Circle K, passed
placard vote, no objections, no abstentions (04/04/16)