OSA Senate Agenda April 1, 2014 at 4:45 PM Reeve Memorial Union, Room 221 I. II. Call to Order – Pledge of Allegiance at 4:50 PM Roll Call – College of Letters and Science (12) Daniel Dennis – Present Katie Keelan – Present James Martine – Present Michael Riley – Present Graham Sparks – Present Steven Thompson – Present Hallie Turnbull – Present Kylee Kubis – Present Benjamin Stepanek – Present Lindsey Newhauser – Present Pablo Juarez - Present III. Open Forum - none IV. Approval of the Agenda - approved V. Approval of the Minutes - approved Education & Human Services (5) Katie Geis – Present Nursing (3) College of Business (5) Anne Cummins – Excused Joseph Erd – Excused Stuart Karas – Absent Ashley Meyer – Present Chase Mitchell – Present VI. Guest Speakers – Provost & Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs – Dr. Lane Earns – unable to attend VII. Officer Reports – a. OSA Directors – b. OSA Office Manager – (Rae Ann - wetzelr@uwosh.edu ) – no report c. OSA Advisor – (Petra – roterp@uwosh.edu) – d. OSA Academic Liaison – (Julie – zulegerj@uwosh.edu) – elections for the upcoming year end of April end of May, only for academic staff e. Speaker Pro-Tempore – (Nicole – osaspeakerpt@uwosh.edu) – irks and perks from assembly exec board wear powdered wigs. Want ice cream back. Reggie and Nicole on the search and screen committee for new Chancellor. Next Monday after the assembly meeting talk to as many people as you can. f. Speaker of the Assembly – (Sarah Speigle – osaspeaker@uwosh.edu) – straw poll no one seemed to mind nominations for speaker and speaker pro temp 21st or suspending the bylaws, g. Vice President Pro-Tempore – ( Hallie Turnbull– osavppt@uwosh.edu) – send any committees that you serve on the information regarding the committee, committee chair, and if you met at a regular time when that is. h. Vice President – (Jordan – osavp@uwosh.edu) – April 12th student rep meeting and complete your financial aid forms i. President – (Ryan - hackbr00@uwosh.edu) – Student representatives chosen for the Search and Screen committee for the new Chancellor VIII. Presidential Appointments – OSA 13-029 BE IT RESOLVED: That the OSA Senate and Assembly approved the following Presidential Appointments and/or recommendations: 1. Zachary Williams, Institutional Animal Care & Use Committee Sponsored by: Ryan Hackbarth, OSA president Dispense, Katie Motion to move to floor Dennis, 2nd by Riley Vote voice vote passed (04/01/14) SS 13-024 BE IT RESOLVED: That the OSA Senate gives recognition and voting privileges to those Organizations with “Assembly” after their names: 1. Sociology Club, Assembly (lost voting rights) Sponsored by: Sarah Speigle, Speaker of Assembly Move to floor Keelan, 2nd by Sparks Had a complete turn over and has new exec board they filled out a calendar and someone will attend every week Passed voice vote (04/01/14) IX. Unfinished Business – OSA 12-020 IN SUPPORT OF THE OSHKOSH STUDENT ASSOCIATION ENCOURAGING THE UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN OSHKOSH FOUNDATION AND ITS DONORS TO EXAMINE AND PURSUE DIVESTMENT FROM FOSSIL FUEL COMPANIES AND INCREASE INVESTMENT IN SUSTAINABLE ENTERPRISES WHEREAS Wisconsin State Statute 36.09(5) empowers university student associations with the primary responsibility for the formulation and review of policies concerning student life, services and interests; WHEREAS the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh Foundation (UWO Foundation) was created to promote, receive, invest, and disburse gifts to meet the goals of the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh (UW-Oshkosh) and includes being a good corporate citizen as one of its core values; WHEREAS UW-Oshkosh is a signatory to the American College and University President’s Climate Commitment, which encourages universities to take steps in pursuit of climate neutrality; WHEREAS UW-Oshkosh has endorsed the Earth Charter and its mission to promote the transition to sustainable ways of living and a global society founded on a shared ethical framework that includes respect and care for the community of life and ecological integrity; WHEREAS UW-Oshkosh is committed to becoming a carbon-neutral institution by 2025 and has already made extraordinary efforts aimed at reaching this goal; WHEREAS several public and private universities of various sizes, in addition to select cities and other institutions, have committed to or are considering divestment from fossil fuel companies; WHEREAS multiple financial institutions have concluded that it is possible to divest from fossil fuels without negatively affecting returns and there is clear need to consider the specific investment position of the UWO Foundation and any potential impact on returns when examining methods to divest from fossil fuel companies; WHEREAS the UWO Foundation and its associated bodies, particularly the Student Managed Endowment Fund, must align their portfolio with donor interests and their investment policy statements and any fossil fuel divestment constraints or green technology over-weighting will require involvement and consideration of donors; WHEREAS the data made available by the Carbon Tracker Initiative is valuable in making environmentally conscious investment decisions as they seek to bring transparency in terms of the carbon embedded in equity markets; BE IT RESOLVED that the Oshkosh Student Association (OSA) encourages the UWO Foundation and its donors to consider the sustainability goals and leadership of UWOshkosh in addition to the will of the student body when managing investments and issuing investment policy statements; BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that, should divestment be found economically viable, OSA encourages the UWO Foundation, in cooperation with its donor partners, to make a plan of action aimed at divesting from those fossil fuel companies specifically identified by the Carbon Tracker Initiative within five years; BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that OSA requests that the UWO Foundation prepare a report detailing options for adjusting investment positions such that the positive impact of the Foundation is maximized not only by limiting investment in fossil fuel companies but also by increasing investment in sustainable enterprises, including, but not limited to, clean technology; renewable energy; sustainable companies or projects, with preference given, all other things being equal, to those companies or projects which are Wisconsinbased; and sustainable communities; BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that OSA encourages the UWO Foundation to, wherever and whenever possible, and when economically viable; make efforts to cease new investment in fossil fuel companies and to align their portfolio so that it reflects the values of UW-Oshkosh: BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the OSA requests the UWO Foundation to release updates detailing progress made towards fossil fuel divestment and that these updates be made available to the general public; BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the OSA supports any and all other efforts, made at any level, to limit actions that negatively impact the environment, including through legislation and innovative methods; BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the OSA revisit this resolution in two years examine progress made in meeting the goals herein; BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution be delivered to Chancellor Richard Wells; Vice-Chancellor Thomas Sonnleitner; President Rathjen, UWO Foundation; all sitting Board Members and Directors of the UWO Foundation; Kristine L. Beck, Ph.D., Faculty Advisor, Student Managed Endowment Fund; Stephen P. Huffman, Ph.D., CFA, FRM, Faculty Advisor, Student Managed Endowment Fund; David Barnhill, Ph.D., Department Chair, Environmental Studies; and the UW-Oshkosh Campus Sustainability Council. Sponsors: UW-Oshkosh Change the Climate Campaign; Student Environmental Action Coalition; College Democrats; Political Science Student Association; Senator Dennis, Senator Stepanek, Senator Mitchell, Senator Newhauser; Emily Husar Martin, Scot McCullough Dispense Motion to amend by move to floor Sparks, 2nd Dennis Vote passed voice vote (04/01/14 [Under the first "Be It Further Resolved"] that, should divestment be found economically viable, OSA encourages the UWO Foundation, in cooperation with its donor partners, to make a plan of action aimed at divesting from those fossil fuel companies specifically identified by the Carbon Tracker Initiative within five years; [Under the second "Be It Further Resolved"] that OSA requests that the UWO Foundation prepare a report detailing options for adjusting investment positions such that the positive impact of the Foundation is maximized not only by limiting investment in fossil fuel companies but also by increasing investment in sustainable enterprises, including, but not limited to, clean technology; renewable energy; sustainable companies or projects, with preference given, all other things being equal, to those companies or projects which are Wisconsin-based; and sustainable communities; [Under the third "Be It Further Resolved"] that OSA encourages the UWO Foundation to, wherever and whenever possible, and when economically viable; make efforts to cease new investment in fossil fuel companies and to align their portfolio so that it reflects the values of UW-Oshkosh: Vote passed voice vote full resolution (04/01/14) OSA 13-026 WHEREAS, Student Tech Fees has been in discussion of limiting printing for the academic year 2014-2015 and onward; and WHEREAS, UW Oshkosh currently allocates 5,000 sheets per semester, per student for printing; and WHEREAS, the 5,000 sheet limit is the highest sheet amount allocated to students, per semester in the UW System; and WHEREAS, currently, only 4 students of our 13,000 have reached and surpassed our current limit; and WHEREAS, the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh is the 14th most sustainable university campus in the nation and reducing the limit of printing would coincide with our vision of a sustainable future; and THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the OSA encourages Student Tech Fees to limit each UWO student to 2,500 sheets of printing per year; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the OSA encourages Student Tech Fees to allocate 1,000 sheets for the fall term, 1,000 sheets for the spring term and 500 sheets for the summer term. The limits will be strictly enforced and notification of going over will be emailed to their “@uwosh.edu” email. All printing over the limit will be directly billed to the student’s account and will be expected to be paid at the end of that specific term; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the OSA encourages Student Tech Fees to give adequate notification, explanation and evaluation of this change. The trial period will be the Summer term of 2014 and the full implementation of this change will start the Fall term of 2014; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the OSA will revisit with Student Tech Fees after the first full year of implementation of this plan to evaluate and make beneficial changes to the plan; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the OSA encourages the Student Tech Fees to reallocate all saved funding toward improving the campus WiFi; and BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, that upon passage of this resolution will be sent to following: Dr. Richard Wells, Chancellor of UW-Oshkosh, Dr. Petra Roter, Vice Chancellor of Student Affairs, Dr. Lane Earns, Provost, Thomas Sonnleitner, Vice Chancellor of Administrative Services, Lisa Danielson, Registrar, Laura Knaapen, Director of Academic Computing, Greg Wypiszynski, President of Academic Staff, Dr. Kay Neal, President of Faculty Senate. Sponsored by: President Hackbarth, Vice President Schettle, Senator Sparks, Senator Kubis, Senator Geis, Senator Newhauser, Senator Thompson Dispense, Keelan Motion to move to floor Sparks, 2nd by Newhaurser Vote passed voice vote (04/01/14) 7 opposed, 2 abstentions X. New Business – OSA 13-030 REGARDING THE FINANCIAL SITUATION OF THE ADVANCE TITAN WHEREAS Wisconsin State Statute 36.09(5) empowers university student associations with the primary responsibility for the formulation and review of policies concerning student life, services and interests, and WHEREAS the University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh (UW-Oshkosh) implementation plan for State Statute 36.09(5) neither requires an independent media nor recognizes the Advance Titan as an independent organization, and WHEREAS the Advance Titan covers and is a part of student life at the University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh (UW-Oshkosh) and has a history of quality journalism, having received Pacemaker Awards from the Associated College Press in 2002 and 2005, and WHEREAS the Advance Titan maintains near independence from UW-Oshkosh, its journalism department, the Oshkosh Student Association (OSA), and UW-Oshkosh Administration, and WHEREAS any entities which receive funding from UW-Oshkosh students retain oversight from student governance bodies or student managed committees, and WHEREAS UW-Oshkosh organizations utilize the Wisconsin Data Mart (WISDM) financial system for accounting and tracking of funds within the University of Wisconsin System, and WHEREAS the landscape of journalism is continually changing and the Advance Titan has not recorded an annual net positive cash flow in over five years, and WHEREAS the Advance Titan utilizes WISDM and requests a small portion of its funding from the Student Allocations Committee but is not a recognized student organization and is subject to no financial oversight, and WHEREAS the Advance titan has demonstrated extreme financial mismanagement and irresponsibility resulting in a negative balance of over $80,000 in their WISDM account, which is detrimental to UW-Oshkosh and its students, and WHEREAS the Advance Titan has not produced a concrete plan of action aimed at achieving a positive cash flow without receiving student funds but has expressed its desire to remain wholly independent with no oversight, and WHEREAS there are many examples of student newspapers which receive student funding and financial oversight while maintaining journalistic independence, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the OSA recognizes the value of a student newspaper in enhancing and reporting on student life and providing practical education and opportunities for students interested in journalism; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the OSA urges the Advance Titan to take immediate steps to further cut costs and increase revenues in order to prevent any increase in debt; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the OSA requests the Advance Titan to submit to the oversight of a student committee whose purpose is to create strategies to gradually reduce and ultimately eliminate their debt and prevent future financial mismanagement; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that any oversight committee for the Advance Titan will not attempt to influence the content of the Advance Titan and respect editorial independence; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the OSA calls upon the UW-Oshkosh Administration to, should the Advance Titan fail to decrease its debt or submit to oversight by the end of the 20132014 academic year, prevent further withdrawals from its WISDM account; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the OSA requests the Advance Titan to create and submit a specific plan of action aimed at improving its financial management, cash flow, and repaying its debt; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the OSA will not condone the use of student funds for subsiding the Advance Titan prior to effective financial management being demonstrated within the organization and the organization submitting to an effective oversight body or mechanism; and BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution be delivered to Richard Wells, Chancellor; Petra Roter, Vice Chancellor of Student Affairs; Vince Filak, Faculty Advisor, Advance Titan; Jessica Kuderer, Editor in Chief, Advance Titan; Katie Neumann, Managing Editor, Advance Titan; Sarah Spiegle, Chair, Student Allocations Committee; Zachary Dunton, Chair, Differential Tuition Committee; and Katie Keelan, Chair, Segregated Fees Committee. Sponsors: President Hackbarth, Speaker PT of the Assembly Lehto, Direcotr Hopper, Senator Mitchell Dispense, Keelan Motion to move to floor Stepanek, 2nd by Riley Motion to suspend rules Keelan, 2nd by Kubis Not going after the advanced titan suggest to administration and suggest some mechanism but not under OSA newspapers are funded and oversee, student media board made up of students long term process, no matter what will take time, initial opinion on OSA should happen. Did not have the proposal ready for seg fees. Did not hear any concerns at Assembly yesterday. Vincent from AT has several budget models to show and has shared these proposals in the past. When referring to financial mismanagement and he is advisor are you stating he is mismanaged the finances for the AT? Answer: No not one person in general. Reinstate rules Turnbull, 2nd by Newhauser (04/01/14) Motion to amend by the below Newhauser, 2nd by Thompson Strike the 2nd ‘whereas’ clause and replace it with: WHEREAS the Advance Titan is recognized as the official student newspaper of the University of Wisconsin, Oshkosh (UW-Oshkosh), and Strike the10th and 11th ‘whereas’ clauses and replace them with: WHEREAS a concrete plan of action aimed at achieving a positive cash flow or finding long-term funding for the Advance Titan has not been created and that there is clear need for collaboration in developing an effective solution, and WHEREAS independent student oversight does not intrinsically encroach on journalistic or editorial independence as has been demonstrated by oversight committees and student media boards at many universities, Strike ‘and’ in the 2nd ‘resolved’ clause after ‘cut costs’ and insert: , including by considering bi- or tri-weekly instead of weekly publication, decreasing the number of pages per issue, and/or eliminating color printing, and further work to Strike the 3rd ‘resolved’ clause and replace it with: BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the OSA requests the Advance Titan to collaborate with appropriate bodies to develop a financial management and long-term funding solution that, particularly if student funds are utilized, includes independent student oversight, possibly through the creation of a Student Media Board; and Strike the 5th ‘resolved’ clause and replace it with: BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the OSA calls upon the UW-Oshkosh Administration to prevent further withdrawals from the Advance Titan WISDM account at the end of the regular fall 2014 semester, December 12th, 2014, if appropriate actions have not been taken and a long-term solution has not been proposed by that time; and Strike the 6th and 7th ‘resolved’ clauses. Amendment to the Amendment Also strike in the clause regarding financial management: ‘extreme’ and ‘and irresponsibility’ Vote, passed voice vote (04/01/14) Motion to create ad hoc committee to discuss AT finances 10 people, with four member os OSA, four from Advanced Titan, two students at large and advised by Petra. By Katie, 2nd by Hopper (passed voice vote) 04/01/14 one abstention Members of committee: Sarah Speigle, Lindsey Newhauser, Chase Mitchess, Jessi Kuderr, Katie Newmann, Ryan Smith, Katie Keelan, Sam Broughton, and appoint two other students. OSA 13-031 WEREAS the Chancellor of the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh (UWO), Dr. Richard Wells, is retiring, effective August 31st, 2014; and WHEREAS, according to University of Wisconsin-System Regent policy document 6-4, the President of the UW-System, Dr. Ray Cross, has the power to appoint an Interim Chancellor in the event of a vacancy at a UW-System University after consulting with the Board of Regents President and Vice President; and WHEREAS an Interim Chancellor selected within the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh would understand the necessity of maintaining and continuing to uphold the integrity and values of UWO; and WHEREAS The University of Wisconsin Oshkosh students, employees, friends and administration would benefit greatly in having the Interim Chancellor be selected from within UWO’s administrative system; and WHEREAS UWO’s structure of shared governance is unique to the UW-System and would be best preserved by an individual from UWO; and THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Oshkosh Student Association would prefer it of President Cross to select an Interim Chancellor from UWO; and BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution shall be sent to UW-System President, Dr. Ray Cross; Mr. Michael J. Falbo, President of the UW-System Board of Regents; Ms. Regina Millner, Vice President of the UW-System Board of Regents; Dr. Richard Wells, Chancellor of the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh; and Dr. Petra Roter, Vice Chancellor of Student Affairs. Sponsors: Vice President Schettle and Director Parson Dispense Motion to move to floor Dennis, 2nd by Hopper OSA 13-032 WHEREAS Dr. Richard Wells, Chancellor of the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh (UWO), will retire from his position effective August 31st, 2014; and WHEREAS Chancellor Wells has led UWO since 2000 and is the third-longest-serving Chancellor; and WHEREAS, during his tenure as Chancellor, UWO has seen an increase of 19% in enrollment; and WHEREAS Chancellor Wells, has launched and completed about $320 million in construction projects (2000-2015), close to 50% of which came from donors/private sector investments and program revenue; and WHEREAS Chancellor Wells has overseen the creation of the Student Recreation and Wellness Center, Horizon Village, Sage Hall, and the Alumni Welcome and Conference Center; and WHEREAS Chancellor Wells has, throughout his tenure, respected the student voice of UWO, as well as maintained an impressive system of shared governance throughout the University; and WHEREAS, despite the difficulties that faced higher education and the University of Wisconsin System, Chancellor Wells’ leadership helped ensure that the students of UWO received a wellrounded, liberal arts education; and THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Oshkosh Student Association would like to thank Chancellor Wells for all he has accomplished during his tenure at UWO; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Oshkosh Student Association wishes all the best to Dr. Wells in his future endeavors; and FINALLY, BE IT RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution shall be sent to Dr. Richard Wells, Chancellor of the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh. Sponsored by: Vice President Schettle Dispense, Keelan Motion to move to floor Thompson 2nd by Martine XI. XII. Committee Reports – Discussion – a. Voter’s Rights full power committee b. Election bylaws make a working group with full power and six members: Sparks, Sebstead, Keelan, Lehto, Speigle and Juarez XIII. Announcements – Tabling at Titan Nights this Friday at LBGTQ this Friday hand out cups sparks vice USRH can vote good to support them as well. This Saturday Oshkosh West money conference credit report as well. Oshkosh West High School, April Fools XIV. Adjourn 04/01/14 Motion to adjourn at 6:35 PM by Erd, 2nd by Riley (passed voice vote)