OSA Senate Minutes I. Call to Order – II.

OSA Senate Minutes
March 29, 2016 at 4:45 PM
Sage Hall, Room 2239
Call to Order – Pledge of Allegiance at 4:46 PM
Roll Call –
College of Letters and Science (12)
Bryan Carter – Present
Zachary Dunton – Present
Alevander Novak – Present
Karree Orrick – Absent
Katheryn Bermann - Present
Education & Human Services (5)
Rachel Adams - Present
Nursing (3)
Sherine Johnson – Present
College of Business (5)
Alexander McCarville – Present
Jared Schadrie – Present
Goodwill Obieze – Present
Jacob Stuebs - Absent
Open Forum - none
Approval of the Agenda - approved
Approval of the Minutes – approved
Club/Org Recognition – none
Guest Speakers –
a. Kathy Kaltenbach, University Books & More, Corner Convenience Store,
Director and Thomas Wolf, Assistant Director– in the process of offering a
position to textbook manager as the other one retired in December. Johnson:
students find the books in the bookstore to be expensive and can find the books
cheaper, students want to support the bookstore but want to go with the most
affordable option. Then in the future when it is buy back time if the professors
don’t want to use it for next semester there is a formula for processing the amount
of money the student will get back. Answer: There has been a break in
communication between the bookstore and faculty. It seems that there is a we vs
them philosophy. Working on creating a Textbook Advisory Committee which
would include employees of the bookstore, faculty and governance groups all
with the same goal. Johnson: the Advisory committee is that on the surface or
well underway? Answer: We would want to wait until the textbook manager is
hired and if everything falls into place, the committee would begin next fall.
Thomas has been researching models other and will run them pass the committee,
it will function similar to RAC. If the professors do not inform us which books
they will be using in the fall before buy back May to supplement the needs, we
will have in fall we do not know if we need it and no one brought it and do not
need to supplement it or the adoption has not come in from the professor.
Wholesale and take to warehouse and sells the books to universities all over the
country, whatever their price is and we know that the book is going to be used we
will buy it back at 50% will pay 450 if used 75 we will pay you 40 if not getting
half the new book price we do not need it. Provost, staff and faculty senate will
be there and we opened up months ago. The professors meet with salesmen for
the publishers a lot of them reach out and ask how can we make these books more
affordable for our students they missed buy back and they have them in the home
library not an unlimited supply of those books to put in place software package
will allow you to see what they sell it for and will do comparisons custom made
or amazon may not have a package set and they may be the only player out there.
Roter: not into making lots of money on this. Breaking even. Dunton: Is there
anyway to influence professors to use older versions of text books? Answer:
Same problem and faculty and staff larger committee shared governance and
faculty are not ready to listen to it. If faculty not involved they don’t care, don’t
have all the information they need, there are layers to the process and they see us
as hounding them we will put orders in now we are stuck with what they are using
now go through the work used books. Schettle: thank you for coming if
communication is addressed and faculty informed the bookstore of the books
needed earlier could there be a rental program put in place? Answer: Rental
programs – every year see rental programs at Stevens Point do not know if there
is any potential for a rental program on our campus but a majority of the time the
books cannot be part of that program. Stevens Point and Whitewater have rental
programs. Rental programs are only beneficial if we reuse the books over and
over for the class. Answer: Need to reuse the book for a second and third
semester to pay for the transportation to get the book here and without having the
faculty sign something we do not know which book they will be using until the
adoption. Agreements with faculty members has the idea been floated to the USP
faculty in regard to a rent program. Answer: rental program like that of Stevens
Point and knew it well, startup costs 6 to 8 million stock storage and then get that
kind of agreement talk with faculty math dept was on board utilizes the same
book for a long period of time, have worked closely with the bookstore, other dept
are not as open, Kathy and Thomas to go to Provost meeting have the
conversations with the Dean’s and put something together and cannot just be the
bookstore working on that the Provost and Petra think that is a good place to start
find flexibilities and work through that be expanded if get cooperation. Scheeler:
Stout has book in tuition or seg fee but does not know what it is all about?
Answer: Book costs and it is a rental program they pull a seg fees only
coverages, certain kind of books business accounting nursing the Stout program
does not cover those books. Students are also upset when faculty tell students
they need a book and they do not use it about all. Sparks: Cold there be a
conversation about a rental program for lower level 100 classes but the upper
classes relative to my field I may keep the books to reference or pass along to my
kids. Johnson: Looks forward to the Textbook Advisory Committee next fall.
Officer Reports –
a. OSA Directors and Ambassadors – Scheeler: grad students research
comprehensive university, happy to see the seat on senate, Grad Student
Association will have elections on April 21. GSA open house April 23 4 to 6.
Bourke – Mark Rohloff, City of Oshkosh Manager working on economic
development maintaining river walk, maintaining EAA, housing better enforce
housing guidelines for landlords and codes be up graded. April 19th Mark Rohloff
will be a guest at OSA Senate if you have any suggestions that you want to ask
him about or ideas I can pass those on to him. Scheeler: could he address porch
lights for the rental properties near campus and have solar lights to make it safer
around campus and the students will not have to change them? Improve
neighbors and straightening the community and update on major projects to look
for. Are they going to fix Algoma or are they waiting for Reeve renovation?
Roter: The city is waiting for the university to state they are done ripping things
up and the plan was to close part of Algoma with a turnaround put in place but
probably will not see in her lifetime.
b. OSA Office Manager – (Rae Ann - wetzelr@uwosh.edu) – Housing Fair on April
7 from 11 AM to 1 PM in Reeve Concourse, How to Utilize Allocated funds
tomorrow at noon in Reeve 216. In the beginning of the year the clubs with a
negative balance over 200 totaled $21,000 but now it is less than $1,000 after
freezing their accounts, closing very old accounts, SAC meeting with the club/org
after frozen and setting up a plan to pay back the negative balance on a case to
case basis.
c. OSA Advisor – (Petra – roterp@uwosh.edu) – encourage civic engagement by
voting April 5 from 7 am to 8 pm. Student Affairs looking for volunteers for April
5th to assist students with printing requirements for voter ID. Contact Jean
Kwaterski in Student Affairs if you are interested in volunteering to help out.
University Police released a safety video in regard to the pub crawl on April 9, the
majority of participates are not UWO students, people come from Whitewater and
Milwaukee to attend pub Crawl. We are working with Oshkosh Police to make
sure that the event is a safe one more than just the crawl, we have been in contact
with landlords and asked them to be working with their leasers in regard to house
parties. Administration will be walking along with Oshkosh and University
Police during pub crawl, the amount of guests at Gruenhagen will be limited,
some of the parking lots will be closed and set up as command posts, the lots
adjacent to campus will be closed. President Schettle: Questions the intent of the
video addressing students from the UP Chief and City of Oshkosh Police Chief,
does not mention resources but more or less telling students do not go and you
will be punished if you do go. AT meeting tomorrow
d. OSA Academic Liaison – (Rotating members of Senate for Academic Staff - ) –
no report
e. Speaker Pro-Tempore – (Maria - osaspeakerpt@uwosh.edu) – no report
f. Speaker of the Assembly – (Austyn – osaspeaker@uwosh.edu) – changes have
been made to the OSA assembly bylaws to reflect the constitution changes and
will be voted on by OSA Assembly next week
g. Vice President Pro-Tempore – (Zachary – osavppt@uwosh.edu) – no report
h. Vice President – (Graham – osavp@uwosh.edu) – working on the merger doc
with other student governance bodies, last week only two of the shared
governance responded to my email about their part in the merger doc.
i. President – (Jordan - osapres@uwosh.edu) – OSA will be a sponsor of walk a
mile Tier 4, $250 buttons made and listed on shirts as a sponsor. Read that if the
Mission Statement is posted in office setting there is more success so the mission
statement the VP worked on with other Senators will be visible in the office for
all to see. AT meeting tomorrow with the Chancellor in the Alumni Center at
9:30 AM.
Presidential Appointments –
OSA 15-104
BE IT RESOLVED: That the OSA Senate and Assembly approved the following Presidential
Appointments and/or recommendations:
1. William Wasielewski, Student Technology Committee
Sponsored by: Jordan Schettle, OSA President
Motion to move to floor McCarville, 2nd by Goodwill
Vote, passed placard vote, no objections, one abstention (03/29/16)
Unfinished Business – none
New Business – none
SS 15-035
BE IT RESOLVED: The OSA Senate approves the 2016-2017 Election Commissioner Report
with effective date of May 3, 2016.
Sponsor: Jordan Schettle, OSA Election Commissioner
Mcccarville, Novak
Discussion: Election report based on discussed last week total votes 447 increase over all
vote count, violations 25 all for Kurt and Shayna for office one through 14 dismissed 15
upheld, reduction of 46% off votes new total 115 to 62 total votes will not be disqualified
but a total amount the overall results and the final results are Pres Austyn Booth and VP
Maria Berge, final two pages and something we can do to improve update the election
bylaws, increase election paperwork availability and release the paperwork before the
winder break, update bylaws 5.582 font size on campaign paraphilia statement authorized
and paid by buttons or stickers take up the entire space on those items. 5.583 university
labs not used to create or print just provide computers, if we continue to utilize TitanLink
do we could close the polls but leave the election link open as students may then vote after
8:00 PM. SLIC is labeled as a polling location and is not. Understand why but remove it
or clarify. Transition on May 3rd.
Committee Reports – none
Discussion – Voting in WI, local and national primary, see slide show, April 5 7:00 AM
– 8:00 PM, may vote early up to April 1st at the city hall. Free voted ID cards may be
picked up at Titan Central. Will need to bring ID and proof of residence, such as a utility
bill and voter identification form unless you have voted before. There will be stations set
up in Albee if you need to print out the voter registration form there but encourage
students to print it out beforehand. Contact Reggie or Grayson with question. He will be
presenting at Assembly on April 4. The DMV will also provide free cards to those that
need it to vote. Goodwill: live on campus driver’s license will work and make sure
updated voter id form and print it and we will have people there if issues with printing.
Another email will be sent from Petra, read it.
Announcements – none
Adjourn - Motion to adjourn at 6:05, Novak, 2nd by Goodwill, passed placard vote,
no objections, no abstentions (03/29/16)