OSA Senate Agenda I. Call to Order – II.

OSA Senate Agenda
March 1, 2016 at 4:45 PM
Reeve Memorial Union, Room 221
Call to Order – Pledge of Allegiance at 4:45 PM
Roll Call –
College of Letters and Science (12)
Bryan Carter – Present
Zachary Dunton – Present
Margot Elliott – Present
Alevander Novak – Present
Karree Orrick – Present
Katheryn Bermann - Present
Open Forum - none
Approval of the Agenda - approved
Education & Human Services (5)
Rachel Adams - Present
Nursing (3)
Sherine Johnson – Present
College of Business (5)
Alexander McCarville – Present
Jared Schadrie – Present
Goodwill Obieze – Present
Jacob Stuebs - Present
Approval of the Minutes – approved
Club/Org Recognition –
OSA 15-097
BE IT RESOLVED: That the OSA Senate and Assembly gives recognition and voting privileges
to those Organizations with “Assembly” after their names:
1. Fletcher Hall Government, Assembly – voting rights
Sponsored by: Austyn Boothe, Speaker of Assembly
Motion to move to floor by Elliott, 2nd by Novak
Discussion: OSA Speaker PT Berge: At assembly the club did regain voting rights not filled
until recently and now they have a rep
Vote, passed placard vote, no objections, no abstentions (03/01/2016)
Guest Speakers –
a. Attorney Erik Forsgren – City of Oshkosh Housing Committee Update – Ben had
presented to OSA Senate on the rental certification program and was supportive
of it. Erik has attended a series of meetings in regard to rental certification,
started because of the mayor whose mother was in a house that was deplorable,
wants to improve housing stock in the full community but the older homes in the
community are near the university. Erik does not see a downside to date trying to
get ordinance passed waiting for legislative to come out of Madison, cannot pick
in one area, have to be some formality 3 to 5-year cycle that the housing quality
improves and big debate Mrs. Schwab is on the committee as a landlord.
Landlords feel that they will need to pass the fee of the certificate program on to
tenants. Erik does not see that this would be a large amount of money, not
hundreds of dollars and why does it have to be expected we will have a charge
and that may be passed along to tenants not hundreds of dollars if you know you
are getting an apartment that is certified and inspected there is a lot to say about
that. This has been tried before and the first two committees were a disaster and
there is hope this one will be more productive. Stuebs: What does that do for
student tenants and so far I think it as possible Lacrosse and Wausau has done
this. No concerns that he has that need to be addressed or need imminent
attention. Schwab Properties made a statement that all student tenants are bad but
Erik made the argument that any tenant regardless if they are a student may be
bad. There is more good so far than negative. This does not foreclose the
opportunities to contact the housing inspector not foreclosed to having the
housing inspector look at it if a student feels there are issues. Also a great market
tool for the university the idea that housing that the city has an ordinance an
inspection of the property and anything that helps market the university
committee is a good thing. Erik has history with Mrs. Schwab but says they are
much better now, represented a maintenance man in an unemployment claim.
Andrew Prickett is on the committee and is the City of Oshkosh housing
inspector. If it looks like it is going south he will do what he can to protect the
student tenants, there will be some bumps in the road but over all a good thing.
President Schettle: thank you for coming today. Regarding costs with the
inspection some sent over to tenants, looking specifically at student tenants and
there are some that are repairs at what point will repair costs be transferred over to
students? Answer: you cannot try to recoup that by adjusting rent, the market will
determine rent, if you have a lot of units then you have a lot of money too. If
everyone tacks on $10 for rent if extra costs usually will go to tenant but not that
great. We will know more as we move along. Dunton: Is there any way to
prevent from passing that on to the students? Answer: No I thought that at first
but no one to force them from not passing it along to tenants. Do you need
anything from the student body to guarantee that it goes through? Answer:
powerful registry and felt that student government was on board with this, I would
like to know if student government the voice of the students is on board. Can
always let Rae Ann know and Erik will take it to the committee. Schettle:
Madison bill that was passed deals with housing two weeks ago landlords evict
tenants on the suspicion of a crime. Answer: Old guy and son and the son is
convicted of a crime the old guy will be evicted too. The bill needs fundamental
changes, it is one size fits all. Liability to the max MUN in New York and one
engage in criminal activity while you are gone and then you come back and are
evicted and you were not even home.
Officer Reports –
a. OSA Directors and Ambassadors – no report
b. OSA Office Manager – (Rae Ann - wetzelr@uwosh.edu) – OSA Marketing
Ambassador will announce the winners of the Buzz Download campaign on the
OSA Facebook page with pictures of the winners. There were 9 participates.
OSA Senator Johnson is following up on the OSA suggestion box comments,
your suggestions do matter and there is a suggestion box between the computers
outside of the university bookstore. One example, door hangers on the inside of
some of the restroom doors are missing in Reeve, Senator Johnson has followed
up with Reeve staff and Sara Ann is having staff indicate which bathrooms are
missing the hangers and will order door hangers for backpacks and purses.
Budget Verification Mechanism has been passed by all bodies, I will begin the 10
audits for this semester the week of March 21, 10 audits for club/orgs each
semester and the remaining audits in the summer. I have contact Financial
Services for training so our audits match those of departments here on campus.
Student Legal Services housing fair is April 7 11:00 AM – 1:30 PM in Reeve
Concourse. OSA has a scholarship, Mark Reinhard Scholarship but this year the
foundation if changing over to Academic Works for all scholarship offered on
campus. I will be trained on April 7 and the scholarship will be open to
applicants after the training. OSA elections Next week on March 8 and March 9
from 8 AM to 8 PM on TitanLink home page or OSA website and click vote here.
Please vote.
c. OSA Advisor – (Petra – roterp@uwosh.edu) – no report
d. OSA Academic Liaison – (Rotating members of Senate for Academic Staff -) –
no report
e. Speaker Pro-Tempore – (Maria - osaspeakerpt@uwosh.edu) – Speaker Boothe
unable to be here so giving her report: Climate Campus Survey all the responses
are confidential and something bothers on campus you should let someone know,
the survey has not been done since 2008. If you take the survey you can put in
the information and then register for prices mini iPad, gift cards, and more,
everyone will get 25% off at the bookstore the university bookstore, if half the
campus 7,700 shave his head bald. Austyn and Maria run in the OSA Elections
next week as President and VP
f. Speaker of the Assembly – (Austyn – osaspeaker@uwosh.edu) – no report
g. Vice President Pro-Tempore – (Zachary – osavppt@uwosh.edu) – no report
h. Vice President – (Graham – osavp@uwosh.edu) – Rec MEC and RUB, USRH
what they want to see in the new merger doc update until Friday
i. President – (Jordan - osapres@uwosh.edu) – March 12 is student rep and Austyn
will be attending if you are interested in going let her know and see if you can
hitch a ride with her. Local government is where you can have impact. Working
with Titan Unground supervisor on the sales and type of alcohol sold in the Titan
Underground. Giant marketing pushing to do a newsletter on what we do each
week want will be located near the readership newsstand. Apologize to Speaker
PT Berge as he misspoke at the last meeting on the grading scale, he did double
check and the document did NOT have percentages assigned to it.
Presidential Appointments –
Motion to add by McCarville, 2nd by Stuebs
Vote, to add resolution to agenda, passed placard vote, no objections, no abstentions
OSA 15-099
BE IT RESOLVED: That the OSA Senate and Assembly approved the following Presidential
Appointments and/or recommendations:
1. Heidi Heitzel, Green Fund Committee, Alternate
Sponsored by: Jordan Schettle, OSA President
Motion to move to floor McCarville, 2nd byStuebs
Vote, passed placard vote, no objections, one abstentions (03/01/2016)
Unfinished Business –
OSA 15-095
WHEREAS, current parking policy dictates that all vehicles must pull into a parking spot
and may not back in or pull through; and
WHERAS, it is more difficult for vehicles with longer wheelbases to pull into a parking
spot; and
THEREFORE LET IT BE RESOLVED: that OSA supports a change in parking policy to
allow those who utilize university parking lots to be able to back into parking spots.
THEREFORE, BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED That upon passage of this resolution, a copy
of this resolution shall be sent to the following individuals: Dr. Andrew Leavitt, UW
Oshkosh Chancellor; Dr. Petra Roter, Vice Chancellor of Student Affairs; and Benjamin
Richardson, Parking and Transportation Services Director
Sponsored by: Travis Eickstedt, College Republicans
Motion to move to floor by Stuebs, 2nd by Goodwill
Discussion: Schabrie will this create more work for parking? Sparks: After
discussion with Parking Director he will not necessary change the policy, he talked to
parking and it was brought up that the parking lots are busy and pulling through is
not that common anyway. Berge: It was discussed yesterday for adding more time
adding more time and if it snows they do have to get out and wipe the snow off and
check for permits, or if they give a ticket they have to get out of vehicle anyway.
Goodwill: liabilities on cars and worked for the city of Madison parking dept and lots
of damage or hit the car or wall behind it and do not know who the person is not know
as they pull out there will be insurance. Stuebs: Not all create a brochure take the map
and minute the places where you could park and it could be one of those things that
everyone does it differently.
Vote, passed placard vote 6 in favor 4 opposed, no abstentions (03/01/2016
New Business –
OSA 15-098
WHEREAS, one of the top priorities of the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh is to provide
students with the necessary information they need to succeed; and
WHEREAS, the vast majority of students attending the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh either
have a vehicle on campus, commute, or otherwise utilize the resources offered by Parking and
Transportation Services; and
WHEREAS, according to a recent survey, many students report having difficulties acquiring the
information they need regarding parking rules and regulations; and
WHEREAS, these difficulties appear to stem from poor customer service, outdated information,
lack of communication, and a hesitancy to accommodate student circumstances; and
WHEREAS, the majority of the students who completed the survey don’t think parking rules and
regulations have been sufficiently explained to them, and they have never received a brochure,
pamphlet, or other item explaining said rules and regulations; and
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Parking and Transportation Services work proactively to
ensure that parking rules and regulations are sufficiently communicated to students by keeping
their materials updated and making information readily available, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Parking and Transportation Services create a brochure,
online pamphlet, or other item for distribution to students in order to do this, since many students
report difficulties acquiring information from Parking Services’ web site, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the staff at Parking and Transportation Services take care to
ensure that they are providing friendly and accurate customer service, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Parking and Transportation Services begin to take an active
role in communicating with students by providing a means through which students can provide
feedback as to their experiences, and being open to suggestions regarding parking rules and
regulations, and
BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED that upon passage of the resolution, a copy of the resolution shall
be transmitted to the following: Petra Roter, Vice Chancellor of Student Affairs; Dr. Andrew
Leavitt, Chancellor; Tom Sonnleitner, Vice Chancellor for Administrative Services; Lori Worm,
Associate Vice Chancellor for Administrative Services; and Benjamin Richardson, Parking and
Transportation Services Director
Sponsored by: Katheryn Bermann, OSA Senator
Dispense, one abstention – VP read resolution
Motion to move to floor Dunton, 2nd by Novak
Discussion: results from survey, students had out dated material Lincoln Hall, just has an
issue with outdated material. 250 students and employees participated in the survey. Has
been in communication with Ben for a meeting.
Committee Reports – DT finance committee 2016-17 met and did recommend methods
to reduce budgets to a few of the depts. supported by DT. 12 million for reduction that we
made shy of 18 million from last year decrease wages and reduce summer salary: The
different funds cannot dictate can only modify salary, fridge benefits, supplies, through
discussion a handful of different dept $9 to $10 per hour a lot compared to other
alternatives that are not out there simply to, math lab, etc in the salary note in decision
how a variety of administrative workers and it is not compensated for and dept funded by
DT and some get paid and compensate for their work encourage for the faculty to be
prepare that they are actually paid for and recommend to follow suit to be more fiscially
responsible, being more productive for current hours, model lab and have a staff student
worker putting workers or work when the student demand is high so you do not have to
wait for 20 min. Schadrie: Reaffirm when Alex and I work there the tutor would just sit
there and get paid to their homework. Applaud DT that we are in a difficult fiscal time
and not take advantage of student dollars. Last week nominiations at USRH, Shanyia
only nomination for it and election will be next week, internim position then? Novak –
yes I think so I will check. Faculty senate ; 9th in the 10th year cycle will interview
students and faculty next year. Cocnerns on budget have the governance bodies and
make sure they are transparent for the Deans to transfer the funds to different committees,
it may be difficult to manage undeclared or students that drop out. RE; when it is
undeclared it should be split 50 50 and he said he will be sure to keep faculty and
governance in conversations, it will be worked out in Phase II. Higher Learning
Commissions there are four different four groups if you have any interest in being
involved next year we can transition you over to next year.
Discussion – Goodwill – what you think of Business 206 and 207 heard a lot of
complaints from students about how the grading system for students work, it is
challenging, 2 credits 2 tests 25% of the grade and the second test is 50% for 75% of
the class and 25% online classes, what is the reason behind that and I know last
week a lot of students dropped out because of that. Elliott: get where you are
coming from and part of the class who is at the top and who is not, designed on
purpose. Berge: agree with Elliott not the only class that the tests are the vast
majority of the grade. Is this a pre req for college of business, yes required to take it
C or higher. McCarville I took both 2016 financial account and 207 found it
difficult and have to retake it, accounting is a difficult process so is you are going for
marketing but does not , Novak: Is that the grading school for the College of
Business intro to Psych 10 point homework and was still. Schettle: Back chapter 36
no legal stance, no control over class structure the point of academic , do not bring
up OSA’s name if you meet with a dean, all the classes are the same, 2 credits it is
essential if you are going into business income statement, balance statement they do
have to depend on exams but it iall pretty easy remember the forumlas and put the
numbers in. I agree what President Schettle says, retake it, fail it, and it is a pre-req
what there are students not good at test taking but no. Math 301 do not it kept me
up at night but at the end o fthe day I got it liberal arts, specifically students are
dropping out but every major and just because a course is hard and if the professors
may think that they need it, nursing by faculty definication a well rounded college
and sorry if that is not looking for upset that a class is hard and students are
dropping out, buck up. Test anxiety is a real thing project success if individual sort
of thing changing a whole course for a few individuals if they are having anxiety or
at the testing center it is a resourse that has been offered for awhile.
Bermann – Parking services survey
Not enough to support
Students and employees did take that.
Reeve is that the only brochure have you took at there website and it is confusing
and so is the procedure.
232 is not a lot of people so 229 voted in the OSA General Election
Announcements – Reeve concourse instead of in a room, any other senators to
answer questions and field questions and OSA stickers to hand out. Senator Orrick
or Elliott if you choose to do some
Adjourn -
6:04 adjourn Novak, Carter