NUS Industry Liaison Office National University of Singapore 21 Heng Mui Keng Terrace Level 5 Singapore 119613 GUIDELINES TO RESEARCH AGREEMENTS (SCHEDULE 1) 1. How to initiate a research agreement? Email the following to ILO Contracts Admin at i. the completed Schedule 1; AND ii. Grant Endorsement Rorm1 signed and endorsed by your Head of Department and Vice Dean (Research); AND iii. a copy of your awarded Grant Proposal, if applicable. Schedule 1 serves the purpose of guiding you to provide the standard relevant information required for a research collaboration agreement (RCA) or a contract research agreement (CRA). However, if you have additional information which you think ILO needs to know, please do indicate them as well. You can download a copy of the Grant endorsement form at the NUS Staff Portal Forms Research grant-endorsement-form 1If you have already completed the Grant Endorsement Form and obtained the necessary approvals during the grant application process, please forward to us a softcopy of the duly signed document. 2. Why do I need to complete Schedule 1? ILO officers need to understand the project which is being subject to the research agreement, inter alia, the scope of the work, deliverables due and budget/contributions to be made by the parties. This information enables us to tailor the agreement specifically to suit the requirements of the project and to also negotiate more effectively in the best interests of your research and NUS. More importantly, Schedule 1 forms part of the legal agreement and it records the understanding between the parties of the collaboration. If you need help with completing Schedule 1, please contact ILO for assistance. For more information on research agreements, please log onto the NUS Staff Portal > Research > Research Compliance > Research Agreements (Overview). You may also send all contract-related queries and/or requests to Page 1 of 5 Schedule 1 Proposal for Research Collaboration Project between NUS and <Name of Company/Institution (1) > and <Name of Company/Institution (2)>: “<Title of Project>” 1. BACKGROUND/ INTRODUCTION / OBJECTIVES 2. SCOPE OF WORK 3. PROJECT SCHEDULE / TIME FRAME AND RESPONSIBILITY MATRIX “Deliverables” Deliverable 1 Deliverable 2 Q1 NUS Deliverable 3 Progress/Interim Report Technology/Invention Disclosure (if applicable) Final Report 4. Q2 Q3 Q4 Collabo rator Joint Joint Joint Joint DELIVERABLES NUS’s deliverables from this Project are: (FOR EXAMPLE) a. Quarterly Reports on xxxx b. Final Report on xxxxx c. Design of xxxxxx equipment d. Antigens for xxxxx [Insert Collaborator name/ acronym]’s Deliverables from this Project are: (FOR EXAMPLE) a. Analysis of xx; b. Quarterly reports on xxxxx c. Final report on xxxx The deliverables which the Parties shall jointly deliver under this Project are: (FOR EXAMPLE) a. Analysis of xxxx b. Quarterly reports on xxxx c. Design of xxxxxx equipment Page 2 of 5 5. 5. BACKGROUND IPR (A) NUS Background IPR (B) Collaborator Background IPR 6. CONTRIBUTIONS / PROJECT BUDGET 6.1 Budget Breakdown Cash Contribution Collaborator shall pay to NUS a total amount of <insert amount>as a one-line project fee (inclusive of applicable Overheads and GST) to the project in accordance to the payment schedule stated in Section 6.2 of this Schedule 1. OR Contribution by Collaborator S$ Cash Equipment [insert description of equipment] Manpower Postdoctoral fellow Research assistant/fellow/engineer, etc Consumables [insert description of consumable items] Others [e.g. travel , software license etc.] Sub-Total ADD Overheads on Sub-Total* ADD 7% GST on (Sub-Total + Overheads) Sub-Total Contribution by Collaborator *Overheads are chargeable on research funding to the University, in accordance with the prevailing policies. In-kind 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 N.A. N.A. 0.00 Page 3 of 5 Contribution by NUS S$ Cash In-kind Equipment [insert description of equipment] Manpower Postdoctoral fellow Research assistant/fellow/engineer, etc Consumables [insert description of consumable items] Others [e.g. travel, software license etc.] through <insert Grant name and ref. no.> Equipment [insert description of equipment] Manpower Postdoctoral fellow Research assistant/fellow/engineer, etc Consumables [insert description of consumable items] Others [e.g. travel, software license etc.] ADD Sub-Total ADD Overheads on Sub-Total 7% GST on (Sub-Total + Overheads) Sub-Total Contribution by NUS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 N.A. N.A. 0.00 Total Contribution by Collaborator Total Contribution by NUS TOTAL PROJECT BUDGET 6.2 OTHER IN-KIND INPUTS / RESOURCES CONTRIBUTED TO THE PROJECT e.g. NUS will be contributing manpower/equipment/etc. to the project..... available equipment, resources, infrastructure, etc. will make Collaborator will be contributing manpower/equipment/etc. to the project..... make available equipment, resources, infrastructure, etc. 6.3 Payment Schedule Date/Event 6.4 will Amount to be paid to _______ BUDGET NOTES Page 4 of 5 (a) (b) (c) 7. Ownership of equipment bought specifically for this Project will be owned by NUS upon the expiry or earlier termination of this Agreement. NUS Principal Investigator is allowed to vire the amounts between the categories within the NUS budget without requiring the approval of the Collaborator, provided that the total NUS budget is not affected. Any budget surpluses are to be retained by NUS for its use as it sees fit. PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATORS NUS Principal Investigator (Name, address, and contact details) Collaborator’s Principal Investigator (Name, address, and contact details) Page 5 of 5