Youth Expedition Project Endorsement & Emergency Management Package This package includes the following items: 1. Roles of an Endorsing Organisation 2. Endorsement Letter 3. Emergency Management Plans (include Section I & II) – C O N F I D E N T I A L – 1 ROLES OF AN ENDORSING ORGANISATION To select and monitor team leaders and members throughout the entire YEP process To ensure consistency and presence of YEP branding. To advise teams on project planning and design and ensure that the service learning pedagogy is applied in both the local and overseas context. To ensure that the risk factors identified by the team before the expedition are optimally managed and reduced to an acceptable level. To be prepared to cope and support the YEP team in handling communication and possible media enquiries in the occurrence of emergency situations when the team is overseas. To advise teams on medical and emergency response situation, and ensure that a medical and emergency management team is formed within the expedition team. To advise on and approve the team leaders’ choice of first-aid training provider and duration of firstaid training. To ensure appropriate administrative and financial governance of the funds from YEP which include ensuring that: (i) the Statement of Accounts (SOA) and incurred expenditure during the overseas expedition are tallied with receipts before submitting it to the Office of Student Affairs (OSA); and (ii) the project grant from OSA is transferred to the endorsing department’s WBS before disbursing it to the team. – C O N F I D E N T I A L – 2 ENDORSEMENT LETTER The responsibility for the overall organisation, leadership, management and safety of the expeditions and projects lies solely with the institutions and organisations endorsing the leaders and their projects applying for support under this YEP grant scheme. The Endorser representing their organisation is responsible in ensuring that the expedition leader(s) is/are prepared adequately to ensure the safety and learning aspects of a YEP trip. Leader(s) should meet the basic requirements of YEP leadership being: Current in their first aid certification and trained in leadership and facilitation skills for an overseas service learning project. 1. Applications from NUS student organisations must be endorsed by their NUS Staff Advsior. 2. Applications from NUS students who are not from any student organisation must get their project endorsed by a NUS staff. This letter covers endorsement for the following documents: 1. Team’s project proposal (for pre, overseas and post service-learning projects) 2. Team’s Emergency Management Plans (both Section I & II) 3. All other supporting documents relevant for the assessment of the project Declaration and Acceptance: 1. I have read and am fully aware of the stated terms and conditions for Endorsing Organisations and I agree to abide by them. I understand that the application will be decided at the sole discretion of OSA and that OSA has the right to reject the application should the information submitted be incomplete and/or inaccurate. 2. I understand that the OSA shall reserve the right to review, reduce, suspend, terminate or withdraw the grant assistance in accordance with the stated terms and conditions and that OSA reserves the right to act on the breach of its terms and conditions at any point in time. Any decision undertaken by OSA is final. 3. I have ensured that this submission is complete and contains all the relevant grant documents required for the application to be processed. 4. I hereby endorse the following leader/s for the following expedition: – C O N F I D E N T I A L – 3 FOR LEADER (S) ABOVE 21 YEARS OLD Name of Leader 1: Project Title: Name of Leader 2 Project Date: Name of Endorser: Contact No: Designation: Fax No: Endorsing Organisation: Email add: *Please provide the finance officer details (for follow-up pertaining to payment matters) Name: Contact No: Email add: WBS No: FOR CO-LEADER BELOW 21 YEARS OLD Ignore this section if both leaders are 21 years old and above I, (Name), (Designation) (NUS Department) endorse __________________________ (Name of Co-leader), holder of NRIC/Passport No.: ____________, aged* ______ to be the co-leader of the YEP team __________________________ (Project Name). * More than or equal to 18 years old but below 21 years old at the departure date of the overseas expedition. I am aware that the co-leader’s participation in the youth expedition project involves certain amount of risks and being in the leadership position, may take up responsibilities pertaining to risk management and facilitate learning for the team. Signature of Endorser / Date Stamp of Organisation – C O N F I D E N T I A L – 4 YEP TEAMS EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT PLANS (INCLUDE SECTION I & II) SECTION (I): EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT PROCEDURE QUESTIONNAIRE FOR TEAM LEADER(S) TO COMPLETE (FOR LAND BASED SITE) Please kindly complete the following to the fullest of your knowledge. Please indicate the item as ‘N/A’ should the item be not applicable to you. PROJECT INFORMATION Project Name Project Period Team Size Name of Leader(s) Contact of Leader(s)- (Handphone Number(s)) PROJECT SITE DETAILS 1. Name of Project Site (pls include country, suburb, village name etc.) 2. Nature of work on site 3. Any Helipad on Site? Proceed to Q.4 if answer is NO. YES / NO If YES, please provide its dimension Night Landing Possible? Aviation Navigational Beacon (NDB or similar) present? Dimension:_______________ YES / NO 4. Location of Project Site 5. Name of Nearest Town 6. Distance from Nearest Town to Site 7. Any transport available at job site? Can it fit a stretcher? YES / NO Length: 216 cm; Width 61 cm; Depth: 19 cm; Weight: 12 kg; Load Capacity: Max 270 kg) 8. Any Medical Personnel on Site? If YES 9. Any medical equipment on Site? If YES, extent and nature e.g. First Aid Clinic, Medications, Oxygen, Splints, etc Stretcher (if YES, can it be winched?) – YES / NO DOCTOR / PARAMEDIC / NURSE C O N F I D E N T I A L – 5 NEAREST SUITABLE HOSPITAL TO PROJECT SITE (If Known/Arranged) Name of Hospital Does Endorsing Organisation have an agreement for local treatment? Address Telephone Number Facsimile Number E-mail Distance from Site Does the Hospital have an ambulance? YES / NO YES / NO NEAREST AIRPORT Name of Nearest Airport Telephone Number Facsimile Number Distance from Site TELECOMMUNICATIONS OF HOST PARTNER(s) a) Overseas Host Partner (s) Name and Designation Telephone Number Facsimile Number E-mail b) Project Site(s) Telephone Number Facsimile Number E-mail c) Expedition team (on site) Name of leader(s) Telephone Number Facsimile Number E-mail – C O N F I D E N T I A L – 6 PERSONNELS STATIONED IN SINGAPORE TO ASSIST THE TEAMS IN CASE OF EMERGENCY SITUATIONS a) Name 1 & Designation Tel/Fax/Mobile/ Email b) Name 2 & Designation Tel/Fax/Mobile Email ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Any additional information you think important for inclusion in the Emergency Procedure? Completion of the following is mandatory. GROUP INSURANCE AND CONTACT ADMINISTRATION 1. Group Insurance Company/Broker 2. Policy Number 3. Emergency Hotline number SECTION (II): EMERGENCY & EVACUATION CHART Outline of Action & Communication Plan in the event of an Emergency / Accident / Incident Please include: 1. Flowchart and means of evacuation for Medical emergency – by vehicle/ foot/ aircraft/ vessel and the route planned and personnel role tasking. 2. Flowchart and means of evacuation for Non-Medical emergency– by vehicle/ foot/ aircraft/ vessel and the route planned and personnel role tasking. 3. A crisis communications plan or flowchart (for medical and non-medical emergency) for information dissemination and executive decision by your parent organisation in Singapore. (You should include the contact number of main stakeholders such as the overseas host organisation) * The crisis management plan can be downloaded from the OSHE website. Updated as of Aug 2013 – C O N F I D E N T I A L – 7