Occupational Trainee - Duty Statement Template

Occupational Trainee - Duty Statement Template
To whom it may concern,
Re: name
Duty Statement – insert below
(See the following example)
Luke is completing a PhD in agronomy through the University of (insert University) and
measured the uptake of Si from field trials conducted overseas. Very few research
institutions have skills and expertise in the analysis of silicon extracted from soils and UNE is
one of those places. Within the 4 month placement with the School of … at UNE, I am
informed by the School and UNE Academic contact … the following analysis will be
undertaken; this forms the Duty Statement for the training position.
1. Extract and analyse the Si concentration of soils collected from a field trial in Brazil
using multiple different chemical reagents of increasing strength to extract Si
2. Determine the inorganic Si concentration in those extractants using a colorimetric
finish on a spectrophotometer
3. Correlate the extracted Si using multiple linear regression and correlation techniques
against known plant Si uptake.
4. Undertake laboratory induction training in the procedures used in the Environmental
Analysis Facility at the University of New England.
5. Draft a manuscript outlining the results of these extractions and prepare the
manuscript for submission to an appropriate soil science journal.
I understand these duties to fall within the scope of Occupational Traineeship – this
structured program has been specifically tailored to the training needs of the nominated
person. The University of New England considers this nomination to meet requirements of
the Department of Immigration and Border Protection’s Training and Research (subclass
402) visa, Occupational Trainee stream.
Yours sincerely
Human Resources