Introduction to Preaching (PT 506) Fall 2011 Richard (Dick) Belcher, Jr. ( Course Description This course is an introduction to preaching that lays a foundation for the necessity of preaching for the church. It lays out a theology of preaching as a basis for understanding the role of preaching within God's redemptive program and explores some hermeneutical issues related to preaching. There is also an emphasis on the principles and process of sermon preparation. Course Objectives 1) To lay a foundation for the necessity of preaching in understanding the theology of preaching. 2) To introduce the hermeneutics of preaching and its significance for understanding the task of preaching. 3) To develop the importance of the preparation of the preacher in preaching. 4) To develop a methodology of sermon preparation by working step by step through the construction of a sermon. Textbooks 1) Christopher Ash, The Priority of Preaching (Ross-Shire: Christan Focus, 2009); read Chapter 3 and the Appendix 2) Robert J. Cara, "Redemptive-Historical Themes in the Westminster Larger Catechism," in The Westminster Confession into the 21st Century (ed. Ligon Duncan; Ross-Shire: Christian Focus Publications, 2009), 55-76. This book will be on reserve in the library. 3) Bryan Chapell, Christ-Centered Preaching (2nd ed.; Grand Rapids: Baker, 2005) 4) D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones, Preaching and Preachers (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1971) 5) T. David Gordon, Why Johnny Can't Preach (Phillipsburg, NJ: P & R, 2009) 6) Arturo Azurdia III, Spirit Empowered Preaching (Christian Focus, 2003); buy from the RTS Charlotte bookstore 7) R. Albert Mohler, Jr., He is Not Silent (Chicago: Moody, 2008) Intro to Preaching Syllabus 2 Assignments 1) The assigned reading must be read (see the Schedule for the class). Although the reading is laid out according to the class schedule, the only reading that is tied to the class lectures is the reading in Chapell and the Cara article. 2) There will be a quiz each week which will include memorizing benedictions. The following translations may be used for this memorization: KJV, NKJV, NASV, NIV, ESV. The lowest quiz grade will be dropped and your first missed quiz is a dropped quiz regardless of the reason for missing the quiz. 3) There is one Exam based on the lectures covering the Theological Foundation of Preaching (Lectures 1-4) and the Hermeneutics of Preaching (Lectures 5-7). There will also be a question on this Exam concerning the percentage of reading you accomplished for this class. 4) Two written sermons are required following the methodology laid out in the course. a) Students will be assigned a text from Philippians and Amos. b) On certain weeks assignments will be due from the Philippians texts in light of what is covered in class that week. c) The sermon will follow the following format i) state the audience to whom you are speaking ii) propositions, main points, and subpoints should be in bold type iii) transitional statements should be in italic type iv) placement of the text (reference to verses) should be underlined, for example, v 7 d) The sermon from Philippians is due mid-semester (see the Class Schedule). The student will hand in a Homiletical Outline and the full written sermon. e) The sermon from Amos is due at the end of the semester (see the Class Schedule). The student will hand in a Homiletical Outline and the full written sermon. 5) A "mini-speech" is required to give the student some exposure to speaking before a large group (length to be determined but either 3 or 4 minutes). The speech should focus on one or more of the following topics, but it must include comments on how preaching was significant to the topic. a) conversion to Christ b) the kind of church you grew up in c) call to ministry d) how you came to accept Reformed theology 3 Intro to Preaching Syllabus Grades 1) Written Sermons 2) Exam 3) Homework Assignments 50% 20% 10% 4) Quizzes 5) Reading 6) Mini-speech 10% 05% 05% 4 Intro to Preaching Syllabus Course Objectives Related to MDiv* Student Learning Outcomes Course: Professor: Campus: Date: Introduction to Preaching (PT 506) Richard Belcher Charlotte March 2009 MDiv* Student Learning Outcomes In order to measure the success of the MDiv curriculum, RTS has defined the following as the intended outcomes of the student learning process. Each course contributes to these overall outcomes. This rubric shows the contribution of this course to the MDiv outcomes. Rubric Mini-Justification Strong Moderate Minimal None *As the MDiv is the core degree at RTS, the MDiv rubric will be used in this syllabus. Articulation (oral & written) Broadly understands and articulates knowledge, both oral and written, of essential biblical, theological, historical, and cultural/global information, including details, concepts, and frameworks. Scripture Significant knowledge of the original meaning of Scripture. Also, the concepts for and skill to research further into the original meaning of Scripture and to apply Scripture to a variety of modern circumstances. (Includes appropriate use of original languages and hermeneutics; and integrates theological, historical, and cultural/global perspectives.) Reformed Theology Significant knowledge of Reformed theology and practice, with emphasis on the Westminster Standards. Sanctification Demonstrates a love for the Triune God that aids the student’s sanctification. Desire for Worldview Burning desire to conform all of life to the Word of God. Winsomely Reformed Embraces a winsomely Reformed ethos. (Includes an appropriate ecumenical spirit with other Christians, especially Evangelicals; a concern to present the Gospel in a God-honoring manner to non-Christians; and a truth-in-love attitude in disagreements.) Ability to preach and teach the meaning of Scripture to both heart and mind with clarity and enthusiasm. Preach Worship Shepherd Knowledgeable of historic and modern Christianworship forms; and ability to construct and skill to lead a worship service. Ability to shepherd the local congregation: aiding in spiritual maturity; promoting use of gifts and callings; and encouraging a concern for non-Christians, both in America and worldwide. Strong Strong a three minute speech and two written sermons are required; a theological basis and the hermeneutics of preaching are covered Preaching focuses on the original meaning as a basis for modern meaning; there is an emphasis on using the languages in undertanding the original meaning for preaching purposes Minimal the theology and hermeneutics of preaching touches on a few issues Minimal discussions of application of the text deals with sanctification issues Minimal the goal of preaching is to help people do this Minimal respect for other methods of preaching is encouraged this is the heart of the course Strong None None although the importance of shepherding to preaching is commented on 5 Intro to Preaching Syllabus Church/World Ability to interact within a denominational context, within the broader worldwide church, and with significant public issues. None