Weekly Reflection, August 7, 2013 Dear Grace, What does “home” mean to you? As Christians, no matter where we reside, we can be confident that our ultimate home is in Jesus Christ. Grace UMC is a place where many have found their true home in God’s kingdom, and for this we give thanks. And we look forward to hosting a family reunion in September! Grace Homecoming Celebration Sunday September 29th Worship 11am, Potluck lunch in Fellowship Hall to follow Special Guest Preacher: Dr. Thomas G. Long, Bandy Professor of Preaching, Candler School of Theology Dr. Long's research interests are contemporary homiletical theory, biblical hermeneutics and preaching. His most recent book, What Shall We Say? Evil, Suffering, and the Crisis of Faith, explores questions of God and human suffering, and was named “2011 Book of the Year” by the Academy of Parish Clergy. Long’s 1989 book The Witness of Preaching—now in its second edition—is one of the most widely used texts on preaching, appearing on class reading lists in seminaries across the country and world. In 2010, Preaching magazine named The Witness of Preaching one of the 25 most influential books in preaching for the last 25 years. Long’s Preaching from Memory to Hope was named as one of the “top ten books for parish ministry published in 2009” by the Academy of Parish Clergy. The author of 20 books to date, Long is a frequent contributor to The Christian Century and the Journal for Preachers, and a popular presenter at preaching conferences worldwide. He is an ordained minister in the Presbyterian Church (USA). Please mark this special date on your calendar and spread the word! We have been trying to reach people for whom Grace is “home” over the summer and will continue to do so. We have more postcards in the office, so feel free to pick them up and send them out, or e-mail: office@graceonponce.org with information and we will send out invitations. Sue and Andy are putting together a reunion choir, so if you or someone you know would like to be part of it please e-mail: a_singletary@msn.com. Hope you’ll come to the HELP outing on Saturday (meet at 9am in the fellowship hall) to serve our community. See you for worship on Sunday at 11am and think about who you can bring with you! Grace and peace, Kate