PFA = Physical Fitness Assessment

The PFA test consists of
four different categories.
This test is for males under the age of 30.
USAF Fitness Test Scoring /Males < 30 years of age
“AC” stands for
How big is your
waist in
How fast
can I run
1.5 miles?
Zeros mean you failed that PFA category. If you fail any one of the four
categories, you fail the entire assessment. Failing the assessment means you
can take the AES class (for example, AES 110) but NOT the leadership lab (for
example, AES 111) held on Fridays. Leadership lab is required for
commissioning into the U.S. Air Force.
PFA = Physical
Fitness Assessment
Max points = 100;
add up all
How many
pushups and
situps can I do in
one minute?