Community Space--What is it? Moriah, Paul, Daniel, Julie, Alex -Space needs to reflect who we are, what we do. Community space can/should include: -Music/artistic, food, event space, dedicated student space for all students (lounge-style), G1 space, the library, study space, outdoor space- walking paths that connect parts of the campus, wall of photos of SEAS faculty, students, administrators (like HLS) -People like gather at interesting places (i.e. a sculpture or giant ping pong table) -Will two buildings make building community more difficult? How will be decisions be made about who goes where? If administrative staff are in one building and students and faculty in another, does that make the existing divide between them even greater? Could the two be linked by a courtyard or designed outdoor space? -The community includes everyone- students, faculty, and staff. to staff? Are there plans for a space dedicated -Revenue-generating space for events, conferences? -Event/meeting space needs to be large, mid-sized, and small. Dedicated space for defenses? -Athletic facility in or nearby SEAS space We’re a small school. What are the incentives for being a concentrator? -Access to special resources for SEAS students