BIOLOGY CH. 17 NOTES Taxonomy: Study of Classification Early Systems: Aristotle developed a system of taxonomy based on habitat for animals, structure for plants. Animals Water air Plants land shrubs trees herbs Another system: useful, harmful, unnecessary CAROLUS LINNAEUS: Father of modern taxonomy 18th Century Two-name naming system or binomial nomenclature Latin (unchanging) Genus species or Genus species example: Homo sapiens or H. sapiens Genus is a noun and the species identifier is an adjective THREE-DOMAIN SYSTEM Fig. 18-11. By comparing ribosomal RNA, an estimate of how long ago pairs of different organisms shared a common ancestor can be determined. The phylogenetic tree drawn from these data shows that living things seem to fall naturally into three broad groups, or domains. BACTERIA Eubacteria ARCHAEA Archaebacteria EUKARYA Protista Plantae Fungi Animalia Six-Kingdom Classification System Obj. 1 Bacteria have been subdivided to account for fundamental differences between them. Archae Bacteria Eukarya Autotrophs/ heterotrophs A/H Archaebacteria Eubacteria Fungi Plantae Animals prokaryotes unicellular Protista eukaryotes A/H multicellular H A/H H Kingdom Archaebacteria: archae means ancient Some autotrophic but NOT photosynthetic— chemosynthetic (methanogens-produce CH4) Mrs. Loyd Page 1 of 7 7/12/2016 Their waste products may contain methane. Harsh environments: extremes of: o salt (halophiles) o temperature (thermoacidophiles). o pH (phile means to love / phobic means to hate) Flourished before there was oxygen on earth. Kingdom Eubacteria: eu means true. Includes most common bacteria we are familiar with. Most use oxygen but (aerobic) a few die in the presence of O2 (obligate anaerobes) Obj. 2 Similarities Differences Archea Extreme living cond. distinctive cell membranes Eu Ideal cond. genetic properties properties similar to eukaryotes Today: Most abundant living thing on Earth First living things on Earth Reproduce by binary fission Can recombine genes Short generation time Kingdom Protista: Mostly single-celled organisms. Multicellular examples lack specialized tissue (Kelp) Membrane-bound nucleus with linear chromosomes (no plasmids) Most have genetic recombination Miscellaneous category: all eukaryotes not plants, animals or fungi. Examples: euglena and amoeba Kingdom Fungi: Heterotrophic unicellular and multicellular eukaryotic organisms. Absorb nutrients rather than ingest Probably have genetic recombination Examples: mushrooms, puffballs, rusts, smuts, mildews, molds Kingdom Plantae: Multicellular plants autotrophic using photosynthesis (except parasitic plants) reproduction involves meiosis (crossing-over for recombination) Examples: mosses, ferns, conifers, flowering plants Kingdom Animalia: Eukaryotic, multicellular heterotrophic organisms. Symmetrical body organization and move around Reproduction involves meiosis and recombination Mrs. Loyd Page 2 of 7 7/12/2016 Modern Biology Bacteria 23-1 Notes Obj. 1 Define bacteria, eubacteria, and archaebacteria, and note relationships between them. See Ch. 17 notes Obj. 2 Describe the methods used to classify bacteria. See Ch. 17 notes. Eubacteria may be referred to as bacteria. Archaebacteria. See Ch. 17 notes as well as below. Have unusual lipids (fats) in cell membranes. Absence of peptidoglycan in cell walls. Present in eubacteria. May be more common than first expected. (Obj. 3 Name and describe three known types of Archaebacteria) Methanogens: autotrophic using chemosynthesis H 2 + CO2 CH4 Oxygen is a poison to them. Extreme Halophiles: very high salt concentrations like the Great Salt Lake and the Dead Sea. Use salt to make ATP. Thermoacidophiles: Extremely high temp and low pH such as hot springs and volcanic vents on land or hydrothermal vents on the ocean floor that leak scalding acidic water. Kingdom Eubacteria: Shapes: Bacilla are rods Spirilla are spirals Cocci are spheres: o chains are called streptococci o clusters called staphylococci Gram Stain: Eubacteria can be grouped into two categories according to how they take a stain. See fig. 24-3. o Gram+: retain stain and look purple o Gram- : don’t take the stain but take a second stain; pink. A thicker layer of peptidoglycan in cell wall allows bacteria to take the stain and are Gram+. See fig. 24-4. Gram Stain is useful because of differences between + and – bacteria: Different susceptibilities to antibacterial drugs Produce different toxic materials React differently to disinfectants Gram Stain Procedure: 1. Small amount of bacteria in drop of water on slide. 2. Heat fixing: use hot plate (level 2 about 10 sec.) 3. application of crystal violet dye (20 sec.) This will permanently stain your clothes! 4. Wash (2 sec.) with distilled water 5. Gram’s iodine added to slide 6. Decolorize with alcohol (10-20 sec.) or until alcohol flows colorless. 7. Wash (2 sec.) with distilled water 8. Safranin dye (20 sec.) 9. Wash (2 sec.) with distilled water 10. Gently blot dry Results: Gram+ is purple-blue in color Gram – is reddish/pink in color Biology Mrs. Loyd Page 3 of 7 7/12/2016 Bacteria Ch. 23-2 Notes Structure: Cell wall made with peptidoglycan (amino acids and carbohydrates) Gram negative bacteria cell wall has outer covering of lipids and sugars. Protects these bacteria against some kinds of antibiotics. Prokaryotes bacteria do not contain membrane-bound organelles. The cell membrane contains the enzymes for cellular respiration. Also has folds called thylakoids like chloroplasts. Bacterial DNA is a single, closed loop plus some have plasmids. Capsule polysaccharides (starch) that cling to outside surface and protect cell from drying or harsh chemicals or host’s white blood cells. If capsule is fuzzy/sticky with sugars its called glycocalyx which helps it stick to host cells. Pili: Short hairlike protein structures on surface. Help bacteria adhere and also used to transfer genetic material to another bacterium. Endospores: dormant structure produced by some Gram-positive bacteria exposed to harsh conditions Made of thick outer covering around cell’s DNA NOT reproductive cells When conditions favorable again, endospore opens and bacterium emerges and begins reproducing. Movement Structures: Flagella: propel with “run-and-tumble” motion. Single, both ends, tufts, all over. Nutrition and Growth: Saprophytes: Hetertrophic bacteria feed on dead and decaying matter Photoautotrophs: Autotrophic bacteria use sunlight or Chemoautotrophs minerals for energy. Obligate anaerobes cannot live in presence of oxygen. C. tetani Facultative anaerobes live with or without oxygen. E. coli Obligate aerobes must have oxygen. M. tuberculosis Genetic Recombination: table 24-3 Mrs. Loyd Page 4 of 7 7/12/2016 Chapter 23-3 Notes Bacteria and Humans Bacteria and Disease: Pathology is the study of disease. Toxins are made by bacteria and can cause disease. Exotoxins: made from protein by Gram-positive bacteria. C. tetani These toxins are produced continuously. Endotoxins: made of lipids and carbs on outer membrane of Gramnegative bacteria like E. coli. These toxins produced only when cell dies causing fever, body aches, and weakness can damage blood vessels. Antibiotics: combat bacteria by inhibiting various cellular functions (see table 24-5). Many antibiotics protect bacteria and fungi from other microscopic invaders. Some antibiotics are synthesized in labs. Broad spectrum antibiotics affect a wide variety of organisms. Examples: Penicillin, ampicillin, bacitracin, cephalosporin, tetracycline, streptomysin, sulfa drugs, rifampin, quinolines.) Antibiotic Resistance: 1. When bacteria are treated with antibiotic, most die. 2. If even one survives and reproduces it creates a strain of antibiotic resistant bacteria. 3. Overuse of antibiotics causes easily treatable diseases to become difficult to treat. See fig. 24-6 Useful Bacteria: Decompose waste, recycle nutrients, create organic compounds. Bacteria ferment sugar in milk (lactose) to make sour cream, buttermilk, yogurt. Bacteria digest protein in milk produce unripened cheese (ricotta) Fermented foods like cabbage > sauerkraut / cucumbers > pickles Mrs. Loyd Page 5 of 7 7/12/2016 Biology “Viruses” Ch. 24-1 “Viral Structure and Replication” STRUCTURE Viruses are non-living particle. Composed of nucleic acid (DNA or RNA) and a protein coat. Cause many diseases. Useful in genetic research because they change the way cells work. Virology is the study of viruses. Virology: Wendell Stanley crystallized the tobacco mosaic virus. Suggested that viruses were chemicals not cells. See table 24-1. Characteristics of Viruses: Some of the smallest biological particles capable of causing disease. Absent: nucleus, cytoplasm, organelles, or cell membrane and can only reproduce (replicate) by infecting cells and taking over. Viral Structure: Nucleic acid (DNA or RNA) and a Protein Coat called a capsid. Envelope is membrane-like layer outside capsid. Stolen from hostcell membrane during replication. It helps virus infect new host cells. Examples: influenza, chickenpox, herpes simplex, and HIV see fig. 24-1 to ID parts glycoprotein: On surface of envelope are projections made of glycoprotein that the virus uses to attach to a host cell. Viral Shape: May be determined by its capsid or nucleic acid. Icosahedron: o shape with 20 triangular faces determined by capsid. o Examples: herpes simplex, chickenpox, and polio. Helix: o coiled spring shape determined by nucleic acid. o Examples: rabies, measles, and tobacco mosaic viruses. Grouping Viruses: 24-1 cont’d Based on their shape and structure. The presence of a capsid structure and an envelope. Whether they contain DNA or RNA and whether its single-stranded or double-stranded. Examples: see table 24-2 Virus Types: o DNA type: o can directly produce its own RNA o then makes more viral proteins or o can join the host cell’s DNA to direct the synthesis of new viruses. o RNA type: o enters host cell o viral RNA released into cytoplasm where it uses the host cell’s ribosomes to produce new viral proteins. Mrs. Loyd Page 6 of 7 7/12/2016 Retroviruses another RNA type Reverse transcriptase to use its own RNA as a pattern (template) to make an RNA transcript of itself. This RNA is then used to make protein. (normal transcription: DNA>RNA>Protein) (Reverse: RNA>DNA>RNA>Protein Viroids and Prions: Even simpler than viruses. Viroids: o smallest known particles able to replicate (reproduce). o Made of short, single strand of RNA and has no capsid. o See fig. 24-3 Damage crops. Prions: o abnormal forms of proteins that clump together inside a cell. o Clumping eventually kills cell. o Made of about 250 amino acids (building blocks of proteins) but no nucleic acid (DNA or RNA). o Examples: scrapie in sheep mad cow disease. Similar to CJD (Creutzfeld Jakob) in humans. Mrs. Loyd Page 7 of 7 7/12/2016