Anatomy and Physiology II Exam III Instructor: Brian Cambron

Anatomy and Physiology II Exam III
Instructor: Brian Cambron
What term refers to a general yellowing of the skin and eyes as the result of liver dysfunction and
What are the three sections of the small intestine? Put them in order.
What is Peristaltic Rush?
What is the scientific term for chewing?
What is the scientific term for swallowing?
What are the two valves that control the movement of material into and out of the stomach,
What substance is contained in pancreatic secretions that make it alkaline (basic)?
What are the double layered folds of peritoneum that support the loops of the small and large
intestine called?
What do we call the opening in the diaphragm that allows for the passage of the esophagus?
What scientific term refers to the mixing movements of the large intestine?
What scientific term refers to the elimination of wastes from the large intestine?
During fat digestion, small droplets of fat are encased in protein to be soluble. What are these
droplets called?
The salivary enzyme amylase functions to digest what substance?
The parietal cells of gastric glands secrete what?
What stimulates the release of Cholecystokinin from the intestinal wall?
What are the accessory organs of the digestive system?
The innermost layer of the G.I. wall is the?
What are the muscles used in chewing?
What are names of the salivary glands?
The gall bladder is connected to the common bile duct via the?
The colon is another name for which digestive organ?
What do we call the endocrine portion of the pancreas?
Contents from the gall bladder and pancreas empty into the digestive tract through the?
Individual sections, or “segments”, of the large intestine are called?
Gastrin is stimulated to be released from the stomach via?
The roof of the mouth is called what?
What are the muscle layers of the stomach?
Goblet cells in the stomach and small intestine secrete what substance?
What do we call the material from dead red blood cells that the liver processes?
Mucosal folds of the interior of the stomach and gall bladder are called?
The tiny, finger-like projections of cell membrane of the columnar epithelial cells lining the
intestine are called what?
The muscular contractions that move material through the alimentary (digestive) tract are called?
A group of nerves and nerve cell bodies that handle sub processing of simple reflexes is called a?
Openings to the gastric glands lining the interior surface of the stomach are called?
Chief cells of gastric glands produce what substance?
Which part(s) of the small intestine does the majority of nutrient absorption take place?
The numerous enfolding of the small intestinal wall are called?
Crypts of Lieberkuhn are found in which organ of the digestive system?
The primary function of the large intestine is?
Besides cholecystokinin, which hormone opposes the effects of gastrin?
The network of nerves running the full length of the alimentary canal is referred to as the?
On which surface of the liver is the hepatic portal found?
What are the three phases of swallowing called?
What are the enzymes responsible for the breakdown of fats called?
What are the parts of the portal triad of a liver lobule?
The secretion of the hormone Secretin is stimulated by what stimulus?
Are the organs of the alimentary canal innervated by sympathetic as well as by parasympathetic
nerve fibers?
Fat molecules tend to be transported away from the intestine by which vessel system?
Where is the cecum located?
A set of primary teeth consists of 20 teeth, while a set of secondary teeth consists of how many
Does the esophagus provide a passageway for substances from the larynx to the bronchi?
Where is the stomach located at in the body?
What two organs does the stomach connect to?
Is Bile composed of HCl, pepsin, mucus, and intrinsic factor?
How does the large intestine move material through it compare to how the small intestine moves
What is chyme?
The movement of chyme through the small intestine is increased by parasympathetic impulses
and is inhibited by sympathetic impulses. Is this true?
Which neurotransmitter does the Parasympathetic Nerves use?
Which neurotransmitter does the Sympathetic Nerves use?
Which neurotransmitter is used to link the Gall Bladder and Intestinal Wall?
Now, there are some special things I want you to look up for the short answer. These may be
found in the book, or not. They may be difficult to find. Feel free to email me over the weekend.
Also, remember to review the rest of the notes at the end of the digestive system PowerPoint.
Short Answer
Discuss the digestion of lipids and how they are absorbed. This material can be found in the
textbook on pages 788 and 789.
Describe the Endogastric Reflex. This one is in the book, but the internet helps.
Describe both the Gastro-Colic and Duodeno-Colic reflexes that occur after a meal. These are
trickier, and you may have difficulty, even with the internet, in finding them.