’s—Chapters 28-32 AP United States History Unit 10 ID-Sig

AP United States History Unit 10 ID-Sig’s—Chapters 28-32
Chapter 28: The Cold War and American Globalism, 1945-1961
Reading: pp. 767-796
Terms & Events
1. Truman Doctrine
1. Ho Chi Minh
2. containment doctrine
2. Jiang Jieshi
3. Marshall Plan
3. Mao Zedong
4. National Security Act of 1947
4. General Douglas MacArthur
5. North Atlantic Treaty Organization
5. John Foster Dulles
6. NSC-68
7. Brinkmanship
8. Domino theory
9. Sputnik
10. Eisenhower Doctrine
Chapter 29: America at Midcentury, 1945-1960
Reading: pp. 797-826
Terms & Events
1. G.I. Bill of Rights
1. William Levitt
2. Taft-Hartley Act
2. Senator Joseph McCarthy
3. Dixiecrats
3. Ethel and Julius Rosenberg
4. Fair Deal
4. Jackie Robinson
5. National Defense Education Act of 1957
5. Rosa Parks
6. House Committee on Un-American Activities (HUAC)
7. Internal Security Act of 1950 (McCarran Act)
8. Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka
9. Montgomery Bus Boycott
10. Southern Christian Leadership Conference
11. Silent Spring
Chapter 30: The Tumultuous Sixties, 1960-1968
Reading: pp. 827-858
Terms & Events
1. Alliance for Progress
1. Barry Goldwater
2. Cuban missile crisis
2. Malcolm X
3. Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee
3. Stokely Carmichael
4. New Frontier
5. Great Society
6. Civil Rights Act of 1964
7. Voting Rights Act of 1965
8. Immigration Act of 1965
9. War on Poverty
10. Tonkin Gulf Resolution
11. Black Panthers
12. Free Speech Movement
13. Students for a Democratic Society
14. Counterculture
AP United States History Unit 10 ID-Sig’s—Chapters 28-32
Chapter 31: Continuing Divisions and New Limits
Reading: pp. 859-888
Terms & Events
1. Pentagon Papers
1. César Chávez
2. The Feminine Mystique
2. Dolores Huerta
3. National Organization for Women
3. Phyllis Schlafly
4. Roe v. Wade
4. Henry Kissinger
5. Vietnamization
5. Carl Bernstein and Bob Woodward
6. War Powers Act of 1973
7. Nixon Doctrine
8. détente
10. Plumbers
11. Watergate
12. stagflation
13. Bakke v. University of California
14. Carter Doctrine
Terms & Events
1. conservative coalition of 1980
2. New Right
3. Reaganomics
4. supply-side economics
5. deregulation
6. Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI)
7. Reagan Doctrine
8. perestroika and glasnost
9. Moral Majority
Chapter 32: Conservatism Revived
Reading: pp. 889-916
1. Ronald Reagan
2. Sandra Day O’Connor
3. Mikhail S. Gorbachev