Article I – Recruitment
Section 1. Rules concerning Recruitment shall be revised as needed and appended
to the Constitution and Bylaws.
Section 2. Penalties: In order to accomplish fair and prompt settlement of
University Panhellenic disputes, this Panhellenic Council will follow the
UNANIMOUS AGREEMENTS and the most recent National Panhellenic Conference
(NPC) Manual of Information to handle disputes.
Article II – Recruitment Rules
Section 1. My Campus Director is the computer system that will be used to assist in
the Formal Recruitment Process.
Section 2. Total System: Total shall be set according to NPC policy of average
chapter size.
Section 3. Recruitment Parties: Dates for Recruitment will be determined by the
Panhellenic Executive Council and will be set by the second week of the preceding
Section 4. Pre-registration: No recruitment parties (COB - Continuous Open
Bidding) shall be held between the last day of the spring semester and the day of the
first scheduled recruitment party in the fall semester.
Section 5. Pictures and names of Recruitment Counselors and Panhellenic Executive
Council members must be removed from sight of the potential new members 30
days prior to Bid Day. This includes any publicized material. Including, but not
limited to, pictures, chapter websites, and slideshows.
a. All Panhellenic Council Executive members and Recruitment Counselors will be
required to temporarily suspend or make their Facebook accounts extremely
private 30 days before Bid Day. This also will include Instagram, Twitter, etc.
Section 6. All Recruitment chairs are expected to attend all Recruitment meetings. If
SCSU Panhellenic Association Recruitment Rules
Last Reviewed: 2014
they are unable to attend, they must send a reoccurring, designated delegate.
Section 7. Rosters shall include all dues-paying members and all members that will
be inactive for only one semester. If a member is going to be inactive for a year, they
do not need to be on the roster.
Section 8. Formal Recruitment Rules
a. The St. Cloud State University Panhellenic Community shall abide by all National
Panhellenic Conference Recruitment Rules.
b. Recruitment Behavior for Active Members
1. To support the entirety of the Greek Community, sorority members
may not encourage potential new members to pursue a specific
chapter through any form of communication.
2. Recruitment Behavior Towards Potential New Members (PNMs)
i. A PNM is defined as any woman interested in becoming a
fraternity member who is matriculated and eligible according to
College Panhellenic Association requirements (Manual of
Information, 27).
ii. 30 Days prior to Bid Day of Formal Recruitment, there shall be no
inappropriate interaction between a sorority active initiate and a
iii. No recruitment conversations will take place between sorority
active initiates and PNMs during the above time period other than
encouraging attendance to Panhellenic Council Information Nights
and registering for Panhellenic Council Formal Recruitment.
iv. No pamphlets, flyers, and/or paraphernalia may be given to a PNM
during the above time period outside of what is provided by
Panhellenic Council.
v. “Bid promising” is the act of informing a PNM that they are
guaranteed a spot within a sorority. This practice will not be
tolerated under any circumstances.
vi. Potential New Members will only be referred to as Potential New
Members (PNM’s).
c. Recruitment Guides (Rho Gamma)
1. Recruitment Counselors must have had one formal recruitment being an
active member of her own chapter.
2. A Recruitment Counselor must attend all Recruitment Counselor
meetings, workshops, trainings, and events as directed by the Panhellenic
Council Vice President of Membership and Growth and The Recruitment
3. Recruitment Counselors and Panhellenic Executive Officers will not
reveal their individual sorority from 30 days prior to Bid Day until Bid
4. No sorority woman will discuss the affiliation of Rho Gammas or
Panhellenic Officers 30 days prior to Bid Day.
SCSU Panhellenic Association Recruitment Rules
Last Reviewed: 2014
d. Budget
1. The budget for formal recruitment is $450.
i. Things that aren’t included;
1. Shirts for new members
2. Donations
3. After reveal activities
e. Recruitment Parties (Overall)
1. No skits or dances will be allowed during any time of the recruitment
2. All PNM‘s must be out of the party by the designated time as specified by
the Panhellenic Executive Council.
i. A fine will be given for parties running longer than the time. The
fine is $1 per PNM for every minute the party runs over.
3. Absolutely no parting gift may be given to a PNM leaving the chapter
house or party after the party is over. This includes food, drinks, candy,
cups, napkins, and any other materials used.
4. Alumnae or Chapter Advisors are not allowed to be alone the PNMs.
5. Hot boxing is the act of having more that 2 active members with one PNM
in a room separate from where the group is. This is not allowed.
6. Food and beverages is permitted, but not required. If the recruitment
party is on campus, university policies must be met.
f. Recruitment Parties (Day One)
1. The first day of parties is known as Meet the Women Night.
2. Games and/or icebreakers, will be permitted during the first two
days of parties, but are not required. The games must be approved
by the Vice President of Membership and Growth by the end of PreRecruitment.
PNMs cannot be intentionally touched during the games.
3. PNM’s will attend all chapters’ events.
g. Recruitment Parties (Day Two)
1. The second day of parties is known as House Tour/Philanthropy Night.
2. This day will be value-based relating to the theme of the chapter’s
3. Games and/or icebreakers, will be permitted during the first two
days of parties, but are not required. The games must be approved
by the Vice President of Membership and Growth by the end of PreRecruitment.
PNMs cannot be intentionally touched during the games
4. PNM’s will attend a maximum of three of the chapters’ events.
h. Recruitment Parties (Day Three)
1. The third day of parties is known as Preference night.
2. All Preference parties are to be left to the discretion of the chapter.
3. PNM’s will attend a maximum of two chapter events.
i. Recruitment Parties (Day Four)
1. The fourth day of parties is known as Bid Day.
2. This day is to be put on by Panhellenic Executive Council and Recruitment
SCSU Panhellenic Association Recruitment Rules
Last Reviewed: 2014
3. Bid Day will start after all of the PNM’s have received their bids and
4. The Bid Day reveal will take place in Atwood Memorial Center.
5. No gifts are permitted to bring to the reveal activities. They are permitted
to give once the individual chapters’ Bid Day activities have started.
6. Everyone is free to leave and have their own Bid Day activities after the
reveal activities have been completed.
General Code of Conduct: Each chapter is responsible for educating their
members on appropriate recruitment conversation as determined by their
national organization, St. Cloud State University, Panhellenic Council, and
National Panhellenic Conference. Each chapter member, alumnae, and chapter
advisor is responsible for knowing and following all recruitment rules and code
of ethics. If any of these people violate these rules the chapter will be held
1. Code of Conduct:
i. Failing to follow recruitment rules.
ii. Encouraging women to intentionally single preference.
iii. Suggesting a woman to refuse a bid from one chapter to wait for a
bid from another chapter.
iv. Encouraging a PNM to withdraw from the formal membership
recruitment process and wait to go through COB.
v. Extending bids early.
vi. Making criticizing remarks, written or verbal, or comments about
any Greek member or chapter.
vii. Involving men and/or alcoholic beverages in any membership
viii. Sorority women are not permitted to be at any fraternity chapter
houses or fraternity annex houses under any circumstance for the
duration of Formal Recruitment.
k. Fraternities, Men, & Alcohol
1. The mention of alcohol will not be permitted.
2. No men or faculty shall take part in the recruiting process, except Greek
Life Advisors, Chapter Advisors, or Department of Campus Involvement
staff assisting in recruitment.
3. From 12:00 am on the starting day of Formal Recruitment until 11:59 pm
on Bid Day of Formal Recruitment week, this will be a dry period, which
means no consuming alcohol.
4. From 12:00 am on the first day of Formal Recruitment until 11:59 pm on
Bid Day of Formal Recruitment week, any woman that is associated with
recruitment (sorority members, Recruitment Counselors, Panhellenic
Executive members, etc.) will be excluded from attending the following
establishments (public or private) where alcohol is present:
i. Bars and clubs
ii. House Parties (fraternity and other houses included)
SCSU Panhellenic Association Recruitment Rules
Last Reviewed: 2014
1. Daily invitations, bid lists, and bids are due at the specific time given by
the Panhellenic Council Vice President of Membership and Growth.
2. All lists should be submitted through My Campus Director.
3. If times change on when bid lists are due (earlier or later), chapters will
be notified.
m. Quota and Release Figures
1. Panhellenic Council will follow NPC recommendations for
quota range.
n. Infractions
1. Infractions will be handled through the NPC UNANIMOUS AGREEMENTS
and the Panhellenic Council Vice President of Membership and Growth.
i. The Vice President of Membership and Growth will work with the
Panhellenic Executive Board and Greek Advisors to determine the
penalty for the infraction.
2. The College Panhellenic Violation Report must be turned into the Vice
President of Membership and Growth and the Greek Advisors within two
weeks of the alleged incident in order to be investigated.
o. Continuous Open Bidding (COB)
1. COB is only allowed for those chapters under the campus total. Chapters
under campus total can only COB up to but not over campus total.
2. COB will be allowed 8:00 a.m. the day after Bid Day, and will continue
until the end of spring semester.
3. Bids may be given out during open recruitment with only two members
from the sorority present.
4. Chapters must notify Vice President of Membership and Growth as soon
as they know they are going to COB.
Section 11. Informal Recruitment Rules
a. The St. Cloud State University Panhellenic Association shall abide by all
relevant Formal Recruitment Rules.
SCSU Panhellenic Association Recruitment Rules
Last Reviewed: 2014