Exhibit 1. Areas Where Organizations Would Like to More Effectively Engage Patients In which areas of health care management would your organization like to more effectively engage patients? Percent 100 88.9 85.0 85.0 80 66.1 60 65.6 47.2 40 20 0 Chronic disease management (e.g., diabetes, asthma, etc.) Medication adherence (e.g., compliance with prescribed treatment plans) Postacute care Preventive care Public health Wellness activities management (e.g., practices interventions (e.g., (e.g., nutrition, reducing (e.g., screenings, smoking cessation, physical activity) the risk for immunizations, etc.) etc.) preventable readmissions) Source: Patient Engagement and Mobile Health in the Safety Net Survey, 2013. Exhibit 2. Implementation Status of Cell Phone Interventions Among Providers Number of respondents 60 What is the status of implementation of specific cell phone interventions that your organization currently provides or supports? Currently provide Will provide within the next year Under review Currently no plan to provide Policies do not support use 40 20 0 Appointment reminders Immunization reminders Screening reminders Medication adherence support Health Personal health Weight promotion and information management education access support information Source: Patient Engagement and Mobile Health in the Safety Net Survey, 2013. Smoking cessation support Chronic disease management support Exhibit 3. Patient Engagement Benefits That Cell Phones Provide Organizations Number Rank the top three patient engagement benefits for your organization from patients’ current use of cell phones in their care, with 1 being the most important 20 1 2 3 15 10 5 0 Improve overall compliance with standard care practices Improve client Complement patient Allow for remote awareness of and education activities of monitoring of patient efficacy in selfproviders outside of health indicators management of office visits between office visits diseases Source: Patient Engagement and Mobile Health in the Safety Net Survey, 2013. Promote sustained patient engagement in behavior change Facilitate improved Improve compliance Lead to more case management and prevent appropriate care in and targeted exacerbations of the form of referrals outreach chronic conditions and specialty care Exhibit 4. Safety-Net Provider Strategy for the Development of Cell Phone Interventions What has been your organization’s strategy for the development of cell phone interventions that it currently provides or supports? Percent 80 61.9 60 40 20 23.8 21.4 21.4 11.9 0 Developed proprietary Adapted open source or Collaborated with other Our EHR platform Contracted with mobile technical and/or content shared public access health service supports applications on health solution solutions resources to develop organizations to specific mobile device providers for proprietary solutions codevelop technical operating systems proprietary content and/or content elements and/or technical services Source: Patient Engagement and Mobile Health in the Safety Net Survey, 2013. Exhibit 5. Criteria Used to Assess and Justify the Adoption of Cell Phone Interventions Rank three criteria your organization has used to assess and justify the adoption of a cell phone intervention that it currently provides or supports, with 1 being the highest priority Number 25 1 2 3 20 15 10 5 0 User participation in Appropriate for use design and across development diverse patient populations Evidence of improvements in care quality (e.g., patient experience with care) Source: Patient Engagement and Mobile Health in the Safety Net Survey, 2013. Evidence of improvements in health outcomes Evidence of costeffectiveness Ability to be sustained at scale Exhibit 6. Barriers to Implementation of Cell Phone Interventions Rank three barriers that your organization has identified with implementing cell phone interventions that engage patients in their care, with 1 being the highest priority Number 1 2 3 100 80 60 40 20 0 Professional Solutions are not Organization lacks concerns from culturally the capacity to clinicians and other appropriate for assess and select health care workers the needs of a appropriate diverse client base technologies Limited human and Lack of external Lack of incentives Patient client Technical technical resources funding sources and/or concerns about integration of in the organization to finance reimbursement privacy and mobile health to support investment in to support adoption confidentiality solutions with EHRs implementation mobile technology of of personal and solutions mobile health health other HIT solutions information infrastructure Source: Patient Engagement and Mobile Health in the Safety Net Survey, 2013. Exhibit 7. Actions to Promote the Adoption and Use of Cell Phone Interventions Rank three actions that your organization has identified as essential to promote the adoption and use of cell phone interventions that engage patients in their care, with 1 being the highest priority Number 1 2 3 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 Evidence-based or best Alignment of cell phone Introduction of Technical assistance to Education and training practice models measures new payment or support the programs that support involving cell phones in with core required reimbursement policies implementation and workforce capacity care delivery models reporting measures (i.e., for cell phone use in management of to support use HEDIS) patient care interventions Source: Patient Engagement and Mobile Health in the Safety Net Survey, 2013.