New Mathematics Grading Policy Grades 7 and 8

New Mathematics Grading Policy
Grades 7th and 8th
You may have noticed more scores that are in the single digits on your child’s Home
Access account. Don’t Panic!!! Ms. Coles has implemented a new scoring policy that
more closely mirrors state assessment rubrics. Students will now be receiving a score of
1 – 4 on their classwork, homework, and assessments. Below is the breakdown of what
each score means:
4: The student’s responses are complete and correct. Student answers are supported by
substantial evidence of solid mathematical reasoning or application of mathematics to
solve the problems.
3: The student’s responses are correct with some evidence of mathematical reasoning or
application of mathematics to solve the problems, or some incorrect answers with
sustantial evidence of solid mathematical reasoning or application of mathematics to
solve the problems.
2: The student’s responses have missing or incorrect answers but evidence of some
mathematical reasoning or application of mathematics to solve the problems.
1: The student’s responses are missing or are incorrect and show little evidence of
mathematical reasoning or application of mathematics to solve the problem.
The goal of this new scoring rubric is to better match your child’s mastery of a topic to
the state’s expectations. Your child’s math grade will be a true reflection of what they
have mastered in mathematics for that quarter. Your child’s participation, preparation
and productivity will be found on their HOWLs report card. Feel free to contact Ms.
Coles if you have any questions about the new scoring policy.