Dear Panel, I believe that this is the greatest oportunity that we as American's have had in our lifetime to be able to speed up the growth of our economy. The present tax code has put a burden on all of the working class American's, From the rich to the poor.. I am a single male and a middle class worker. I have had to live from paycheck to paycheck all because of the burden of the payroll tax. This year my company down sized in our area leaving me wondering what too do.. I had no choice but to take out my retirement and use it to pay bills and rent. Now I am faced with paying Federal Income Tax because I used that money to live on. This capatial gains tax along with all the other hidden taxes is unfair.. I believe that the passing of a National would be the fairest.. I believe that HR 25 that has been introduced by Representative John Linder, R-Ga is the answer. The most important aspect is that all Americans will recieve the gross amount of their paychecks, Also the government does not need to know what you have in the bank, what property you own or what stocks you have. I believe that the big winners will be Social Security and Medicare which will be secured by an increase in federal revenues driven by the speed up of the economic growth. I believe that the rise in federal monies will help retire the national debt.. Just think what would happen to corporate America if there were no more corporate taxes. America would be a like a big vaccume and worldwide corp. would want to locate in the United States instead of moving over seas. I believe this would create an explosion of newly created jobs thus boosting our economy.. I am glad that We have a President and Elected officials that want to see a change in the system.. I am all for doing away with the present system and the IRS so that we as American citizens can have a part of this great Nations once again.. After all our forefathers gave their lives to create this Great Nation and What was the war about.. Taxation .. I want to see the American workers and people take back what is taken from us.. This bill is fair for everyone because everyone has to pay the same at the register.. Thankyou for giving us as Americans to be able to voice our concerns... Lets pass HR 25 for all Americans.. Thankyou Darrell Willard