= 100 Percent Proportions

Percent Proportions
When solving a portion that involves PERCENT, use the following formula:
Find the percent:
What percent of 12 is 3?
Find the part (“is”):
What number is 50% of 24?
Find the whole (“of”):
15 is 50% of what number?
Use the above formula to solve the following problems.
1) 9 is 75% of what number?
2) What percent of $15 is $9?
3) What number is 25% of 24?
4) What is 20% of 30?
5) 16 is 80% of what number?
6) What percent of our class is male?
7) What number is 40% of 120?
8) 18 is 25% of what number?
9) What percent of 60 is 15?
10) 12.5% of 192 is what number?
11) A book originally priced at $12.50 is on sale for $7.50. What percent of the
original cost is the sale price?
12) If I want to get 80% on my test that has 50 questions, how many questions do
I have to answer correctly?
13) Between 2000 and 2012, the student population at River Bend Middle School
increased 120%. If the population in 2000 was 900 students, what is the
student population in 2012?
14) Ashley purchased a sweater for 70% of the original price. If she paid $14,
what was the original price of the sweater?
15) Chris spent 40% of his paycheck at the video arcade. If he spent $22, what
was the total amount of his paycheck?