-----Original Message----- From: K.Audette [ ]

-----Original Message----From: K.Audette [mailto:kaudette@verizon.net]
Sent: Monday, March 21, 2005 9:27 PM
To: comments@taxreformpanel.gov
You MUST address the CONSTITUTIONALITY of the un-apportioned DIRECT tax
on labor ! The Supreme Court has repeatedly ruled that labor is
property and is NOT taxable .
Stop the fraud !
You know that Corporations and foreigners are supposed to be the ones
taxed . Otherwise , what makes me free ? Why do I care if I am a
citizen here ? Other countries have socialist programs , and monarchies
and communism too . Freedom to Live , Pursue happiness , and the
freedom to keep %100 of MY property are God given rights , not US
federal government given rights .
You CANNOT force American citizens to work for 70 percent of their pay
and take 30 percent for yourselves . That is not freedom , by any
definition , in any language . The 16th Amendment in no way repeals the
prior provisions for taxation . All it sought to do was to keep income
taxes in the category of in-direct taxes "to which they inherently
belong" . It was passed to tax the priviledge of corporate status
(foreign and domestic) and the tax was to be measured by the income . I
work for a living . That is my right as a citizen . Rights ARE NOT
TAXABLE . Privileges ARE taxable . A corporation is a fictitious entity
created by the Federal government . The existence of a corporation is a
privilege granted to it by the Federal government . That privilege is
taxable . The tax is called an income tax .It is called an income tax
because the tax due is calculated by the amount of income
(profit) recieved by the corporation .
There is no law , including the 16th amendment, that allows the US
federal government to force any citizen to pay this tax on income
unless derived from corporate or foreign sources . The term " from
whatever source derived " means that whatever TAXABLE SOURCE . My labor
, as my property , is NOT a taxable source of " income " .
There is no law that makes me ot any other citizen liable for the
income tax in 26 CFR 1.1 . If you are to revise the tax system in this
country , you MUST adhere to the constitution . This is not an option
.Without this Constitution , the Federal government does not exist .
Any laws "passed" that are repugnant to the constitution are "null and
void" . This is not an option . Read the rulebook .