Cell Membrane and Transport Notes

Cell Membrane and Transport Notes
Structure of the cell membrane
Also known as a
Membrane or _________________ membrane (picket fence)
Made of: two layers of phospholipids, Proteins, Carbohydrates, cholesterol
Function of the cell membrane
Controls or regulate what ________and _________ the cell, provides some ___________ and Support. It
also allows the cell to maintain ___________________.
• Phospholipid ____________:
– Two layers of lipids, proteins and carbohydrate chains.
– Phosphate- head faces outward, while the lipid tails face inward. (remember oil and
water don’t mix)
• Considered a ___________ _____________structure due to lots of different types of molecules
that assemble or come together to form a function
Types of proteins and Carbohydrates within cell membrane:
Protein channel - allows specific____________ molecules to enter or leave cell
(______________ _____________).
_______________ – cell to cell
Carbohydrate chains – chemical identifiers
What is concentration Gradient?
What is dynamic equilibrium?
What is a solute?_______________________________________________________________________
What is a solvent?______________________________________________________________________
Passive Transport (Simple Diffusion):
Solutes moving from a__________ (more particles) concentration to a_________(less particles)
Diffusion does not require___________ to _____________solutes (molecules) in and out.
Semi-permeable – (_________________), some can get through.
• To find an _______________, balance, between both sides.
• To find homeostasis (same ____________ of solute/solvent on both sides).
Passive Transport (Facilitated Diffusion):
• The movement of molecules through a protein ______________.
Cannot move through the phospholipid Bilayer due to either being ___________ or has
a___________ charge.
Channel proteins move molecules across the membrane very fast and only allow
______________ types to enter or leave by them.
Using a protein channel for facilitated diffusion does not require _________________.
Passive Transport (Osmosis)
• The diffusion of ______________across a semi-permeable membrane from an area of
__________ concentration to an area of ___________ concentration.
Examples of movement of water Osmosis: IMPORTANT TO KNOW
• ________________ – concentration of solutes is the _________inside and outside the cell.
Water flows _________________________of the cell.
• _______________________ – Concentration of solute is ___________ outside the cell. Water
moves ________________________.
• __________________________ – Concentration of solute is higher____________ the cell and
water moves ________________________.
Red Blood Cells and the movement of water:
Active Transport:
When______________ move against the concentration gradient and requires ___________________.
• ___________ -> high concentrations
– Transports small molecules or ions (polar) molecules through proteins called carrier
– One specific type of active transport is the Sodium/Potassium Pump.
What is the difference between passive and active transport?
What are the three types of passive transport?
Can you tell where the water will move during hypertonic and hypotonic solutions in plant and animal