Name ____________ Week of September 21, 2015 Monday:

Name ____________
Week of September 21, 2015
 Work on your Culture
 Read for at least 15 min.
Minutes read: _______
Parent initials: _______
Parent Information:
 Study your sight words.
 Work on your Culture project.
Minutes read: _______
Parent initials: _______
 Study your sight words.
 Work on your Culture project.
 Read for at least 15 min.
Minutes read: _______
Parent initials: _______
 Study your sight words.
 Work on your Culture project.
It’s due tomorrow!
 Read for at least 15 min.
Minutes read: _______
Parent initials: _______
What are we learning this week?
Math: We are composing and
decomposing numbers.
Reading/Writing: Sight words will
continue. Please practice them
each night. If your child forgets to
bring it home, all the lists are on my
website. We are also learning
strategies to improve reading skills.
IB/Social Studies: We are learning
about each other’s culture. On
Monday, each first grade teacher will
make a presentation to every class to
show ideas about different ways to
make the presentation. It is exciting
for each child to learn about each
teacher’s culture and tradition. I am
also excited to learn about the
culture of each of my students.
1. The PTA membership drive is still going on!!
Send in your membership form and help
our class win a class party!! Extra
membership forms are available in front
office and PTA Room.
2. Please look at the note with this homework
sheet about the Culture project for
homework this week. Please help your
child work on this. I would like for this be a
family endeavor!
3. Please help your child with learning to tie
shoes. Your help with this is appreciated.
4. The PTA fundraiser is going on right now.
Your child has the opportunity to earn
some pretty cool prizes and it helps our
5. If you have any questions, please feel free
to contact me anytime!
My phone number at school is 940-369-2522.
My email is
Website:, select a school,
Borman, Staff, Mrs. McNeely-Oropeza
Facebook: Mrs. McNeely-Oropeza