Imagine Service Project Business Process Discovery Questions Business Goals

Imagine Service
Project Business Process Discovery Questions
Business Goals
 What is your current situation and what of the current situation do you want to change?
 Why?
 What will make an Imagine implementation a success for your team? Success criteria:
o Criterion 1
o Criterion 2
o Criterion 3
o Etc. as needed
Current Document Usage/Process
 Regarding your current business process and the documents that will be handled in ImageNow,
please describe:
o Where/how are the documents are created?
o Where do they go after being created?
o Where are they stored?
o What is the document life cycle? When/where do they start-when/where do they end (are
they destroyed, purged, archived)? What is the time frame over which the lifecycle
o How are these documents identified? e.g., invoice number, form N-400, etc.
o Is there restricted data in the documents? If so, what sort of restricted data are in the
documents and who owns the data?
o What is the Office of Record for these documents? Is it known, agreed upon?
Documents Types
 What types of documents will be used in ImageNow (e.g. Letters of recommendation, invoices,
transcripts, etc.)?
 For each type of document, what is average number of pages?
 For each type of document, what is average number to be taken into ImageNow
o Per month?
o Per year (if there are seasonal peaks and valleys, please explain)
Document Access in ImageNow
 The way in which the documents will be used will inform the implementation’s technical design.
To the best of your ability, please list the types of data found in your documents that you will want
to search by or organize by. For example: invoice number, PO, vendor, applicant ID, etc.
o Data type
o Data type
o Data type
o etc
User base
 Please describe relevant team roles and responsibilities in current situation
 To the best of your ability, please describe how you envision relevant roles and responsibilities in
new situation (i.e. once Imagine has been implemented)
 Number of Imagine users
o Total
o At one time
User Groups/User Access
 ImageNow access is defined by user roles which we implement as user groups - i.e., different
users can have different levels of access dependent on job requirements; for example: Functional
owner, Scanning only, Scanning and annotation, Scanning, annotation, assignment
(routing/tasks/simple workflow), Reviewer, Etc. To the best of your ability please identify the
groups that you will need. We will discuss, refine and finalize this during the design phase.
o Group one
o Group two
o Group three
Integration with other systems
 To the best of your ability please describe how you envision your business process in terms of
ImageNow and other technical systems.
Restricted Data
 Do you intend to store restricted data in the system? If yes, what type of data and where will it be
coming from (e.g. another system, email, etc.)
o Please see for definitions of restricted