Second Grade Bear Cub News GOOD News for GREAT Kids Week of: January 11-15 ELI Testing Week phone: 369-4423 email: We are Learning: Math: We will continue to work on solving 2 and 3 step word problems with double and triple digits. We will also assess the children using the Kathy Richardson District Assessment. Those results will come home in the 4th Six Weeks Reports Cards later in February. Science: We will study moon phases this week. The students came home with a Moon Phase Calendar last week. Please encourage them to take a look out the window or walk to their mailbox to take a peek at the phase of the moon each night. Then have them draw a picture of the moon phase and write the name of the moon phase in the box on that calendar. Continue to do this for a full month in order to see the full moon phase cycle. Thanks for your support!! Go to this site if it’s cloudy and you can’t see the moon: _calendar.phtml Social Studies: We will study famous Historical Figures this week. Over the next few weeks we will research information on Thurgood Marshall, Urma Rangel, John Hancock, Theodore Roosevelt, John B. Denton, and maybe we will get a chance to also study Amelia Earhart, WEB Dubois, Robert Fulton, George Washington Carver, Paul Revere, Abigail Adams, Wasp Ladies, Navaho Code Talkers, and Sojourner Truth. Language Arts: We will complete our ELI Reading and Writing Mid-Year Assessments this week. Those results will come home in the next report card too. Upcoming Events January 25 – 29th: Career Week (Please sign up for a time to come and tell us about your career) Friday, February 12th - 2nd Grade Valentine’s Sweetheart Breakfast and Class Party 9:00 am (More details to come) THIS WEEK’S HOMEWORK: Monday: Solve these problems: 38-19, 73-29, 80-37, 71-48, 75-38. Please read for 20 minutes. Tuesday: I had 392 hats. I put 32 in one pile. I put 99 in another pile. How many hats were in the third pile? Read for 20 minutes. Wednesday: What are the phases of the moon? Draw and label each phase in your spiral. Read for 20 minutes. Thursday: Do your Student of the week page for Lilian. Practice your word study words for -ide. Read for 20 minutes. Student of the Week Lilian If Your Child is Absent: If your child is absent, please send a written excuse with your child when he/she returns. We must have these excuse notes the day your child returns to school. Your phone messages and emails are helpful in letting us know that your child will not be in for the day. We appreciate those messages, but the school district requires us to document excused absences with a written note from parents that has the dates they were absent, as well as the reason, and parent signatures. Thank you for helping us keep accurate attendance records for your child.