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SAP Technical Development Overview

---------------------------------------------Start of Technical development overview-------------------------------------Connect to OLAM VPN\VDI with the provided credentials and once successfully connected with VPN
\VDI carry on the below processes.
SAP Landscape Details:
EPD- Development ( Client 300 for development and 400 for testing)
GRQ- Quality ( Client 300)
SMP- Solman (Client 300)
OSB- Replication of Production system (Client 300)
GRP-Production System
Below you can find the Logon Parameters of Systems
Solman Link:
Enter the SMP – username and Password to login to the Solman
There are 2 types of Charms available in OLAM
1. One is RFC id which is a 1 series charm that will be created by the Functional Team.
2. 4 series charms are Normal Work bench charms which are 2 types.
3.7 series charms are OData & Fiori related charms
3 series charms are Urgent changes charms that can be transported anytime with Special approval
1. Form and master data changes only. These charms can be transported anytime on a daily basis.
2. For the Remaining type like a report, module pool, note, or enhancement. This charms type can be
transported only on Thursdays of Every week and in some cases, these charms can be transported with
Special approval.
The above 4 series FORM changes will be created by Functional and approved by our Abap concerned
development Leads\Project managers
and 4 series Remaining type charms will be created by Functional and approved by our concerned GT
Leads\Project managers.
If our mail is configured in Solman – you will get an automated mail from SAP mentioning about your
charm details as below.
In some cases, your project manager will be sending you mail about the details of Charms which needs
to be worked.
How to find the charm details?
Login to SOLMAN via link
Click ChaRM and select change documents
You will get the below window
Enter the scope id in the Highlighted space and click search
You will get the result as below
Once you click the document Id you will be navigated to the Scope page
You can find the FS documents attached with this charm
So once the charm has been approved the status of the charm will be in Developer Assignment.
You need to edit the charm and go to Actions and set to In Development.
Some times you will get a pop up to create TR automatically , in that please choose Workbench request
and your user name and press create.
If it is not Auto populated then Edit the charm and press transport request as shown below and you will
get the above screen.
Once TR is created , you can login now to EPD 300 system and start your development.
Note: Please go through the OLAM coding standards and Naming standards attached below before
proceeding to the Development and make sure with your functional consultant or Project manager
about the Package in which your objects should be saved.
Naming Convention
How can I start of the Development?
1. If it is a new program or forms you can start the Development with appropriate comments in the
Header of the program as below,
2. If it is an existing program and you are going to make any new changes, follow the below
comment in heading and also in lines where ever you are making changes as below.
Your Coding changes
Important note: When you are going to make changes to an already existing program please do
the version comparison with production version as below.
If you get the above screen with no differences, you can proceed for the development.
But if there is any changes impacted, please kindly cross check with your Lead or Functional
consultant about the changes and get their confirmation before you make any changes.
Also there may be a possibility of your object being locked with another TR. In that case please
inform your ABAP lead and get their confirmation to create Task under the locked TR or should
wait until that TR is completely transported.
What next after I complete my development?
Once you successfully completed the development, please check for ATC errors using
ZTOOLS018 and ZSCII enter your respective TR, and execute.
Click Results
Go to ZSCII Transaction
Enter the Respective TR , Check HANA Compatibility and Execute
If you find any ATC checks are not cleared, please fix it and make it null.
Once your ATC check results is 0 , ask your functional consultant to provide you some test case
for you to test before you sending the object to them for testing.
You can login to EPD 400 client for testing your object.
Once your test is successful, please notify to your Functional consultants and Lead/PM to test
your object in mail. Parallelly you can start creating technical Specification and test case
documents in which we need to upload in CHARM to set it to code review.
Below you can find the sample TS and TCD filled templates attached for your reference.
If your object is successfully tested by functional consultants, they will notify you to set to code
review of the charm in Mail.
Now you can upload the TS and TCD and set the charm to code review.
You can send mail to your Lead/PM and Functional consultants that you have set the charm xxxx
to code review. Also please notify your PM in MS Team IM stating that you have set the charm
to code review and ask them to do the needful.
If there are any Review comments, your PM/Lead will send you their comments and set the
charm to In development again. So that you can fix the review comments and follow the same
procedure of setting to Code review and notify them.(Developer task ends here until the charm
comes to In development again)
After this , our PM/Lead will check and set to DFFT( Directed for Functional testing) and
Functional team will move to GRQ and test and confirm it. If there is any issues when testing in
GRQ, Functional will provide cases for us to test and we need to fix it.
------------------------------------End of Technical development overview--------------------------------------