A. Parts of the Hoof

Note Taking Guide
Topic# 3051
Understanding the Equine Hoof
By: Nadja Koehler
A. Parts of the Hoof
a. Hoof Wall
i. Made up of keratinized
ii. Cells are arranged in tubules and run from
iii. Hoof wall is
at the toe and becomes
thinner at the
iv. To give color the hoof wall contains
v. Functions
1. Helps
2. Provides
3. Protects
b. Laminae
i. Two layers
1. __________________--forms
of hoof wall.
2. __________________--covers surface of
ii. White Line
1. Yellowish colored area where the two layers intermesh.
i. Area of hoof wall that is
toward the toe.
ii. Location:
iii. Function:
d. Sole
i. Covers bottom of coffin bone.
ii. Sensitive
iii. Self-limiting growth-.
iv. Concave at ground surface
1. This prevents sole from
v. Easily bruised
1. Occurs when bearing excessive weight such as heavy
riders (for size of horse) or when a horse has “flat feet”.
e. Frog
i. Location:
ii. Shaped like a
1. Apex—point
2. Cleft—ridge
iii. Sensitive
iv. Produced by papillae
v. Elastic—flexible
1. Kept this way by
2. Moisture content of frog is  50%.
__________________ Cushion
i. Also called plantar cushion.
ii. Fleshy “heel”.
iii. Functions:
g. Bones
i. _________________ bones:
1. _______________________--Partly in and above hoof.
2. _______________________--Smallest, increases
articulation and movement of coffin bone.
3. _______________________--Largest bone. Located to
front and outer side of hoof. Provides
needed for weight bearing. Resembles a
miniature hoof in shape.
B. The Hoof as a Heart
Blood is pumped to the
from the heart through
b. When your horse steps on the ground pressure is put on the veins in the
which forces the blood back to the heart.
As your horse lifts up its foot the pressure is
and the blood flows back to the hoof due to
C. Healthy Hooves
Most lameness can be prevented by
b. The horses
is a good indicator of foot health.
Good foot care includes:
i. Regularity--
ii. Frequency--
iii. ______________________
iv. Use of proper corrective measures-.
d. Always clean from heel to toe.
Applying too much pressure during cleaning can cause damage and/or
The goal or trimming is:
Your horse’s hooves should be trimmed every
depending on usage.
D. Causes of Lameness
a. Stone in the Foot
i. Stones lodge between shoe and
b. Bruised Sole
i. Direct injury of flat of foot by stones or irregular ground.
i. Bruising of sole between bar and hoof wall.
ii. Caused by:
d. Pricked Foot or
i. Foreign objects directly entering
e. Hoof Cracks
i. Occur mostly from dry or untrimmed hooves but can also occur
by injury of hoof-forming tissue.
i. Bacterial infection of frog and sole due to
g. ______________________
i. Inflammation of the laminae.
ii. Caused by:
overeating of grain
4. an over fat horse
h. Navicular Disease
i. Injury to the
ii. Common in breeds with genetic conformation defects.
iii. Heavy use on hard ground increases probability of occurrence.