Lame Cattle Standard Operating Procedures

Lame Cattle Standard Operating Procedures
SOP number _______
Written by ___________________________________________________
Date effective___________
Last modified___________
Describes the care required for a lame animal on the ________dairy
Location: Barn where animal housed, heifers may need to be trailered to hoof table.
# of employees: _1-2______.
Skill level: Only employees trained in hoof treatment protocols may perform lameness
exams. They may require assistance from other animal care employees.
The following employees are qualified__________, ___________, ___________. If these
employees are not available within 48 hours of a new identified lameness, lameness exam
must be scheduled with _veterinarian/number
hoof technician/number___________________________________________________.
Equipment and supplies: Hoof exam table or stall with appropriate leg lifting capability,
halter, hoof trimming tool set, hoof medication supply set, drug holdout legbands,
lameness treatment record sheet.
Result expected:
 Identified cause of lameness
 Appropriate decision to treat, cull, move as necessary
 Initiate treatment, if necessary
 Mark for milk or meat holdout
 Record treatment
 Schedule follow-up care
 Move lame animal in the well-bedded pen near the hoof table at the end of the
first milking after lameness is identified. Move slowly and carefully.
 Within 24-48 hours, preferably before the next milking, halter cow and lead into
hoof table chute.
 Check general appearance of leg above hoof for swelling, redness, wounds,
exudates. Serious wounds requiring veterinary attention will cause exam to stop
 Place cow securely on hoof table (Consult Hoof Table SOP # ________).
Examine both toes, dew claws, above and between toes for wounds, punctures,
evidence of bleeding, redness, swelling, infection.
Use hoof knives and nippers, as necessary, to clean off sole or excess hoof to look
for abscesses, cuts, ulcers, cracks, etc.
Completely remove any undermined hoof and thoroughly clean.
Identify hoof lesion. Note lesion and severity on lameness treatment record and
Follow individual lameness treatment SOP for lesion type and severity. (See
Lameness Treatment SOPs #1-12)
Put treated leg band on animals requiring meat or milk holdout.
Note treatment, housing requirement, follow-up on lameness treatment record and
Return animal to appropriate housing area.
Modify housing chart for current location of animal, if changed.
Turn in lameness treatment record and schedule follow-up care by farm or
veterinarian as indicated.