Earth Materials Review- Soil, Rocks, and Fossils Organic

Name ________________________________________________ Date _________________
Earth Materials Review- Soil, Rocks, and Fossils
1. Soil is made up of organic and inorganic matter. Complete the tree map below.
• Definition
• Examples
• Definition
• Examples
2. An important characteristic of soil is its ability to support plant growth. What characteristics
must a soil have for it to support plant growth?
3. Which of the following soils holds the most water? Clay, sand, silt (circle one)
Which of the following soils holds the least water? Clay, sand, silt (circle one)
4. Complete the chart about sedimentary rocks.
All About Sedimentary Rocks
What they are made
How they are formed: How long they take to Examples:
5. Draw a sedimentary rock sample below with at least 3 layers. Label the youngest and the
6. Tell two things scientists can learn about an organism from its fossil.
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7. Tell two things scientists can learn about a past environment from fossils found there.
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8. A geologist finds fish and seashell fossils in the desert. What could they infer about the nature
of the environment of that area when the organisms were alive?
9. The stages of fossil formation are shown below but in a mixed-up order. Number them 1-4 so
they are in the correct sequence.
10. Based on the picture, which fossil is the youngest? __________________
11. Which of the following is true about soil?
a. Pieces of weathered rock make up the major part of soil.
b. Soil has inorganic materials such as water, air, and minerals.
c. Soil forms in layers.
d. The color of soil depends on the materials in it.
e. All of the above are true.
12. Which of the following statements is not true?
a. Rocks are constantly being recycled through the rock cycle.
b. Rocks are made of minerals.
c. Sedimentary rocks are formed when lava or magma cools and hardens.
d. All of the above are true.
13. All of the following are true except
a. Fossils form in sedimentary rock.
b. Fossils are the preserved remains or traces of living things
c. Usually the soft parts of fossils are become fossils.
d. Fossils can tell us what organisms and environments were like long ago.