DENTON ISD STUDENT ORIENTATION Orientation is a required activity by the Texas Workforce Commission (TWC). It will address the commitment of students to the program and the steps required for students to be successful. Research indicates that students learn best when they have a purpose for learning. According to the Malcolm Knowles adults need to be involved in the planning and evaluation of their instruction and their experience provides the basis for their learning activities. Adults are also most interested in subjects that have immediate relevance and impact to their job or personal life and adult learning is problem-centered rather than content-oriented. Kearsley states a common reason students fail to meet goals is the lack of a game plan or roadmap. The Adult Learner Persistence Study found that students who are motivated by goals and who experience progress attend class more regularly. Denton ISD - ABE/ASE/ELA Student Packet 1 Overview of the Adult Education Program All students who are in the program are there to improve their literacy skills or to improve their English language skills. Students may enroll in ESL, GED, or Transitions classes. Students commit to 12 hours or more of instruction and are held accountable for showing an educational gain. The teachers’ responsibilities are to help students set high expectations for their education, provide instruction and the necessary skills for success. A Baseline test is used to determine the student’s instructional level. Goal-setting instruments and activities, such as self-assessments, learning style inventories, and/or career interest inventories will be used to develop goals. Students create SMART goals. A SMART goal is Specific, Measureable, Attainable, Reasonable, and Time-specific. A Student Learning Plan is developed. This is a roadmap for students to remain focused on the goals and to ensure that instruction is meaningful and relevant to the student’s needs and interests. Accommodations will be made for students who are identified with a special learning need. A Progress test is used to check the students’ mastery of skills and progress towards reaching an educational gain. Goals are reviewed after 40 or 60 hours of instruction. This coincides with progress testing. Revisions to the goals are made as appropriate. ABE/ASE/ELA Student Packet 2 Expectations and Procedures Attendance Students are expected to: Make a commitment to attend each week. The number of hours depends on how often the class meets per week. Attend at least 60 hours of instruction. Sign in at the time they arrive and sign out at the time they leave. Sign in at the exact time. Notify (call, text, or email) the teacher when they are absent. Dress Policy All clothing must fit appropriately in size and length. Clothing must be free from any holes, tears, cuts, offensive language, pictures, emblems, and advertising for alcohol or tobacco. Sagging pants, bare midriffs, visible undergarments, revealing clothing, sleepwear, house shoes, bandanas, do-rags, or any headgear (exception for religious requirements) are NOT allowed. General Class Rules (answers for Ice Breaker) Silence cell phones during class. No texting on cell phone during class. Bring your materials to class (pencil, pen, paper, books) Children cannot ever be brought to class. (Grant requirement) Smoking or drinking alcohol beverages at sites is not acceptable. Selling or soliciting in class is not allowed. Show consideration for the property by cleaning up after yourself. Respect teacher, staff and classmates. Walk out with classmates or teachers. Do not walk out alone. Denton ISD - ABE/ASE/ELA Student Packet 3 Name That Rule Ice Breaker Name _____________________________ Date _____________________________ ABE/ASE/ELA Student Packet 4 Denton ISD Adult Education Program 815 Cross Timber St. Denton, TX 76205 Phone: 940.369.0400 Fax: 940.383.1096 Adult GED / ESL / El-Civics Attendance Policy Form PLEASE PRINT (use blue or black ink) Student Name:____________________________________________________________________ Date of Birth (MM/DD/YYYY):____________________ ID#:_________________________ Address:_______________________________________________________________________ City, State, Zip:__________________________________________________________________ Telephone:_________________________________ (email):__________________________________________________________________ By signing below, I acknowledge that if I accumulate more than three unexcused absences in the GED / ESL course in any defined class calendar period, I risk being suspended and/or removed from the program. ________________________________________________________________________________ (Signature) ________________________________________________________________________________ (Printed name) Date: ________________________________________________________________________________ Serving the needs of Denton and Collin Counties “Everyone teaches. Everyone Learns.” Student Copy: Attendance Policy Adult Policy, 09012015 Denton ISD - ABE/ASE/ELA Student Packet 5 Student Contract STUDENT __________________ TEACHER ______________ DATE ________ The Denton ISD Adult Education and Literacy is the provider for the ABE/ASE/ELA class you are registering for and is funded through a grant from the United States Government, the state of Texas and the Texas Workforce Commission (TWC). The grant pays for services such as materials, instructors and administration for the classes. By signing up for this class, you are committing to come to this class as specified below. My goals for this year are attached to this agreement. STUDENT CONTRACT I, __________________________, will attend class_______ each week unless I have a valid excuse. My schedule is as follows: Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday I will commit to at least 60 hours of instruction. I will commit to being progress tested after 40 hours (ABE/ASE) or 60 hours (ELA). I will notify my teacher and write a note to my teacher if I am absent. I will notify my teacher if an emergency happens and I must leave the program so my success can be recorded. I will respect everyone in my class. I will use the classroom materials appropriately. I understand that there is to be NO USE OF ALCOHOL, ILLEGAL DRUGS, OR TOBACCO IN ANY FORM in the classroom areas, library, halls, restrooms or the Student Center; I understand that cell phones must be placed on vibrate or turned off. All emergency calls must be answered outside the classroom. No text messaging is allowed. I understand that children cannot be brought to class. I will use appropriate conduct in and out of the classroom. I understand that the failure to abide by the stated rules may result in immediate removal from the class. STUDENT STANDARDS FOR DRESS All clothing must fit appropriately in size and length. Clothing must be free from any holes, tears, cuts, offensive language, picture and emblems, and advertising for alcohol or tobacco. NOT ALLOWED Sagging pants, bare midriffs, visible undergarments, revealing clothing, sleepwear, house shoes, bandanas, do-rags, or any headgear (exception for religious requirements) are not allowed. Student Signature_______________________________ ABE/ASE/ELA Student Packet 6 Breaking Down Barriers Problems that may keep me from completing this program: ☐ I don’t have reliable transportation. ☐ I don’t have reliable childcare. ☐ I don’t have reliable housing. ☐ I don’t have a strong support system encouraging me. ☐ Other_____________________________________ My back-up plans for these issues are: _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ I may need: ☐ Help staying motivated. ☐ Study time at home. ☐ A quiet environment. ☐ Other __________________________________ I am committed to completing this program, so I will communicate with my teacher when I feel I need help. *The next question is voluntary. If you choose to answer, the response will be kept confidential. Were you ever in a special program or given extra help in school? ☐ Yes ☐ No ☐ Don’t know Do you have records? ☐ Yes ☐ No When I was in school: ☐ I was absent a lot. ☐ I had health problems. ☐ I didn’t like to study. ☐ I was not attentive. ☐ I had personal problems. ☐ I became a parent. ☐ I was suspended or expelled. ☐ I hated school. ☐ I was older than most of my classmates. ☐ I didn’t think school was important. ☐ I struggled in some of my classes. ☐ Other ☐ I am from another country. Denton ISD - ABE/ASE/ELA Student Packet 7 Learning Styles Survey (Basic) ABE/ASE/ELA Student Packet 8 Learning Styles Survey (Basic) Denton ISD - ABE/ASE/ELA Student Packet 9 Learning Styles Survey (Advanced) Name _____________________________ Enter one of the numbers for each question Never Applies Sometimes Applies Often Applies 1 2 3 1. ______I get lost or am late if someone tells me how to get to a new place and I didn’t write down the directions. 2. ______When trying to remember someone’s telephone number, it helps me if I get a picture of it in my head. 3. ______If I am taking a test, I can ‘see’ the textbook page and where the answer is. 4. ______I listen better when I LOOK at the person talking. 5. ______It’s hard for me to understand a joke when someone tells me. 6. ______It is better for me to get work done in a quiet place. 7. ______I enjoy doodling and my notes contain lots of pictures. 8. ______I remember something better if I write it down. Total for Visual _________ (Minimum would be 8, maximum would be 24) 9. ______My written work doesn’t look neat to me. My papers have crossed-out words and erasures. 10. ______It helps to use my finger as a pointer when reading. 11. ______Papers with very small print or poor copies bother me. 12. ______I understand how to do something if someone tells me rather than having to read the directions. 13. ______I remember things I hear, rather than things I see. 14. ______Writing is tiring. I press down too hard with my pen. 15. ______It’s hard for me to read other people’s handwriting. 16. ______If I had the choice to learn new information via a lecture or a textbook, I would choose the lecture. Total for Auditory _________ (Minimum would be 8, maximum would be 24) 17. ______I don’t like to read directions; I’d rather start doing. 18. ______I learn best when I’m shown how to do something and I have the opportunity to do it. 19. ______Studying at a desk is not for me. 20. ______I tend to solve problems through a trial and error approach, rather than from a step-by-step method. 21. ______Before I follow directions, it helps me to see someone else do it first. 22. ______I am not skilled in giving verbal explanations. 23. ______I think better when I have the freedom to move around. 24. ______When I can’t think of a specific word, I’ll use my hands a lot and call something a ‘what-cha-ma-call-it’. Total for Kinesthetic _________ (Minimum would be 8, maximum would be 24) VISUAL AUDITORY KINESTHETIC number of points: number of points: number of points: _______ _______ _______ ABE/ASE/ELA Student Packet 10 Self Inventory Name: _________________________ Date: _________________ Step 1: Identify your interests, abilities, and life experiences. 1. List the various hobbies and leisure activities you do for enjoyment in your spare time. 2. List the activities you do around your home that you do well and/or enjoy. 3. List the classes in school that you enjoyed. 4. List any jobs or work experiences (paid or unpaid) you have had that you found interesting and or enjoyable. 5. List special achievements or awards you have ever received. Step 2: Identify your personal strengths and attributes. 1. Choose the words that describe the kind of person YOU think you are. accurate conscientious friendly logical ambitious courageous good listener original analytical creative helpful observant artistic decisive independent outgoing assertive dramatic innovative patient cautious empathetic intellectual persistent compassionate flexible leader persuasive competitive follower precise practical responsible scholarly scientific self-starter social thrifty well-organized 2. Select and list five words that you think LEAST describes the person you are. 3. List additional personal strengths you think you have. Denton ISD - ABE/ASE/ELA Student Packet 11 Self-Study Survey Name: _______________________________ Date: ____________________ When did you previously attend a Denton ISD Adult Education English Class? _____________ Have you attended any other ESL- English programs? _____________________________ Do you study English independently at home? ___________________________________ Who do you speak English with after class? ________________ How much time? _______ If yes, what kinds of things did you do? (check any that apply) ☐ Study by book ☐ Study online ☐Talk with Native English Speakers Other ______________________________________________________________ How often do you study? ____________________________________________________ What kinds of things would you be interested in doing at home to study? ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ How much time do you set aside to practice your English as homework? How much time will you set aside to practice English after class? ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Do you have a computer at home? _________ Do you have Internet access? _________ ABE/ASE/ELA Student Packet 12 ELA Needs Assessment – Basic Denton ISD - ABE/ASE/ELA Student Packet 13 ELA Needs Assessment – Basic ABE/ASE/ELA Student Packet 14 Continue testing and leveling until ready for GED GED Ready Preassessment GED Baseline Denton ISD - ABE/ASE/ELA Student Packet 15 Road to GED Registration 1. Students will receive directions and an orientation packet at the front table. 2. Adult students will go to the registration room to complete all required forms (records release, policies and procedures). 3. Teen students (16 yr. old) will need school withdrawal forms and court order forms. 17 and 18 yr. olds will need school withdrawal forms. All teens must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian. They will go to the registration room and complete all required forms (records release, policies/procedures, attendance, and a parental consent form). Baseline Testing 1. Students will then need to take the TABE Locator. 2. Students will take the TABE (10) survey for reading, mathematic computation, applied mathematics, and language. 3. Students return to the front table for class placement. Orientation 1. Each student needs at least 12 hours of orientation. Student Status 1. Students should only be classified as a student after the 12 hours of orientation. Progress Testing 1. Students should be progress tested after 40 hours of class work. 2. Students should be progressed test with TABE (9) survey. 3. If no progress, give student another progress test after 40 hours of class work using TABE (9) survey test again. GED Test Prep 1. When students level to High Adult Secondary Education, or when the teacher feels that they are ready, they will need to prepare themselves to take the GED Test. ABE/ASE/ELA Student Packet 16 Continue Testing & Leveling Until Ready for ABE Denton ISD - ABE/ASE/ELA Student Packet Ready for ABE 17 Road to ELA Registration 1. Students will receive directions and an orientation packet at the front table. 2. Students will go to the registration room to complete Best Plus Literacy Screening Tool and registration form. (A staff member will assess the screening tool to see if they filled it in completely. If they did, they will be administered the literacy test and move on to take the oral test. If they did not pass the screening they will only take an oral test.) Best Plus Oral Test 1. Go to oral testing room. a. Once the oral test is complete, the staff member will write down the student’s oral score on the postit and on the testing log. b. The student will be taken to the front table for class placement. 2. Sign and date all appropriate forms. A staff member will take all of the student’s paperwork/testing materials. 3. Mark on the questionnaire how they heard about the AEL program. 4. Be placed in class and receive paper with their class assignment and information. Orientation 1. Each student needs at least 12 hours of orientation. Student Status 1. Students should only be classified as a student after the 12 hours of orientation. Progress Testing and moving to the next level 1. Students should be progress tested after 60 hours of class work. 2. Students should be progressed and leveled according to test scores. 3. Students should be tested after every 60 hours of class work. Transition to ABE (Adult Basic Education) 1. When student’s levels reach Advanced ELA, teacher should initiate transition to ABE. ABE/ASE/ELA Student Packet 18 Personal Goals Checklist Name: ________________________________ WORKER GOALS: CAN DO PREPARING TO WORK: Understand help wanted ads Research career options Enter a job training program Pass a test for a job Write a resume and cover letter Learn to handle a formal job interview IMPROVING SKILLS FOR THE JOB: Learn to type Demonstrate basic computer skills Complete work forms Read and understand manuals Read and understand workplace signs, notices, memos Read and understand paycheck stub Write memos/notes/messages at work OTHER: COMMUNITY GOALS: CAN DO FOR ACCESS: Use library resources Read the newspaper Learn about candidates for public office Understand political issues FOR VOICE: Register to vote Vote Write a letter to the editor Get more involved in church Join a civic group or committee FOR INDEPENDENT ACTION: Get a driver’s license Read signs and maps Read menus Use the telephone book Read transportation schedules (bus, train, airplane Volunteer in the community Denton ISD - ABE/ASE/ELA Student Packet Date: _____________________ CAN DO WITH HELP CAN'T DO WANT TO DO NO INTEREST CAN DO WITH HELP CAN'T DO WANT TO DO NO INTEREST 19 Personal Goals Checklist FAMILY GOALS: CAN DO WANT TO BE ABLE TO: Make and follow a budget Organize financial records Understand how bank accounts work Understand housing issues (tenant rights, billing Comparison shop and use coupons Complete a tax form Use recipes Write for pleasure (letters, poetry, journal, stories, other WOULD LIKE TO KNOW ABOUT: Educational activities for children Disciplining children Improving children’s self-esteem Helping children in school Good nutrition Family counseling Alcohol/drug abuse treatment resources Health care resources (vision, dental, medical) Learning styles and personality styles Handling stress PARENTING GOALS: Read to children regularly Help children with homework Volunteer in child’s school Read and write notes for children OTHER: ABE/ASE/ELA Student Packet CAN DO WITH HELP CAN'T DO WANT TO DO NO INTEREST 20 Setting SMART Goals S Specific M A R T Measurable Attainable Reasonable TimeSpecific When the goal is established The goal establishes with a focus and parts that can be direction measured for the and learner. identified when it has been achieved. Denton ISD - ABE/ASE/ELA Student Packet The goal The learner requires the learner is able to achieve the to expand goal at a set his/her point in time. abilities but does not cause the learner to become frustrated or discouraged. The goal sets a target date(s)for completion. Establishing a time line is recommended. 21 Setting SMART Goals Examples: This is a SMART Goal: The learner will progress test after 60 hours of instruction. The learner will complete and submit his federal financial aid application by January 31. This is a Not-so-SMART Goal: The learner will progress test. The learner will explore financial aid options. Short Term Goals: Short-term goals are goals that you expect to achieve in a short period of time, for example, learning the days of the week or how to say hello in English. Below are some more examples. Examples: I will attend class two times per week. I will contact my teacher when I miss class. If I am absent, I will call my teacher before the class starts. (SMART goal) Long Term Goals: Long-term goals are goals that you expect to achieve in a longer period of time, for example, getting your High School Equivalency or becoming a citizen. Below are some more examples. Examples: I want to get my driver’s license. I want to register to vote. I want to register to vote by October 2016. (SMART goal) ABE/ASE/ELA Student Packet 22 Vocabulary for Goal Setting Basic Student (Page 1) My goal is to I want to look learn English. for a job. I will go to I want to speak school. English on the telephone. I will tell my I want to speak teacher when I English at work. can’t come. I will bring my I want to speak materials. English at my child’s school. Denton ISD - ABE/ASE/ELA Student Packet 23 Vocabulary for Goal Setting Basic Student (Page 1) I will study every I want to speak day. English at the store. I will watch TV in I want to speak English. English at the doctor’s office. I will help my I want to get a community. better job. I will speak I want to help my English every child with his day. homework. ABE/ASE/ELA Student Packet 24 Student Learning Plan (Basic) Student Name Teacher Name What makes you happy? What would you like to see happen in the following groups? 1. Family 2. Attendance Goal Denton ISD - ABE/ASE/ELA Student Packet 25 Student Learning Plan (Basic) 3. ESL School 4. Community 5. Job ABE/ASE/ELA Student Packet 26 Student Learning Plan (Advanced) Name: ________________________________ Date: ____________________ I’m in this program so that I can: ☐ Earn a High School Equivalency (GED) ☐ Enroll in college or job training ☐ Obtain a job ☐ Retain a job Educational, career, and/or job goals, I plan to accomplish this year. (Be as specific as possible.) I plan to achieve this goal by (month/year): Write about how you plan to accomplish these goals. ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ Family, community, and/or life goals, I plan to accomplish this year. (Be as specific as possible.) I plan to achieve this goal by (month/year): Write about how you plan to accomplish these goals. ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ Denton ISD - ABE/ASE/ELA Student Packet 27 Student Assignment Sheet Student Name: Teacher Name: DATE ABE/ASE/ELA Student Packet 28 Student Counseling Log Student name: ________________________________________ ID#:____________________________ Special notes regarding learning styles and/or special student needs: Date Comments Incremental progress checks / Student-Teacher meetings: Date Comments Teacher notes and observations: Date Comments Denton ISD Adult Education & Literacy Program 815 Cross Timber Street * Denton, TX 76205 * Phone: 940.369.0400 Denton ISD - ABE/ASE/ELA Student Packet 29 Fry Word List – The First Hundred Fry Words – The First Hundred List 1 List 2 List 3 List 4 the of and a to in is you that it he was for on are as with his they I at be this have from or one had by words but not what all were we when your can said there use an each which she do how their if will up other about out many then them these so some her would make like him into time has look two more write go see number no way could people my than first water been called who oil sit now find long down day did get come made may part ABE/ASE/ELA Student Packet 30 Fry Word List – The Second Hundred Fry Words – The Second Hundred List 1 List 2 List 3 List 4 over new sound take only little work know place years live me back give most very after things our just name good sentence man think say great where help through much before line right too means old any same tell boy follow came want show also around form three small set put end does another well large must big even such because turn here why ask went men read need land different home us move try kind hand picture again change off play spell air away animal house point page letter mother answer found study still learn should America world Denton ISD - ABE/ASE/ELA Student Packet 31 Fry Word List – The Third Hundred Fry Words – The Third Hundred List 1 List 2 List 3 List 4 high every near add food between own below country plant last school father keep tree never start city earth eyes light thought head under story saw left don’t few while along might close something seem next hard open example begin life always those both paper together got group often run important until children side feet car mile night walk white sea began grow took river four carry state once book hear stop without second late miss idea enough eat face watch far Indian real almost let above girl sometimes mountains cut young talk soon list song being leave family it’s ABE/ASE/ELA Student Packet 32