MIS 5102, SPRING 2011, CASE STUDY 1 (Due: 2/23/11) (50 points)

MIS 5102 Case Study 1
Viju Raghupathi
MediSys Corp – The Intensive Product Development Team
(Due: 2/23/11) (50 points)
1. You can complete this with your group or individually. If this is done as a group, be
sure to include a cover page with the group member names.
2. Your responses should be typed up in MS Word. Format using Times New Roman
font, 12 pt size, 1” margin.
3. Keep your responses to a maximum of 6 sentences, except for question 3 which can
go up to one page, with bullets. Points will be taken off for lengthy responses.
4. Deadline for submission is class time on 2/23.
5. Credit will be given for report format and presentation (5 points)
1. In your opinion, how well is the IntenseCare team currently performing and why?
(5 points)
2. How much teamwork do you think there was, prior to the formal introduction of
teams and why? (5 points)
3. Develop a framework or taxonomy to categorize the issues inside and outside the
company that are driving behavior, culture, and ultimately team dynamics, and
that may have contributed to team success or failures. Use bullets for levels (10
4. Response for each should be no more than 3-4 sentences (15 points).
What is at stake here for the company? How would you assess the situation at
a. in terms of meeting its initial goals for teams (why is this so?)
b. in terms of achieving its competitive goals (why is this so?)
c. Are people doing all they can to work together? Why or Why not?
d. How do team members from different functions coordinate their efforts?
e. How is information exchanged and received?
5. If you were Merz, what action plan would you take to either handle or resolve the
situation? Justify your statements in terms of the costs and benefits of the action
(5 points)
6. What are some general conclusions you can draw about the challenges and
management of cross functional teams in organizations? (5 points)