One-Line Title Sample Title, Too Long For One Line This is an example slide. These are the bulleted items: · Notice how small and pretty the bullets are? · They are not those big ones – you know, the ones that look like this: •. · That’s because we picked the smaller bullet from the Bullets and Numbering options. · Also notice how each complete sentence is punctuated accordingly. And there are no initial caps in sentences. Different Slide (w/ Tips) · · · · Initial caps in this title Incomplete sentences, no ending punctuation But still formatted consistently · Same font size for both title (32) and body (20) · Title and body text boxes placed consistently When in doubt · From Edit menu, Duplicate Slide · Replace existing copy More Tips · Need to highlight something? · Use bold, colored text only sparingly. The color values for the blue text are R=8 G=117 B=184. It is the only color you should ever use. · Never animate anything in PowerPoint. Ever. No matter what. · Seriously. Never. Thanks.