MIS5102 - FINAL EXAM (100 points) Due: May 11, 10am Overview

MIS 5102, Fox School of Business
Spring, 2011- Final Exam
Prof. Viju Raghupathi
MIS5102 - FINAL EXAM (100 points)
Due: May 11, 10am
The exam is comprised as follows:
 4 short answer questions worth 10 points each (40 points total)
 4 long answer questions worth 15 points each (60 points total)
If a question has parts, make sure you address all the parts since each part carries some weight.
For the short answer questions, a thorough response may require 5-8 bullet points or sentences
(up to approximately 150 words) for questions that have no parts. If the question has parts, then
each part may require about 2-4 bullet points (up to approximately 75 words). For the longer
answer questions, 2-3 paragraphs (up to approximately 300 words).
The word counts are guides, not upper or lower bounds. Your grade will be determined by how
clear, complete and convincing your response is, not its length. At the same time, please ensure
that the response does not appear to be choppy and incomplete.
Submit your responses as a word document with Times New Roman 12-pt font, 1” margin on all
sides and single spaced. Insert your last and first name in the header, and page numbers in the
footer. Submit the exam via email to me no later than 10:00 am on May 11, 2011. Specify “5102
Final Exam” in the subject of the message. At 10:05 am, I will post a file on the blog, under
Announcements called ExamList.xls, containing the names of those whose exams I have
received. If your name is not shown on the list, you can resend the exam by 10:30am, enclosing
the earlier sent message showing the timestamp.
Integrity Statement
As this is a “take-home” exam, I ask that prior to submitting the exam you acknowledge
compliance with this statement by typing your name in place of the line after “Name.” Copy and
paste this into your document.
“I have not given nor received any assistance on this exam from or to anyone else. The
only reference materials I have consulted in preparing this exam are those assigned for
this course.”
Name (Last, First): ___________________
Thank you and good luck!
MIS 5102, Fox School of Business
Spring, 2011- Final Exam
Prof. Viju Raghupathi
Short Answer Questions
Question #1: In May 2012, after semester grades are due for the Spring 2012 semester, the Fox
School of Business is planning to migrate all faculty email from an internally deployed
application (like Microsoft Exchange Server) to a 3rd party hosted web and Internet-access
solution (like Google Gmail).
Imagine you are an analyst working on this project. Provide an example of the following related
to the project
(a). a business requirement (3 points)
(b). a functional requirement (3 points)
(c). a non-functional requirement (2 points)
(d). a technical requirement (2 points)
Question #2: Drawing from your experiences of the project management simulation exercise,
describe how the triple constraints of project management should be handled as a project manager
(10 points).
Question #3: Thinking further about the project described in Question #1:
(a). what would be an example of a constraint the project sponsor might place on the project? (3
(b). How could that constraint be reframed as a preference? (3 points)
(c). If you were the project manager for this project, why would you care if the business needs
were expressed as a constraint or as a preference? (4 points)
Question #4: Imagine that you have enrolled in a Temple University Fox School of Business
course next semester and are assigned to a project team. You are in charge of running the first
team meeting, after the semester commences.
(a). What are three things you can do to make the first team meeting more effective? (5 points)
(b). Why did you pick these three things? (5 points)
Long Answer Questions
Question #5: Do you agree or disagree with this statement: “A misnamed project is doomed from
the start”? In what ways are project names important? (15 points)
Question #6: Again, thinking about the project described in Question #1; provide an example of
what would be a poorly chosen name, and an example of a better name for the project. Explain
the shortcomings of the first name and show how the second name is an improvement (15 points).
Question #7: What is your definition of a “requirement”? How do you think a project team
should decide whether something is a project “requirement” or not? (15 points)
Question #8: On pp. 219-220 of “Seven Steps to Mastering Business Analysis” it describes four
core components of requirements (data, processes, external agents, and business rules). What do
you see as the strengths and weaknesses of this approach to viewing requirements? (15 points)