Research Thesis Enrolment code: HSP701

Unit details [HSP]
Research Thesis
Enrolment code: HSP701
Offered: Hbt: may be taken in sem 1 OR sem 2
Special note: this unit is offered as part of the Master of Police Studies course
Unit description:
Students undertake independent research on an approved subject. The results of the
research are reported in a thesis of 15,000 words. Guidance will be provided in a short
series of workshops at the beginning of the unit and through supervision while research
work is in progress.
Staff: Dr R Hall (Coordinator)
Unit weight: 50%
Teaching pattern: supervised research
Assess: 15,000-word thesis
Courses: [R7L]
Faculty website: <>
Research Thesis
Enrolment code: HSP702
Offered: Hbt: may be taken in sem 1 OR sem 2
Special note: this unit is offered as part of the Master of Police Studies course; part-time students
must complete Research Thesis over two consecutive semesters
Unit description:
Students undertake independent research on an approved subject. The results of the
research are reported in a thesis of 15,000 words. Guidance will be provided in a short
series of workshops at the beginning of the unit and through supervision while research
work is in progress.
Staff: Dr R Hall (Coordinator)
Unit weight: 50%
Teaching pattern: supervised research
University of Tasmania unit details for 2003 academic year
July 11, 2016, 18:45 PM, page –1
Unit details [HSP]
Assess: 15,000-word thesis
Courses: [R7L]
Faculty website: <>
University of Tasmania unit details for 2003 academic year
July 11, 2016, 18:45 PM, page –2