Audio Design Enrolment code: FCB111

Unit details [FCB]
Audio Design
Enrolment code: FCB111
Offered: Hbt: sem 1
Special note: available as an elective
Unit description:
Introduces the essential concepts of audio design as they relate to live and recorded music.
Students develop an understanding of signal path, mic selection and placement,
attenuation and gain structure, leads and basic wiring, integrated and component PA
systems, crossovers and equalisation, processing and live mixing. Students are also
introduced to basic recording principles, analogue and digital techniques, signal routing
and processing, CD writing and manufacture. Students are required to understand basic
MIDI applications with real time audio, digital audio (Pro Tools for Mac) and the
application of real time plug-ins, and outboard processing.
Staff: Mr A Legg (Coordinator)
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: 2-hr lecture and 1-hr tutorial weekly (13 wks)
Prereq: FCF110
Assess: assignments and exams as determined by lecturers: Recording and sound
reinforcement component (65%), Music Industry Studies component (35%)
Required: Pellman S, An Introduction to the Creation of Electroacoustic Music, Wadsworth,
Belmont Ca, 1994.
Three CD RW discs
Reference folder for collation of Instructors tutorial documents
60 min. DAT tape.
Courses: [F3K]
Faculty website: <>
History of Jazz
Enrolment code: FCB112/212
Offered: Hbt: sem 1
Special note: available as an elective
Unit description:
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Provides a survey of the development of jazz styles, their musical characteristics and
major proponents from the advent of ragtime to modern jazz. These developments are
discussed with reference to socio-political context. Students also gain familiarity with
selected jazz repertory and the ability to identify the hallmarks of specific regional or
historical styles (eg New Orleans, Chicago, swing, be-bop etc.).
Staff: Dr A Forbes, contemporary staff
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: 2-hr lecture, 1-hr tutorial weekly (13 wks)
M.excl: FCB 120; FCB 220
Assess: research assignment (10%), 1200-word essay (25%), tutorial test (25%), final exam
Required: Tirro, Jazz: A History 2nd edn with CD, ISBN 0393963632
Courses: [F3K] [R3A]
Faculty website: <>
Music Teaching and Learning
Enrolment code: FCB113
Offered: Hbt: sem 2
Special note: available as an elective
Unit description:
Explores teaching and learning strategies in relation to vocal/instrumental performance
skills. The unit aims to provide students with an understanding of child development and
maturation issues, and requires them to develop a personal rationale for music education.
Advocacy and ethical practice are important matters for discussion.
Staff: Ms D O’Toole
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: 2-hr lecture, 1-hr tutorial weekly (13 wks)
M.excl: FCB205
Assess: class work (30%), assignments (70%) – a mixture of written, oral, individual and
group assignments
Courses: [F3K] [R3A]
Faculty website: <>
Rock Revolution
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Unit details [FCB]
Enrolment code: FCB116/216
Offered: Hbt: sem 2
Special note: available as an elective
Unit description:
Provides a survey of the development of major styles and contributions of major figures to
popular music from the 1950s to the present day, focusing on the social context of musical
styles and the relationship between the music and its selecting audience. Students gain
familiarity with significant repertoire and enhanced aural awareness in the appreciation of
formal and stylistic characteristics.
Staff: Mr A Legg (Coordinator) and Profile Staff
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: 2 hrs lecture, 1 hr workshop weekly
Assess: 500-word research assignment (10%), 1,500-word essay (30%), listening test (10% in
wk 13), end-of-sem 2-hr exam (50%)
Required: David P Szatmary, Rockin’ in Time: A social history of Rock and Roll, 4th edn, 1999
ISBN 013022636X
Anthony Decurtis, James Henke, et al, The Rolling Stone Illustrated History of Rock & Roll:
The definitive history of the most important artists and their music, 1992 ISBN 0679737286
Courses: [F2K] [F3K] [R3A] OC:
Faculty website: <>
Enrolment code: FCB117/217
Offered: Hbt: sem 1
Special note: required unit for all Voice majors in the BMus and DipMus
Unit description:
Develops competency in use of International Phonetic Alphabet for both dictation and
practical interpretation of poetic texts in English, Italian, French and German. Develops
diction skills for singers through analysis and practice of vowel and consonant placement
and enunciation.
Staff: Ms M Smith (Coordinator) and PTA staff
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: 2 x 1-hr lectures, 1 hr tutorial weekly
Assess: 4 x IPA Assignments (20% in wks 3, 6, 9, 12); mid-sem 20-min oral exam (20% in
wk 7); end-of-sem 20-min oral exam (20%); end-of-sem 2-hr written exam (40%)
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Unit details [FCB]
Required: Joan Wall, International Phonetic Alphabet for Singers: A Manual for English and
Foreign Language Diction, PST Publ, 1989
Courses: [F2K] [F3K] [R3A] [G3C] [R3N]
Faculty website: <>
Music Typesetting
Enrolment code: FCB118/218
Offered: Hbt: sem 1
Special note: required unit for all Composition majors in the BMus and DipMus; quotas apply
Unit description:
Introduces students to use of the computer music notation program ‘Finale”. Students
develop skills in music engraving leading to the creation of professional standard music
scores and performance parts. Topics include: accurate typesetting, clarity in overall
presentation and page layout, use of clear rhythmic notation in note groupings, and
sensible allocation of page-turns in parts.
Staff: Prof D Knehans (Coordinator), Profile Staff
Unit weight: 122.5%
Teaching pattern: 1 x 2-hr lecture/practical and a 1 x 1-hr workshop weekly
Assess: 6 class assignments (5% ea, due wks 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12); mid-term project score (35%,
due end wk 8); end-of-sem project score and set of parts (35%, due end wk 14)
Required: The Finale Manual
Courses: [F2K] [F3K] [R3A] OC:
Faculty website: <>
Advanced Audio Design
Enrolment code: FCB121
Offered: Hbt: sem 2
Special note: available as an elective
Unit description:
Requires students to design a substantial project in either recording, live sound production
or multi media, or indeed combinations of all three. The student needs to present a
proposal and business plan for discussion and finally implementation. The final project
must be published and/or recorded and presented with a paper detailing all research and
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Unit details [FCB]
production information. The student will need to demonstrate a high level understanding
of digital streaming, web publishing, audio production and sound processing, CD
manufacture, promotional skills and appropriate understanding of music business law
and its practical application. The emphasis is on creating an interactive web page or real
time video sound track with full synchronisation. Students continue to develop an
understanding of path, mic selection and placement, attenuation and gain structure, leads
and basic wiring, integrated and component PA systems, crossovers and equalisation,
processing and live mixing. Students are also introduced to basic recording principles,
analogue and digital techniques, signal routing and processing, CD writing and
manufacture. Students are required to understand basic MIDI applications with real time
audio, digital audio (Pro Tools for Mac) and the application of real time plug-ins, and
outboard processing.
Staff: Profile staff or PTA staff
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: 2-hr lecture and 1-hr tutorial weekly (13 wks)
Prereq: FCB111
M.excl: FCB290
Assess: assignments and exams as determined by lecturers: final project (50%), final paper
Required: Pellman S,An Introduction to the Creation of Electroacoustic Music, Wadsworth,
Belmont Ca, 1994.
Three CD RW discs
Reference folder for collation of Instructors tutorial documents
60 min. DAT tape.
Courses: [F3K]
Faculty website: <>
World Music
Enrolment code: FCB122/222
Offered: Hbt: sem 2
Special note: available as an elective
Unit description:
Provides students with an introduction to the musical life of non-Western societies
including discussion of the cultural significance and function of music and characteristic
musical styles and instruments of regions including the Middle East, India, Japan, China,
Indonesia and Africa. An introduction is also given to indigenous Australian music and
the migrant folk traditions contributing to the vitality of the Australian musical landscape.
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Unit details [FCB]
Staff: Dr A Forbes (Coordinator)
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: 2-hr lecture and 1-hr tutorial weekly (13 wks)
M.excl: FCB120, FCB220
Assess: research assignment (10%), 1200-word essay (25%), end-of-sem listening test (15%),
end-of-sem exam (50%)
Required: Titon J, Worlds of Music, shorter edn, Wadsworth, 2001, ISBN 0534585450
Courses: [F3K] [F2K] [R3A]
Faculty website: <>
Complementary Study
Enrolment code: FCB215
Offered: Hbt: may be taken in sem 1 OR sem 2
Special note: subject to approval by Head of School
Unit description:
Complementary study is taken in either year two or year three as a specifically designed
investigation to support the major study. The investigation is self-directed once the outline
of the project has been agreed to by the Head of School. Students can choose a topic for
special investigation which may be either practical or theoretical in nature. Normally
BMus students may undertake only one complementary elective within their course of
Staff: Prof D Knehans (Coordinator)
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: 1-hr consultation, 2-hr project sessions – ie rehearsals /one-on-one lesson
& performance class/research seminars (13 wks)
Prereq: successful completion of Year 1 (100%) of the BMus or equiv
Assess: work-in-context assignment (20%), formal presentation of work undertaken during
sem (80%)
Courses: [F3K]
Faculty website: <>
Enrolment code: FCB311
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Unit details [FCB]
Offered: Hbt: sem 1
Special note: available as an elective
Unit description:
Allows the student to become thoroughly acquainted with the instruments of the standard
symphony orchestra. To develop effective strategies for instrumental combinations in a
manner supportive of the musical goals of any orchestration or arranging project, or for
use in original composition.
Staff: Prof D Knehans (Coordinator), Dr H Monkhouse
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: 1 x 2-hr lecture weekly, 1-hr tutorial weekly (13 wks)
Prereq: FCT 210
M.excl: FCB160
Assess: small weekly assignments (no extensions or exemptions given), several larger
projects, a folio of work (in the 7th and last wk of sem) to consist of all weekly
assignments and larger projects set towards the end of sem (60%), final project (40%)
Required: Blatter A, Instrumentation/Orchestration, Longman NY, 1980
Manuscript paper for short exercises and orchestral score paper for full orchestral projects.
Recommend: Adler S,The Study of Orchestration, Norton, NY 1982.
Blades J, Orchestral Percussion Technique, OUP Lond & NY, 1961
Read & Gardner, Thesaurus of Orchestral Devices, Pitman, NY, 1953
Smith-Brindle R, Contemporary Percussion, OUP Lond & NY, 1970
Courses: [F3K] [R3A]
Faculty website: <>
Enrolment code: FCB312
Offered: not offered in 2004
Special note: Elective unit for BMus students
Unit description:
Provides students with an ability to convey the mechanics of beat patterns, expressive
facial, hand and body gestures. The unit provides students with score study, preparation
and interpretive skills necessary for score analysis and conveyance. It also provides
students with basic rehearsal procedure skills needed for the effective communication of
musical ideas in both large and small ensembles.
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Unit details [FCB]
Staff: Profile staff
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: 2-hr lecture and 1-hr tutorial weekly (13 wks)
Prereq: FCT210
M.excl: FCB150, FCB250
Assess: Notebook (30%), 5 rehearsal observations evaluation (20%), written end-of-sem
exam (25%), final practical exam (20-min rehearsal with approved ensemble) (25%).
Courses: [F3K]
Faculty website: <>
MIDI & Digital Audio
Enrolment code: FCB314
Offered: Hbt: sem 1
Special note: required unit for all composition students. Unit enrolment limited to 10 students.
Unit description:
Introduces the MIDI/Digital Audio workstation. Each class meeting introduces new
software or hardware applications, and an assignment is given to the students to
demonstrate their understanding of how each application functions. Even numbered
sessions focus on this series of introductions of the various applications, while odd
numbered sessions consist of reviewing student assignments and discussion of the
solutions/problems encountered in realising an assignment.
Staff: Prof D Knehans (Coordinator)
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: 2-hr lecture and 1-hr tutorial weekly (13 wks)
Prereq: FCT210, or approval of coordinator
M.excl: FCB190
Assess: class assignments (40%), mid-sem project (30%), end-of-sem project (30%)
Required: Pellman S,An Introduction to the Creation of Electroacoustic Music, Wadsworth,
Belmont Ca, 1994.
Three CD RW discs
Reference folder for collation of Instructors tutorial documents
60 min. DAT tape.
Courses: [F3K] [R3A]
Faculty website: <>
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Unit details [FCB]
Advanced MIDI & Digital Audio
Enrolment code: FCB324
Offered: Hbt: sem 2
Special note: required unit for all BMus (composition) students. Enrolment limited to 10 students
Unit description:
Through the introduction of advanced programming languages for MIDI and Digital
Audio (such as Max, Reverb, CSound and others), the student works towards the
realisation of a specific composition. In collaboration with the instructor the best
technological means for achieving a compositional goal is identified and pursued. Lessons
promote a hands-on, problem-solving format whereby the resources of object oriented
programming in a MIDI/Digital Audio environment are explored from a compositional
and a programming bias.
Staff: Prof D Knehans (Coordinator)
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: 2-hr lecture and 1-hr tutorial weekly (13 wks)
Prereq: FCB314
M.excl: FCB290
Assess: class assignments (40%), mid-sem project (30%), end-of-sem project (30%)
Required: Pellman S,An Introduction to the Creation of Electroacoustic Music, Wadsworth,
Belmont Ca, 1994.
Rowe R, Interactive Music Systems: Machine Listening and Composing, MIT Press, Cambridge
Massachusetts, 1993.
Three CD RW discs
Reference folder for collation of Instructors tutorial documents
60 min. DAT tape.
Courses: [F3K] [R3A]
Faculty website: <>
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