Performance 1 Enrolment code: FCA501/701

Unit details [FCA]
Performance 1
Enrolment code: FCA501/701
Offered: Hbt: may be taken in sem 1 OR sem 2
Unit description:
Advanced studies in instruments/vocal performance in an individual program of study
designed to develop a high level of technical and musical skills appropriate to the
specialist area. Development of knowledge and understanding of advanced repertoire and
associated concepts.
Staff: Dr A Forbes (Coordinator), various staff, according to instrument
Unit weight: 25%
Teaching pattern: 39 hrs contact time over sem consisting of individual lessons, workshops
and master classes
Assess: 70-min exam recital performance of an approved program (100%)
Courses: [F6D] [F7E]
Faculty website: <>
Performance 2
Enrolment code: FCA502/702
Offered: Hbt: may be taken in sem 1 OR sem 2
Unit description:
Further study in an individually designed program developing high level technical and
musical skill for instrumental/vocal performance. Further development of knowledge and
understanding of advanced repertoire and associated concepts.
Staff: Dr A Forbes (Coordinator), various staff, according to instrument
Unit weight: 25%
Teaching pattern: 39 hrs contact time over sem consisting of individual lessons, workshops
and master classes
Prereq: FCA501
Assess: participation in at least 2 concerts as recitalist or principal artist (prereq for the
exam), 1-hr exam (100%)
Courses: [F6D] [F7E]
Faculty website: <>
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Unit details [FCA]
Musical Development A
Enrolment code: FCA505
Offered: Hbt: sem 1
Special note: required unit for Certificate, Diploma and Master of Music Pedagogy degrees
Unit description:
Examines the development of musical skills, knowledge and understanding in beginning
students (up to 5 years of tuition) through the study of syllabus prescriptions in a
commonly used graded examination system (AMEB or Trinity College). Students will
study syllabuses for their own instruments. Lectures will focus on examining the technical
work and repertoire requirements for each stage, identifying the learning challenges and
discuss appropriate teaching strategies to assist student mastery of the challenges.
Staff: Ms D O’Toole (Coordinator), profile performance staff
Unit weight: 25%
Teaching pattern: 2 hr lecture weekly (13 weeks)
Assess: two assignments (25% ea), lecture/demonstration (50%)
Required: Current Syllabus Manual AMEB, or Trinity College
Courses: [F5K] [F6K] [F7K]
Faculty website: <>
Musical Development B
Enrolment code: FCA506
Offered: Hbt: sem 2
Special note: required unit for Certificate, Diploma and Master of Music Pedagogy degrees
Unit description:
Extends the work undertaken in Musical Development A to more advanced students (5-8
years of tuition). It examines the development of musical skills, knowledge and
understanding in more advanced student through the study of syllabus prescriptions in
a commonly used graded examination system (AMEB or Trinity College). Students will
study syllabuses for their own instruments. Lectures will focus on examining the technical
work and repertoire requirements for each stage, identifying the learning challenges and
discuss appropriate teaching strategies to assist student mastery of the challenges. It will
also cover the particular challenges of performance to a critical and knowledgeable
audience and ways of preparing students for these challenges.
Staff: Ms D O’Toole (Coordinator), profile performance staff
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Unit details [FCA]
Unit weight: 25%
Teaching pattern: 2 hr lecture weekly (13 weeks)
Prereq: FCA505
Assess: two assignments (25% ea), lecture/demonstration (50%)
Required: Current Syllabus Manual AMEB, or Trinity College
Courses: [F5K] [F6K] [F7K]
Faculty website: <>
Composition 1
Enrolment code: FCA511/711
Offered: Hbt: may be taken in sem 1 OR sem 2
Unit description:
Is designed to support advanced studies in composition. Primary concentration is given to
the development of high level technical and musical skills. On completion of the unit
students should have developed advanced skills in the technique of chamber music
composition. Development of a folio of compositions appropriate to the level of study is
by negotiation with the lecturer and approval of the Course Coordinator.
Staff: Prof D Knehans (Coordinator), Dr M Grenfell
Unit weight: 25%
Teaching pattern: 39 hrs contact time over sem consisting of individual lessons, workshops
and seminars
Assess: submission of folio and 1 hr interview (100%). The folios submitted for exam must
contain documentation of creative work undertaken during the unit, including recordings
of live performances.
Courses: [F6D] [F7E]
Faculty website: <>
Composition 2
Enrolment code: FCA512/712
Offered: Hbt: may be taken in sem 1 OR sem 2
Unit description:
Is designed to support advanced studies in composition. Primary concentration is given to
the development of high level technical and musical skills. On completion of the unit,
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Unit details [FCA]
students should have skills in the technique of large ensemble compositon. Development
of a folio of composition appropriate to the level of study is by negotiation with the
lecturer and approval of the Course Coordinator
Staff: Prof D Knehans (Coordinator), Dr M Grenfell
Unit weight: 25%
Teaching pattern: 39 hrs contact time over sem consisting of individual lessons, workshops
and seminars
Prereq: FCA511
Assess: submission of folio and 1 hr interview (100%). The folios submitted for exam must
contain documentation of creative work undertaken during the unit, including recordings
of live performances.
Courses: [F6D] [F7E]
Faculty website: <>
Music Technology
Enrolment code: FCA521/721
Offered: Hbt: may be taken in sem 1 OR sem 2
Unit description:
Introduces the MIDI/Digital Audio Workstation. Each class meeting introduces new
software or hardware applications, and an assignment is given to the students to
demonstrate their understanding of how each application functions. Sessions focus on this
series of introductions of the various applications. Classes also review student
assignments and include discussion of the solutions/problems encountered in realising
the assignment.
Staff: Prof D Knehans
Unit weight: 25%
Teaching pattern: 1-hr lecture, 1-hr tutorial weekly (26 wks)
Assess: weekly assignments, semester projects, final exam
Required: Roads C, The Computer Music Tutorial, ISBN 0262680823
Courses: [F6D] [F7E]
Faculty website: <>
Music Publishing
Enrolment code: FCA522/722
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Unit details [FCA]
Offered: Hbt: may be taken in sem 1 OR sem 2
Unit description:
Introduces the process of developing a music publishing project. The unit includes aspects
of marketing, technical preparation, funding, distribution, content development and
publishing outcomes. It is expected that students wishing to undertake this unit will have
a publishing project.
Staff: Prof D Knehans (Coordinator)
Unit weight: 25%
Teaching pattern: 1-hr lecture, 1-hr tutorial (13 wks)
Assess: weekly assignments, semester projects, final exam
Courses: [F6D] [F7E]
Faculty website: <>
Historical Performance Practice
Enrolment code: FCA523/622
Offered: Hbt: sem 1
Unit description:
Explores literature on performance practices for instruments and voices from the
Renaissance to the late Twentieth century. Students will gain an understanding of
historical performance practices and the issues associated with “authentic” performance
and the ability to implement this knowledge in performance.
Staff: Dr M Phillips (Coordinator)
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: 2 hr seminar weekly (13 weeks)
Assess: 1,000-word written assignment (30%), performance presentation in class (20%),
50-min lecture recital (50%)
Required: Colin Lawson & Robin Stowell, The Historical Performance of Music: An
Introduction, CUP, 1999 ISBN 0521621933
Courses: [F4D] [F5K] [F6K] [F7K]
Faculty website: <>
Working with Music Groups
Enrolment code: FCA524
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Unit details [FCA]
Offered: Hbt: sem 1
Unit description:
Introduces students to the principles and processes of working with groups of students in
music. Groups will include pre-instrumental classes for very young children, instrumental
tuition groups and performing groups. In class, students will consider the advantages and
disadvantages of group tuition, examine sample materials used in each of the specified
teaching contexts, and discuss teaching strategies in relation to each. Students will observe
groups in action and reflect on their observations. Opportunities will be provided for
students to discuss their observations with the tutors responsible for each group visited
Staff: Ms D O’Toole (Coordinator), profile performance staff
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: 2 hr seminar weekly (13 weeks)
Assess: 2,000–2,500-word assignment (30%), observation notes and reflective writing (45%),
seminar presentation in class (25%)
Required: Anthology of selected writings as recommended by the lecturer
Courses: [F5K] [F6K] [F7K]
Faculty website: <>
Physiology for Music Teachers
Enrolment code: FCA525
Offered: Hbt: sem 1
Unit description:
Familiarises students with the developmental stages of the skeletal, muscular, nervous and
respiratory systems in growing children and young adults, with particular focus on the
demands on these systems made by a range of musical instruments. Students will learn
strategies to keep the body in good health, and understand the importance of teaching
good warm-up and cool-down processes to their own performance students.
Staff: Prof D Knehans (Coordinator), visiting staff
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: 2 hr seminar weekly (13 weeks)
Assess: 1,500–2,000-word assignment (25%), seminar presentation in class (25%),
presentation project (50%)
Courses: [F5K] [F6K] [F7K]
Faculty website: <>
Principles and Practice of Studio Music Teaching
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Unit details [FCA]
Enrolment code: FCA526
Offered: Hbt: sem 2
Special note: Students enrolling in this unit must be practising teachers with at least two (2)
private instrumental and/or vocal students whose written consent to participate in the required
recorded activities has been gained (for students under 18, parental or guardian permission is
Unit description:
Affords practising teachers the opportunity critically to appraise their own practices. They
will undertake a program of guided reading, participate in discussions on the purposes
that underpin teaching activities, and receive feedback from peers and Conservatorium
staff on their current practices. Documentation, in both written and video form, of a
sequence of lessons will be required, as will analysis of strengths and weaknesses and the
formulation of a professional development plan.
Staff: Prof D Knehans (Coordinator), Ms D O’Toole
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: 2 hr seminar weekly (13 weeks)
Assess: 1,500–2,000-word assignment (35%), lesson sequence (video and 1,000–1, 500
words) (35%), professional development plan (30%)
Courses: [F5K] [F6K] [F7K]
Faculty website: <>
Musical Instrument Technique Study
Enrolment code: FCA527
Offered: Hbt: sem 2
Unit description:
Students will be required to research the literature on a technical aspect of instrumental
performance, in order to develop an in-depth understanding of the demands their
instrument makes on the body in relation to either facility or tone production. They will
become familiar with scholarly research literature and other sources of information related
to their instrument, and build on the understanding gained in the Physiology unit by
applying it with a narrow focus.
Staff: Dr A Forbes (Coordinator), profile performance staff, some PTA, depending on
Unit weight: 12.5%
Assess: seminar interaction (15%), report proposal (10%), seminar presentation (25%), final
report (50%)
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Unit details [FCA]
Required: As recommended by the lecturer, dependant upon topic chosen
Courses: [F6K] [F7K]
Faculty website: <>
Ensemble 1
Enrolment code: FCA531/731
Offered: Hbt: may be taken in sem 1 OR sem 2
Unit description:
Participation in chamber and conducted ensembles appropriate to area of specialisation.
Development of interpretative and presentation skills and introduction to management of
professional ensemble activity.
Staff: Dr A Forbes (Coordinator), various other staff
Unit weight: 25%
Teaching pattern: rehearsals, and 90-min masterclass weekly (13 wks)
Assess: performances (50%), lecturer’s report (50%); a combined result is given; students
must pass both components. In the case of sectional participation in large ensembles, eg
orchestra, assessment will be by lecturer’s report (50%) and excerpts tests (50%)
Courses: [F6D] [F7E]
Faculty website: <>
Ensemble 2
Enrolment code: FCA532/732
Offered: Hbt: may be taken in sem 1 OR sem 2
Unit description:
Further participation in chamber and conducted ensembles appropriate to area of
specialisation and expansion of knowledge of ensemble repertoire. Continued
development of interpretative and presentation skills appropriate to professional
ensemble activity.
Staff: Dr A Forbes (Coordinator), various other staff
Unit weight: 25%
Teaching pattern: rehearsals, and 90-min masterclass weekly (13 wks)
Prereq: FCA531
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Unit details [FCA]
Assess: performances (50%), lecturer’s report (50%); a combined result is given; students
must pass both components. In the case of sectional participation in large ensembles, eg
orchestra, assessment will be by lecturer’s report (50%) and excerpts tests (50%)
Courses: [F6D] [F7E]
Faculty website: <>
Music Research Project
Enrolment code: FCA540/740
Offered: Hbt: sem 1
Special note: required unit for MMus students
Unit description:
Reviews bibliographic resources and methodologies appropriate for postgraduate level
research on a musical topic and further develops research skills through a series of focused
research tasks. Students research an individual topic relevant to their area of musical
endeavour, make a seminar presentation and submit a major written assignment on this
Staff: Dr A Forbes
Unit weight: 25%
Teaching pattern: 2-hr seminar weekly (13 wks)
Assess: assignments (25%), seminar presentation (15%), research paper of 4,500–5,000
words (60%)
Recommend: Turabian, A Manual for Writers of Term Papers, Theses and Dissertations, 6th edn,
ISBN 0226816273
Courses: [F6D] [F7E]
Faculty website: <>
Topics in Music Theory
Enrolment code: FCA541/641
Offered: Hbt: sem 1
Unit description:
Provides an opportunity to explore in depth over a semester particular aspects music
theory and analysis. Periods will be cycled and topics chosen will focus on a particular
analytical method and will enable detailed study of the contribution of major theoretical
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Unit details [FCA]
and analytical methods particularly targeted to stylistic periods (eg Schenkerian Analysis
for Tonal Music; Set Theory for Post Tonal Music; Modal Theory for Pre-Tonal Music, etc.)
Staff: Prof. D. Knehans (Coordinator), profile staff
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: 2 hr seminar weekly (13 weeks)
Assess: 1,000-word written assignment (25%), seminar presentation (25%), 2,000-word final
analysis project (50%)
Courses: [F5K] [F6K] [F7K]
Faculty website: <>
Topics in Music History
Enrolment code: FCA542/642
Offered: Hbt: sem 2
Unit description:
Provides an opportunity to explore in depth over a semester particular aspects of a
chronological period of music history. Periods will be cycled and topics chosen will focus
on a particular genre or characteristic of a given chronological period and will enable
detailed study of the contribution of major composers and the development of musical
Staff: Dr A Forbes (Coordinator), profile staff
Unit weight: 12.5%
Teaching pattern: 2 hr seminar weekly (13 weeks)
Assess: 1,000-word written assignment (25%), seminar presentation in class (25%),
2,000-word essay (50%)
Courses: [F4D] [F5K] [F6K] [F7K]
Faculty website: <>
Performance 3
Enrolment code: FCA703
Offered: Hbt: may be taken in sem 1 OR sem 2
Unit description:
Further advanced study in an individually designed program extending high level
technical and musical skills for instrumental/vocal performance developed in previous
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Unit details [FCA]
units. Further development of knowledge and understanding of advanced repertoire and
associated concepts.
Staff: Dr A Forbes (Coordinator), various staff, according to instrument
Unit weight: 25%
Teaching pattern: 39 hrs contact time over sem consisting of individual lessons, workshops
and master classes
Prereq: FCA502
Assess: participation in at least 2 concerts as recitalist or principal artist (prereq for the
exam), 70-min exam recital performance of an approved program (100%)
Courses: [F7E]
Faculty website: <>
Performance 4
Enrolment code: FCA704
Offered: Hbt: may be taken in sem 1 OR sem 2
Unit description:
Final unit in a sequence of advanced study in an individually designed program aimed at
the development of high level technical and musical skills for instrumental/vocal
performance. Students demonstrate a comprehensive knowledge of the repertoire of their
specialisation and an integration of associated concepts of performance.
Staff: Dr A Forbes (Coordinator), various staff, according to instrument
Unit weight: 25%
Teaching pattern: 39 hrs contact time over sem consisting of individual lessons, workshops
and master classes
Prereq: FCA703
Assess: participation in at least 2 concerts as recitalist or principal artist (prereq for the
exam), 70-min exam recital performance of an approved program (100%)
Courses: [F7E]
Faculty website: <>
Composition 3
Enrolment code: FCA713
Offered: Hbt: may be taken in sem 1 OR sem 2
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Unit details [FCA]
Unit description:
Is designed to support advanced studies in composition. Primary concentration is given to
the development of high level technical and musical skills. On completion of the unit
students should have developed advanced skills in the technique of vocal composition
either in solo, choral or operatic genres. Development of a folio of compositions
appropriate to the level of study is by negotiation with the lecturer and approval of the
Course Coordinator.
Staff: Prof D Knehans (Coordinator), Dr M Grenfell
Unit weight: 25%
Teaching pattern: 39 hrs contact time over sem consisting of individual lessons, workshops
and seminars
Prereq: FCA512
Assess: submission of folio and 1 hr interview (100%). The folio submitted for exam must
contain documentation of creative work undertaken during the unit, including recordings
of live performances.
Courses: [F7E]
Faculty website: <>
Composition 4
Enrolment code: FCA714
Offered: Hbt: may be taken in sem 1 OR sem 2
Unit description:
Consists of the completion of a major composition of appropriate scope and sophistication.
It is expected that work created in this unit should be of a comparable professional
standard and represent a development of the skills and ideas covered in FCA511, FCA512
and FCA713
Staff: Prof D Knehans (Coordinator), Dr M Grenfell
Unit weight: 25%
Teaching pattern: 39 hrs contact time over sem consisting of individual lessons, workshops
and seminars
Prereq: FCA713
Assess: submission of folio and 1 hr interview (100%). The folios submitted for exam must
contain documentation of creative work undertaken during the unit, including recordings
of live performances.
Courses: [F7E]
Faculty website: <>
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Unit details [FCA]
Ensemble 3
Enrolment code: FCA733
Offered: Hbt: may be taken in sem 1 OR sem 2
Unit description:
Advanced level participation in chamber and conducted ensembles appropriate to the area
of specialisation and expansion of knowledge of advanced ensemble repertoire.
Involvement in management and presentation of personal concert performances, and
development of expertise in programming and associated skills related to professional
ensemble activity.
Staff: Dr A Forbes (Coordinator), various other staff
Unit weight: 25%
Teaching pattern: rehearsals, and 90-min masterclass weekly (13 wks)
Prereq: FCA532
Assess: performances (50%), lecturer’s report (50%); a combined result is given; students
must pass both components. In the case of sectional participation in large ensembles, eg
orchestra, assessment will be by lecturer’s report (50%) and excerpts tests (50%)
Courses: [F7E]
Faculty website: <>
Ensemble 4
Enrolment code: FCA734
Offered: Hbt: may be taken in sem 1 OR sem 2
Unit description:
Final unit in a sequence of advanced level participation in chamber and conducted
ensembles appropriate to area of specialisation. Continued development of knowledge of
the chamber repertoire of specialisation and high level involvement in all aspects of
activity associated with professional ensemble concert performance.
Staff: Dr A Forbes (Coordinator), various other staff
Unit weight: 25%
Teaching pattern: rehearsals, and 90-min masterclass weekly (13 wks)
Prereq: FCA533
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Unit details [FCA]
Assess: performances (50%), lecturer’s report (50%); a combined result is given; students
must pass both components. In the case of sectional participation in large ensembles, eg
orchestra, assessment will be by lecturer’s report (50%) and excerpts tests (50%)
Courses: [F7E]
Faculty website: <>
Major Research Project
Full time
Enrolment code: FCA750
Offered: Hbt: may be taken in summer-sch OR sem 1 OR sem 2
Unit description:
Students undertake independent research on an approved subject leading to a thesis of
15,000 words or a major performance/composition project that includes a 5,000 word
written component.
Staff: Dr A Forbes (Coordinator), profile staff
Unit weight: 50%
Teaching pattern: Unit is one semester full-time; supervised research; students work
independently with consultation and seminars
Prereq: 100% coursework units
Assess: 15,000-word thesis; or major performance/composition project that includes a
5,000-word component
Courses: [F7K]
Faculty website: <>
Major Research Project
Part time
Enrolment code: FCA751
Offered: Hbt: sem 1 & sem 2 (See also Unit details 'Special note')
Special note: or semesters 2 and 3 (of the following year)
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Unit details [FCA]
Unit description:
Students undertake independent research on an approved subject leading to a thesis of
15,000 words or a major performance/composition project that includes a 5,000 word
written component.
Staff: Dr A Forbes (Coordinator), profile staff
Unit weight: 50%
Teaching pattern: Unit is 2 sequential semesters part-time; supervised research; students
work independently with consultation and seminars
Prereq: 100% coursework units
Assess: 15,000-word thesis; or major performance/composition project that includes a
5,000-word component
Courses: [F7K]
Faculty website: <>
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